View Full Version : Warhammer World Meetup/Tournament

Night System
03-06-2012, 04:30 PM
Just a thought really.

Since we have a good community here. If there was to be some sort of official meet up, say at WW or Maelstrom games (Sorry I am British and therefore biased, but it would work for our American members to with different venues) who would be interested?

I think it would be a good day if we could get a few people down, maybe get some T-shirts etc. Be able to put a face to some of the forum avatars.

Good Idea? Bad Idea?

03-08-2012, 04:33 PM
Sounds like a plan to me (that said, we can't be more than a few miles away from each other anyway... Sods odds we actually have met and I haven't worked it out...)

WW is always a great venue, especially with bugman's next door. Not sure about what they'd think of selling BoLS stuff on their property, but it's always relatively easy to book it for events.

Just have to make sure no one who gets involved with the longwinded, repetitive arguments from the Rules Lounge get too close to each other or start up their online debates face to face; far too likely to start a punch-up :P

Night System
03-09-2012, 01:15 AM
I am actually surprised at how little interest there seems to be. But I don't think we would be selling BoLS stuff there, merely getting T-shirts beforehand for the meet.

03-09-2012, 04:57 AM
I'd love to come, but actually getting to WW (or anywhere for that matter) is way out of my horribly tight budget at the moment, plus until I can get an army case I have no good way of transporting my Marines. Still, it is something to aspire towards.