View Full Version : 600 point guard

03-07-2012, 02:38 PM
Hi guize, I was wondering if there were any improvements that I could make to my guard army for the schools league.
Please note that in a league army I can only have a Heavy Support or a Fast attack, but not both.
Here's the list:

Primaris psyker
Veteran squad, 2 meltas,
Heavy Flamer, chimera 165
Veteran squad, 3 meltas,
lascannon team, chimera 175
Leman Russ, Plasma cannons 190

Total 600

I would've taken a valkyrie, but sadly the rules wouldn't allow that. This army list is a change from my
previous army, which had a command squad with a lascannon and camo, no heavy flamer in the squad,
another melta in the squad, and multi melta sponsons on the russ. Also note that the chimeras have heavy flamers and multi meltas.

The general plan would be to keep the lascannon squad at the objective together with the russ and puss forward with the other squad, recieving fire support from the russ. I changed my list because it seemed to lack anti-horde capacity in my games, and also the lascannons seemed to either miss, or not penetrate anything that was av 11 or better.

I was thinking that a possible change would be to replace the plasma cannons on the leman russ with heavy bolters, and then give both chimeras hunter-killer missiles.

Do you guys think it was a good change to make, or that I should change my army in any other way?


03-07-2012, 02:43 PM
in my experience Hunter killer missiles don't work to well because they miss, or you lose the tank to early. However your playing at a low points total so they may work well as you will most likely always get the chance to fire them.

03-13-2012, 08:25 AM
I would switch out the Leman Russ, for a Vendetta, especially since you want one anyways (well a Valkyrie...but personally the vendetta will give you a little more umpf) That should leave you a few extra points too, so you could add a flamer into your first vet squad to help with your horde problems, and maybe switch out one of the meltas from the other squad to a flamer as well.

Then you can have one squad of veterans riding around in the vendetta, and you will have three twin linked lascannons to boot. These will hit a lot more and are manouverable compared to your lascannon team you currently have. I would then consider dropping them for something else, or maybe just different weapons like Autocannons to increase your number of shots, but still pack a punch.

I realize you are losing your tank then, but the vendetta still packs some destructive power, and increases your mobility a ton! And then you have a lot more tactical options.

Don't worry about hunter killer missles, you already have 5 melta guns, a Leman Russ and a Lascannon squad, you don't really need any more Big hitters for such a small point size. If you consider the changes I mentioned then you would have 3 twin linked lascannons, 4 meltas and some heavy Weapons of whatever you want, so still plenty, and no need for Hunter Killers. I would explore some more anti-infantry weapons.