View Full Version : COD: Inspiration?

09-17-2009, 08:16 PM
Hi All,

I've got one of those big boxes of COD terrain, the shrine, a whole bunch of the Pegasus stuff, and whole bunch of stuff I've just been collecting (electrical boxes, power supply fans, tubing, sprues, etc.).

Now I need some inspiration... My son came to me tonight and said: "Let's build a building!" and I said "OK". It's about time I got serious...

I've looked at the WH40K books, GWs website (modular city, etc.) and like that, but I'm looking for something special and different, but not overly ambitious.

Post links of your favorite, or your own even, "human"/Imperial/Chaos COD terrain. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! :)


09-18-2009, 06:22 AM
Well, having made a bunch of buildings myself from the CoD sets, I've been, and continue to be inspired by several people's work.

Firstly, I recommend having a look at this thread (http://s3.zetaboards.com/The_Ammobunker/topic/176134/1/) over at The Ammobunker, which has loads of cool examples of stuff people have made using the CoD kits, and more.

Then, I recommend having a look at some of these threads on Warseer:
Dav0r's Modular CoD board (very cool!) (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83037&highlight=dav0r)
Zigor's CoD thread (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157750)

Then there's my own Uber Terrain Mega-Project (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80756), CoD stuff from this post (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2672005&postcount=307) onwards.

Currently I'm being inspired by Digit's phoenomenal SoB Commandery (http://s3.zetaboards.com/The_Ammobunker/topic/7132156/1/) over at The Ammobunker.

I hope you get some inspiration from these!

09-18-2009, 08:17 AM

I had seen Zigor's thread before, but not any of the others. I never even heard of the "ammobunker" before. :)


09-18-2009, 02:13 PM
Thanks Firestorm. That helped me out. Now I'm inspired with another project, great.