View Full Version : Broke necron units.

03-07-2012, 12:07 AM
So on my last trip to my local FLGS, I was browsing around the 40k section and eyeing the necrons when a dreaded neck-beard approaches me. Now let me paint you a picture. I am 6'6 inches tall and am curently in the army. I am not the average looking hobby enthusiest. This guy was about 5'4, on the wrong side of 30 and smelled like he hadn't bathed in a week. To top all of this off he stands close enough to me to be sharing my jacket. Now i try to ignore it and grab two boxes of necron destroyers. NOTE: I am NOT a player, only a hobbyist). As I am desperately trying to find away around this guy to get to the register, he turns, looks up at me and hacks up the word "broke". As a non-gamer, i actually pause and question his phlematic statement. "excuse me?" I say. (In my mind i am thinking that these models are broken and am about to exchange the boxes for some other ones). But no, he starts rattling off AP this and Stregnth that, something about weapon skill and so on.. I kind of go blank in the eyes and tell him that "I am not a gamer, I just like the necron models and am painting them to sell". Instead of stopping his saliva soaked sputtering (heh), he begins lecturing me about how people like me ruin the game for people like him. Now I am getting a little irate. So i simply ask him "how do you mean? I dont understand" so he gets a little closer to me (i gagged a bit, but hid it well), and tells me my "type" buy up all the models at this particular store and make it "impossible" for gamers to buy units as they need them. After i let him finish that statement i had enough and simply walked to the register, made my purchase and left.

Can someone explain any of this phenomenon to me?! Maybe some tips to make it not happen again?


03-07-2012, 12:17 AM
Ignore it and continue on, sadly like any thing in this world 40k has it's fanatics and some of them like WoW fanatics forget their still human and require hygeine, social skills, water and proper food to survive. For the most part their harmless as long as you let them go, argue with them and you've opened a flood gate, I'd say you handled it well and just avoid him in the future. Your not ruining anything at all merely enjoying the hobby like everyone else, I have often bought models purely to paint and display, currently a Valkyrie,a Tryon, a Dreanought (like rhinos I love these things) and a Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut. Keep up the work and post a few of your models, would like to see them.

03-07-2012, 01:17 AM
Never had it happen to me, but I'd probably be pretty pissed off. I'm not a tall guy, only 5'10, but I get a lot of comments like "dude, your arms are as big as my legs". So I imagine if he really did make me lose my temper, I'd push him back out of arm's length, and say something to the effect of "ok, first off, back off, you're invading my personal space. Secondly, go take a frikin' shower, you smell horrible. Thirdly, I don't give a damn about your bull**** opinion on something I don't care about*, so #$%& off before I make you". If he was socially inept enough to continue, then I really don't know what I'd do, and I really don't want to know.

Then I'd go wash my hands. In fact, that actually reminds me, I need to get some hand sanitizer. Used all the stuff I had up at the Bay Area Open. It's nice to have some on hand sometimes.

*you said you weren't a gamer, so while I do care about the game I added that in

03-07-2012, 01:27 AM
Never had it happen to me, but I'd probably be pretty pissed off. I'm not a tall guy, only 5'10, but I get a lot of comments like "dude, your arms are as big as my legs". So I imagine if he really did make me lose my temper, I'd push him back out of arm's length, and say something to the effect of "ok, first off, back off, you're invading my personal space. Secondly, go take a frikin' shower, you smell horrible. Thirdly, I don't give a damn about your bull**** opinion on something I don't care about*, so #$%& off before I make you". If he was socially inept enough to continue, then I really don't know what I'd do, and I really don't want to know.

Then I'd go wash my hands. In fact, that actually reminds me, I need to get some hand sanitizer. Used all the stuff I had up at the Bay Area Open. It's nice to have some on hand sometimes.

I definitely lol'd at this response. the only problem is that i would never lay a hand on someone just for being un-hygenic and socially- inept. I probably should have been more assertive in the fact that i didnt want him near me though.

The thing that still bugs me is what he said about how hobbyists "ruin" the game for the gamers. Is this the general feeling towards us? im not talking about people that have a GW store near them, I am talking about people that rely on FLGS locations for their model needs. Obviously stock isnt an issue at a GW store (most of the time). Am I not just as entitled to buy a miniature simply for the sake of hobby? I feel like this is a dumb argument, but does anyboy feel the same way as the mouth-breather I encountered?

03-07-2012, 01:54 AM
that sounds really annoying, but it seems that you handeld the situation well!
as a hobbyist myself i can say that it is actually HIS sort that ruin the game. a FLGS with hobbyists has a large variety of models in stock, FLGS's with 'gamers' only has tau in stock, all the thunderwolf cav are sold out!

still for a bit of fun (and if the stores fire alarm isnt to sensitive) bring out some spray deoderant and start lightly spraying it at him, when he asks jus casually walk to the other side of the store. :P

so in reality the guy is just a dick.


03-07-2012, 04:15 AM
No group ruins 40K for any other group - this niche hobby really isn't big enough to warrant warring factions of hobbyists vs. gamers. There are jerks in both camps.

03-07-2012, 06:33 AM
I had to say I did lol there. A smelly gamer got booted out of a lgs here during a tournament, now EVERYONE comes in freshly showered and wearing clean clothes. All it takes is one very public display of kicking out a smelly guy and soon its no longer a problem. And yes I have to agree with everyone that guy is a total ***.

03-07-2012, 07:41 AM
A smelly gamer got booted out of a lgs here during a tournament, now EVERYONE comes in freshly showered and wearing clean clothes.
This is awesome. I have to say, I try and time my trips to my local GW so that I am there when school is on so that I avoid a lot of these, of course it means during the holidays these are no go areas.

03-07-2012, 08:03 AM
I agree with almost everyone here. They guy is in the wrong. I don't usually start up conversations with strangers just because they are picking up some models but, if I did somehow and you told me that you were not a gamer I would have been thrilled. Every model bought at my FLGS and not online helps me keep my favorite hangout. My store refreshes it stock pretty frequently and if they don't have a model they can order it for you. If it not a bit order it will be there for you next week.

I guess the moral of the story. ignore the neckbeard and buy more stuff ^_^


03-07-2012, 09:07 AM
No group ruins 40K for any other group - this niche hobby really isn't big enough to warrant warring factions of hobbyists vs. gamers. There are jerks in both camps.

1000% correct.

03-07-2012, 09:45 AM
No group ruins 40K for any other group - this niche hobby really isn't big enough to warrant warring factions of hobbyists vs. gamers. There are jerks in both camps.

I would say the "Jerk" sub-group does, but they do for every group they attach themselves to. We just have to identify them and preclude them from the group before they become a problem.

03-07-2012, 10:08 AM
I remember getting yelled out for spraying deodorant on myself in my FLGS. (I'm not overweight, but am always worried about hygiene lol).

03-07-2012, 08:32 PM
I remember getting yelled out for spraying deodorant on myself in my FLGS. (I'm not overweight, but am always worried about hygiene lol).
They were just scared they might get some on them and smell semi normal!

03-07-2012, 10:05 PM
I thought our local shop didn't smell so bad this week - we must have finally cast Sludge out of this country and you wound up with him.

Having been in your position before, especially the being in the military part, it's a bit annoying that you cannot handle the situation like other people might have or like you might have desired - you can't tell him to get the hell out of your face and out of your personal space, because the gods know if you come across as too rude and he gets a hare up his rear he can cause you no end of trouble with calling in to your command.

03-08-2012, 03:19 AM
Why is there always a smelly in every shop? Lol

Seriously, its your hobby, do with it as you will. Whoever buys models still helps out the game.

Have you tried the game though. It's really rather fun!


03-08-2012, 05:08 AM
Man just ingnore that guy. I mean, WTF! Yeah dont let that get you down you are not runing anything. If anything you are making people happy by painting models to sell.


03-08-2012, 10:00 AM
Why is there always a smelly in every shop? Lol

I really can't wrap my brain around this one. This hobby seems to have more-than-an-average share of rank *******s. Fair amount of halitosis too. Why is this? Is it the general lack of women in the hobby? Or the relatively high number of single straight dudes who play? Females have a pretty low level of tolerance for reekiness in my experience.

03-08-2012, 10:03 AM
That word is blocked here? How do we talk about Mike Meyers' calorically-challenged Scottish character?

03-08-2012, 10:34 AM
I hope you have been assured of the fact that this neckbeard was not and never will be representative of any wargaming community, except perhaps he is an accurate visual metaphor for the vocal minority.

Loud, inflated beyond reason, self-important, and making a stink about every little thing.

...I'll just go stand in a corner now.

The Madman
03-08-2012, 11:27 AM
So on my last trip to my local FLGS, I was browsing around the 40k section and eyeing the necrons when a dreaded neck-beard approaches me. Now let me paint you a picture. I am 6'6 inches tall and am curently in the army. I am not the average looking hobby enthusiest. This guy was about 5'4, on the wrong side of 30 and smelled like he hadn't bathed in a week. To top all of this off he stands close enough to me to be sharing my jacket. Now i try to ignore it and grab two boxes of necron destroyers. NOTE: I am NOT a player, only a hobbyist). As I am desperately trying to find away around this guy to get to the register, he turns, looks up at me and hacks up the word "broke". As a non-gamer, i actually pause and question his phlematic statement. "excuse me?" I say. (In my mind i am thinking that these models are broken and am about to exchange the boxes for some other ones). But no, he starts rattling off AP this and Stregnth that, something about weapon skill and so on.. I kind of go blank in the eyes and tell him that "I am not a gamer, I just like the necron models and am painting them to sell". Instead of stopping his saliva soaked sputtering (heh), he begins lecturing me about how people like me ruin the game for people like him. Now I am getting a little irate. So i simply ask him "how do you mean? I dont understand" so he gets a little closer to me (i gagged a bit, but hid it well), and tells me my "type" buy up all the models at this particular store and make it "impossible" for gamers to buy units as they need them. After i let him finish that statement i had enough and simply walked to the register, made my purchase and left.

Can someone explain any of this phenomenon to me?! Maybe some tips to make it not happen again?


To put it simply, he was a C***. Ignore him. And unfortunately you can't prevent it without ever leaving your house again; even then they can always be the ones delivering your mail orders. :D

03-08-2012, 12:50 PM
sadly there is nothing you can do other then walk away. People like are just like the ones on the internet looking for an argument and not listening to anything you say. It really is a shame though that someone would bring so much negativity at someone they just met and enjoys the same thing they do.

03-08-2012, 12:53 PM
sounds like a real ***, ppl like that only drive others away from our awesome game.

on another note, the only ppl i get annoyed with are the little kids who buy up all the new kits and NEVER paint them.... how fun can it be to field an army of flat grey....

03-08-2012, 01:51 PM
Why is there always a smelly in every shop? Lol

Seriously, its your hobby, do with it as you will. Whoever buys models still helps out the game.

Have you tried the game though. It's really rather fun!


I have tried the game on several occasions over the years. i just never got into the constant rule changes and paying 50+ dollars a shot at the new rule book. also here in my area, it is impossible to find anyone willing to just have a fun/learning game with.

03-08-2012, 06:56 PM
Are you not supporting Games Workshop so that they can continue to produce this neckbearded wackjob's favorite game? Honestly, I think hobbyists are great, if only because I suck at painting.

03-08-2012, 08:14 PM
This story put a huge grin on my face. I have very similar stories with a very similar antagonist lol

Uncle Nutsy
03-08-2012, 08:18 PM
I'd just make fun of him.

Might start off with a "how long has it been since you've been with a woman?" or something that has the effect of short-circuiting the brain.

03-12-2012, 05:19 AM
Your post reminded me of this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mp7Ikko8SI

Let me tell you, it could have been worse if you actually played the game. My group will no longer play at our FLGS. Last time we did a bunch of neck-beards wanted to tell us in detail how to play the game. It might not have been bad if they had a clue what they were talking about, but they did not (these particular guys weren't overtly smelly, per se). We couldn't get them to move on, no matter how rude we got, even telling them at one point to STFU and GTFO.

03-12-2012, 06:12 AM
It is a real shame that the vocal minority of our nerd sub-culture do tend to conform to that stereotype.

If there is a genuine problem of people buying up all the stock of Product A or Box B, it isn't the fault of the people buying it, regardless of what they plan to do with it. Anyone with a moddicum of sense should be able to see that. if he really felt that badly about it, he needs to speak to the store manager about the way they control their inventory. Sure there are times when stuff runs out and there is nothing they can do or would have been able to do about it, particularly around release dates, but if it is a regular issue that is something else entirely.

As for you ruining the hobby for this neckbeard ( I must tread carefully here as my beardline is beginning to decend, though without the anti-societal attitude so far thankfully), screw him! It is every bit as much your hobby as it is his. If you were buying a very tightly limited edition model you were simply buying to store or sell on for profit and were actually depriving another hobbyist of the chance to get something, then maybe maybe he would have had a point. But a box set that is readilly availible and a part of GWs main line? The gentleman was simple being headgear designed for one's posterior.

As for those guys interferring with games, as Necron2.0 pointed out, it is so frickin' annoying! Sure it is one thing to help someone out with rules if they ask for it, or if you are mates with the players etc. I have been known to interject when people have been playing really wrong (and I don't mean the fine minutee of the rules, I mean like assuming they have to move their models towards the enemy and so never being allowed to fire heavy weapons... obviously I am not referrencing Rage USR here), but I will always let ask if they know they aren't playing to the rules as sometimes it is on purpose for a special mission or something, but for the most part, if it isn't your game, keep out of it.