View Full Version : Games-Workshop AWESOME Customer Service!

03-06-2012, 01:34 PM
Games-Workshop Customer Service Story:

One of the gifts my Wife's gave me, an Eldar Fire Prism Tank, came without it's Clear Sprue. I called Games-Workshop and they shipped the part no questions asked. That's a typical G.W. Customer Service story.

Here's where it gets better....

A few days ago, my cat knocked over many items from my Workstation. My dog decided these are great chew-toys. I was able to repair everything that was gnawed on. But the very next day the same situation occurred. This time, there were casualties....

Not too worried about that poor Dire Avenger, but the same Clear Sprue that G.W. sent me got mauled!! Many of the parts were salvagable, and will look like extensive battle damage. But the Fire Prism Cannon parts were masticated beyond saving. I called Games-Workshop and explained the unusual and unfortunate events. I asked if there was a way I could purchase the parts.

They said no.

Madison (the G.W. Employee) then informed me they will be sending out the replacement parts, and I should have them in 6 to 7 days!!


03-06-2012, 01:38 PM
I haven't had any experience with their services yet but this bodes well for my friend's Draigo model which has bubbles in it.

Also that's very nice of them, they should advertise this aspect of their company more, good post-sale service is something to be proud of!

03-06-2012, 01:57 PM
For all the complaints people have with GW (legitimate or not) customer service is not usually one of them and I've always had a veyr good experience with them. They happily swap problem models and replace mssing bits. On the one occasion I had a sprue missing they gave me whole new box. I forget what it was, but needless to say I was chuffed.

03-06-2012, 01:58 PM
I had a cryptek that had really bad mold lines. I called GW and a new was shipped out. Say what you want about GW but thier customer service is great.

Inquiring M1nd
03-06-2012, 02:47 PM
That matches my experience. I've had a bad a finecast Broodlord, and mis-matched limbs on both a metal Ravener and a Metal Venomthrope. Apparently the skilled workers at GW had trouble telling the many limbs apart.

I called customer service for the Broodlord, and a got a new one, and went to my local store for the Venomthrope, and got a replacement. (they didn't replace the Ravener, my fault, it was sitting unopened at the bottom of my to-do list until well after the plastic release)

I would like to pose an ethical question: If a GW store is convenient, and has a good stock, should you do a swap for a good model instead of called for a new one in the brick & mortar or call the hotline and get a good condition model & keep the problem model for possible rehabilitation?

Lunar Camel
03-06-2012, 04:22 PM
The customer service depends on where you receive it.

I've never had any problems in the stores. In fact, the customer service is stellar. If a kit was missing a piece I could always get a replacement. Usually, they would take the old box back and give me a brand new one, checking that all the pieces were there. :)

With mail order, on the other hand, I am still waiting for either my white dwarf subscription or my money back after two years. I usually call once a week with no results. I have extended my subscription that I don't receive for another two years. Yeah, still waiting. Oh, and the supervisors at GW mail order are also the same workers. How convenient. :mad:

03-06-2012, 06:11 PM
I also had good experiences with their customer services. One time I had a missing foot for my Minotaurs and instead of sending me the foot in question, they sent me one whole minotaur (body, head, feet, the back fur, weapon, etc). So one minotaur for free and one that is missing a foot... LOL

03-07-2012, 01:33 AM
My DE battalion came without bases and I mentioned in a passing at my local GW, the assisstant manager looked shocked and apologized and offered a new box but I quickly told him it was fine I'd already built the models and used older bases and purchased some spare flight bases from a friend. The employee told me to just bring it in if theres a repeat offence and they'll exchange it, I also ordered a model from them, a sister dialogus and it was out of stock, the direct services called and told me they wouldn't be able to ship it for a month and that they'd happily refund it or I could wait and recieve it free of charge, as it was part of a larger shipment of models. When I recieve the first bit of the order I checked the invoice and sure enough they had removed the models price, I know it's a measly $12.97 but when your army comes in blisters and single models, a free model is nice. This happened again with my Mistress of repentence and I recieved her free of charge too.

03-07-2012, 04:49 AM
Yep Service is GREAT ! they are expensive , but the customer is king !
A few weeks ago my familie got me some great Eldar stuf ! .. 1 problem I dont play Eldar hehe .

So i went to store and explaind the situation . They where verry helpfull i could trade them in for some nice blood angels stuff .

03-07-2012, 06:38 AM
I would like to pose an ethical question: If a GW store is convenient, and has a good stock, should you do a swap for a good model instead of called for a new one in the brick & mortar or call the hotline and get a good condition model & keep the problem model for possible rehabilitation?

Yep take it in.

Warmaster Primus
03-07-2012, 06:47 AM
I've gotten a few finecast miscasts, but GW's replaced them quickly. Always great service.

03-07-2012, 07:03 AM
The rear hull plate of my Stormraven was warped when I got it. I called GW and they sent me an entire new sprue. Their customer service is awesome indeeed!

03-07-2012, 09:21 AM
Ordered a load of daemons when the codex was released, had a bloodthirster missing from the delivery. Gave GW a call and they sent it out no questions asked. :)

03-07-2012, 06:44 PM
Any time I have had a problem with a model GW has replaced and or fixed the problem. In this regard I think they are great.:)

03-07-2012, 08:14 PM
I've got hordes of issues over the years with stuff I've gotten from GW/forgeworld. I fire off an email to them, and they have always taken care of the issue. I'd question quality control, but since they have always fixed the issues, I can't complain too much.

03-07-2012, 08:23 PM
They sent me a whole second set of space hulk Genestealers because of one broken claw. Needless to say, I was thrilled.

St. Murphy
03-07-2012, 08:48 PM
With all the miscasts and missed packaging, thank God they have great customer service. I usually just email them when something is missing and they send it out right away. BL customer service aint bad either. I purchased an ebook that was corrupt and after(it didn't work or any sony readers) reformatting it they emailed me a couple of times to make sure it worked and just to say thanks for reading. The products are expensive, but I don't mind giving games workshop my money. Besides, it looks like people have fun working there. Well, I don't know about the retail side of it, I've never been to an actual GW outlet, but it can't be that bad working at a game shop.

Lord Inquisitor
03-07-2012, 08:53 PM
That is the one thing GW is good at, customer service. I have a friend who had the barrel of one of the guns melted on a baneblade and they sent him a whole new one, so he got two baneblades each with functioning guns.

heretic marine
03-07-2012, 09:02 PM
if they did not have good customer service they would not have as many customers that they have now.

03-07-2012, 10:23 PM
I accidentally washed 2 of my comtemptor dreadnought fingers down the drain with I was cleaning the model.. I wonder if FW would send out just the sprue piece with more fingers on it? Maybe I will send them an email.

03-08-2012, 12:34 AM
I accidentally washed 2 of my comtemptor dreadnought fingers down the drain with I was cleaning the model.. I wonder if FW would send out just the sprue piece with more fingers on it? Maybe I will send them an email.

You're probably better off making up a different story when you email them.

On topic:
Two of my wracks had miscast feet. GW sent me a brand new box of Wracks to make up for it. I will never say a bad word about their customer service.

03-08-2012, 06:49 AM
For all the complaining people do about GW, i have never heard any company come close to GW's customer service quality.

03-08-2012, 07:52 AM
Amazing service, I haven't had any problems with defects or damage yet but I like knowing that I would be taken care of. :D

03-08-2012, 09:42 AM
I've had several plastic miscasts over the years and everytime GW has stepped up and taken care of the problem. They have always been fast and have never failed to impress me with theor service.

03-08-2012, 04:47 PM
Despite the prices and the c**k up's they have, their customer services have never failed me, did take me 3 tries to get a decent enough Finecast Dark Angels Chapter Master though...


Master of Asgard
03-09-2012, 04:43 PM
Hearing this kind of story I'm often tempted to ring up and make false claims about stuff I've bought just to get free stuff, but my conscience will never allow me to.

03-10-2012, 01:11 PM
I have had nothing but fantastic customer service.

When Black Reach came out, I got double ork sprues and no marines. So I called Customer Service, not to complain, but to let them know the batch number, etc. as there was probably going to be a lot of these. Heck, I LOVED double orks!

The fellow said thanks for the information, asked me my name, etc. and 1 week later I got another Black Reach. Huh. Go figure. Nice.

Lord Severus
03-10-2012, 02:14 PM
I also have had nothing but fast, reliable, and good customer service. Whether it was from missing parts, miscasts or screwed up orders, they have been nothing but top notch.

03-10-2012, 02:31 PM
I bought a dragon master dragon fron the colectors range. it came without the left wing so i called them up and they sent out a whole new kit.

03-12-2012, 08:16 AM
GW customer server has always been top notch. Much better than any other company i've ever had to deal with.

03-16-2012, 11:28 PM
When I worked for GW, if we had an item come back that was messed up, pieces missing and or damaged, We would just replace the whole item and ,most of the time, they got to keep the original item. It always made for good vibes.

Brother Dvorn
03-18-2012, 12:22 AM
I work as a independent retailer,we have to send detailed pictures etc, to confirm that the item in question is actually damaged, then have to destroy the item. (unfortunately). But my customer experience with them has always been good when I actually buy something.

03-26-2012, 02:07 AM
agreed awesome

03-26-2012, 05:04 PM
I had some damaged issues on an baal pred when they first released, emailed the company and was asked for my address, bam replaced it. It had damage as well but I was able to make a useable piece of terrain and a complete tank. I liked how nice they were about it, considering it probably cost 6$ for a 45$ wrapped up box.

03-26-2012, 05:19 PM
I was trying to order the metal Harlequin troupe box set right before they switched it to finecast, mentioned that I wish I could only buy the unique models instead of having to buy the box + blisters (that come in 2's which guarantee one will be a duplicate) just to get all the sculpts and fusion blaster models... the guy threw in all the harlequin models, all unique, even though I only ordered the box! GW customer service is top notch!

03-26-2012, 05:55 PM
I had my first problem with service today and that is a stretch calling it a problem. I ordered a bunch of new paints then realized that i forgot to get the grey texture. I asked them to add it but it seems they can't. Annoying, and I suggested they update the system to do this, but I was more mad that their system is obviously that poorly designed then the fact they couldnt do it (technophile so low tech crap sets me off from time to time lol). Will add it to my order for the new EMpire book next week so it all works out I suppose. But yeah, other than that I have always gotten basically free stuff when there is a problem, ranging from 1 sprue in a battalion missing replaced by a set to missing an arm, get a blister. Once or twice I only got the part I needed but since it was as simple as saying io need it and then a week later I get it how can I complain.

Harmonious Borealis
03-27-2012, 01:29 PM
I work as a independent retailer,we have to send detailed pictures etc, to confirm that the item in question is actually damaged, then have to destroy the item. (unfortunately). But my customer experience with them has always been good when I actually buy something.

Odd, I also work in an Independent and a phone call or a brief blurb with a few pictures on the tail-end of an order email has generally done the trick. They tend to send whole new boxes, and I've never been instructed to destroy the original product. I'll usually just give it back to the customer along with the replacement.

I'm in Canada, you?