View Full Version : Alatoc 1500 list / army blog?

03-06-2012, 01:37 PM
I am working on a 1500 Alatoc themed list s0o0o tons of pathfinders maby one unit of scorpions and Guardian stuff vehicles, storm squads, Jet bikes exc,. The list is defiantly up for interpretation but the Autarch is nonnegotiable I lovee the reaper launcher mini., also I am a forum noob s00o I am not shure if I can post a army blog in this same post too?

Power Wepon
Reaper Launtcher
Swooping Hawk Wings

Runes of Warding
Singing Spear


Pathfinder Squad
Pathfinders x5

Pathfinder Squad
Pathfinders x5

Gaurdian Squad
Storm Squad Gaurdians x5
Fusion guns x2

Guardian Jetbike Squad
Gaurdian Jetbike x3
Shuriken Cannon
Singing Spear


Striking Scorpion Squad
Striking Scorpions x10
Scorpions Claw

Fire Dragon Squad
Fire Dragons x 6

Heavy Support

War Walker Squad
War Walkers x3
Eldar Missile Launtcher x3
Scatter Laser x3

Star Cannon
Halo fields
Spirit Stones

Star Cannon
Halo fields
Spirit Stones

03-06-2012, 02:10 PM
I like this list actually...I've never been a fan of rangers myself, but this list looks good. Maybe get rid of one of the falcons and some SS to put either/both the fire dragons and storm guardians in wave serpents? Otherwise a good opponent will kill both of those units before they reach his line...small squads that can't take any punishment really, and need to be close to use their fusion guns.

03-07-2012, 02:55 PM
well my plan is to put the dragons in a falcon and the seer and guardians in the other., I will avoid big long range threats like devastators or land raiders by staying out of there line of sight and range untill it is totaly nessisary and when other medium short range threats to the falcons or crew., like melta packed chimeras are dealt with our out of position,. I might swap a falcon and guardians for a couple BL vipers but i am not to comfey with only one shot at bs3 most likly unguided but they would give me more long range puntch and a way to snipe off thoes big nastys before they rumble in range of somthing valuable lolzz definatly a idea to playtest

also big scorpion chainsword or scorpions claw for MC and tank eating? pluss the giant chainsword looks awsomee

03-07-2012, 03:47 PM
Good Luck with this! The theme is great, but in my experience, this sort of build gets completely creamed. I would consider a second full squad of Scorpions and perhaps Karandras in place of one of the other HQs. Then add another squad of Pathfinders and bump the Jetbike Squad up to 6 bikes with 2 Cannons and a Warlock with Embolden and a Singing Spear. Stick the Autarch on a bike with this squad or run a Farseer on a Bike with this Squad. Fire Dragons in a Wave Serpent or Falcon.

Potentially, having 20 Scorpions and a Phoenix Lord to deal with will distract the opponent from targeting the 3 Pathfinders Squads. The the Jetbikes can swoop for objective grabs or to help out Pathfinders holding objectives. Dragons go up and kill something.

It's still going to be challenging. Pathfinders are really difficult to justify with the proliferation of heavy flamers that are around since Blood Angels and Imperial Guard have gained popularity. Good Luck!

03-07-2012, 04:10 PM
i defiantly see where you are coming from I think insted of one big unit of 6 why not 2 of 3 for objective grabs and harasing tanks and infintry that could threten the pathfinders., I dont want to add any more aspect wariors because i used to play a biel tan mech list alott and i want to get away from that play style and try somthing new. so maby put the autartch on a bike with one unit of 3 bikes with warloc and the seer in the other unit with a warlock., both giving me mobile anti heavy tank in both units at bs 4 and my far seer can support the falcons with guide still as they move up and i will ditch the guardians and still have 4 objective grabbers :D

03-07-2012, 05:20 PM
I forgot to mention... as nice as the Autarch figure is, you will need a unit of Swooping Hawks to hide him in... unfortunately, Warp Spiders and an Autarch with a Warp Jump Generator is most likely, the better option...

03-07-2012, 05:24 PM
In regards to your last post, yes... I like that idea!

I prefer bikes in squads of 6 models simply because it gives them some level of resiliency. If you are only running for bikes and lose 2 to shooting, you effectively have a useless unit. When you run 6 with 2 Cannons, the cannons tend to stay alive for several turns... 6 Str 6 shots cannot be ignored quite as easily and still present a potential threat to pretty much anything short of a tank

03-08-2012, 01:25 PM
Just from watching a friend play a list like this i would highly recommend giving the walkers all scatterlasers...the torrent of fire can be amazing and even more so when backed up by guide and/or doom. Just wish we still had access to the old craftworld rules...ranger forces were amazing then!

03-08-2012, 06:28 PM
They were beyond good. The craftworld codex disruption table was broken!!!

03-08-2012, 07:37 PM
Oh man was it ever. I once killed a hive tryant before the game began and put over half his army back in reserve! Man the good old days when Eldar codex was written by Megafanboy turned writer, Mister Gav himself lol. But back to the op...if u get some games in let us know how it goes, eldar was my original army and i love seeing builds that bring some of there old flavor back.