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View Full Version : my bottom .. just handed to me twice...

09-17-2009, 05:42 PM
Hey Chaps

Just drew and then lost agaisnt marines with my chaos. both rolled dawn of war, one objectives then one capture and hold. Dice were poo, CCW defilers getting an immobilised on a glance and a battle cannon off on penetrate - the ugliest pillboxes in the 41st millenium. Kharn - mathhammer says he will probably kill 1 of his squad per charge. 1st turn - 3 dead. Dice for poo - since when did 5 CSM MoK with asschamp and fist lose to 4 marines incl sgt and power weapon?

Any hoo before I get in my waambulance, whilst I do my best to be a good loser, I now conclude the most broken unit is the SM Landraider - vanilla. The machine spirit used to let it move straight on if stunned. Somehow now it is a separate unit targetting, bs4 monster. Even moves 12" and fires 1 x lascannon. Don't event alk about transport versus other vehs/CSM LR.

I could eat this if I didn;t think it wasn't for fluff or game design reasons but to sell more of the most expensive kit (prior to super ehavies etc) to little timmy. Yes we get to buy them cheap off ebay when he paints them 87 shades of brown before leaving the hobby but putting up with them making 10000 year veterans of the long war look like they have a bunch of trannies in the landraider makes me mad.

I'm too drunk to man up and wait for revenge anyone agree if not...

09-17-2009, 06:05 PM
It sounds like you just had some seriously bad luck. The Land Raider is hardly the most broken, POTMS worked in a very similar way in the 4th Edition Codex, though at BS 2 and not at a seperate unit but when moving fast it wouldn't be shooting more than one weapon anyway. It just got a little better but not shockingly so. Usually I hear Chaos complaining about He'stan's flamer insanity, Sternguard or Redeemers.

Also remember that statistics don't ensure anything. I've seen a whole squad of Grey Knights charge into a squad of Tau Firewarriors and lose combat. It happens.

09-17-2009, 06:27 PM
Land Raiders also pay a bunch of points for PotMS. Compare to Chaos land raiders, and you get that PotMS is 30 points. The tau can purchase an upgrade that lets them split their fire as much as they want for 10 points (slightly better than that aspect of PotMS), and chaos gets Daemonic posession letting them ignore shaken and stunned for 20pts (which is better than PotMS combined with extra armor, for cheaper). So if you compare to other, similarly priced upgrades, PotMS costs about what it should. The fact that it is effective doesn't make it cheesy, it makes the LR a good unit (and for 250pts it had better be a good unit).

09-17-2009, 06:38 PM
I managed to lose a 2,000pt game with my marines against a mainly genestealer nid force being played by a 5 year old girl! (thats not a mistake it is 5)
At first I didn't take the game seriously then the kill ratio started to swing in her favour and I couldn't pull it back. I would love to say that I let her win, but I didn't. It was an objective game, she played it like annihilation and wiped me out, by turn 4.
I had a good range of fire power oriented marines and a dread but dice, fate and underestimating an opponent who knew her army list inside out thrashed me.
Still think you got beaten badly?
I get reminded of this on a very regular basis, as you can probably imagine

09-18-2009, 12:46 AM
I managed to lose a 2,000pt game with my marines against a mainly genestealer nid force being played by a 5 year old girl! (thats not a mistake it is 5)
At first I didn't take the game seriously then the kill ratio started to swing in her favour and I couldn't pull it back. I would love to say that I let her win, but I didn't. It was an objective game, she played it like annihilation and wiped me out, by turn 4.
I had a good range of fire power oriented marines and a dread but dice, fate and underestimating an opponent who knew her army list inside out thrashed me.
Still think you got beaten badly?
I get reminded of this on a very regular basis, as you can probably imagine

Damn, thats harsh. Let us know when that little girl returns your testicles.

Exitus Acta Probat
09-18-2009, 01:10 AM
I am a good player. Not a great one, but good enough to win RTT's and place above mid-field in large indy's.

I pulled out my bugs 2 weeks back, haven't played em in about a year, used to play em all the time. My favorite army, both paint scheme and models.

I have lost 6 consecutive games of 40k and Space Hulk in those 2 weeks.

I am going to melt my dice.

The last game, Kharn and 8 zerkers charged my uninjured Hive Tyrant and 2x Tyrant guard. There was 1 wound on 1 guard. I didn't even get to go. Kharn just wiped em out. This was right after I had charged his Daemon Prince with 2x genestealers, a broodlord and Lictor. He finished the Broodlord off on combat res (failed 2 saving throws of 3+) after taking not a single wound.

I feel your pain.

Though it sucks to say it, because it won't make you feel any better, Land Raiders aren't broken...just require completely different handling than most vehicles. Distance, throw away melta units, and mobility...that's your answer.

09-18-2009, 08:33 AM
Only thing that annoys me about loyalist land raiders is the extra two spots they have in them. PotMS is really good, but daemonic possession is pretty awesome (though I personally think the BS reduction was unneeded).

Argh, makes me angry, 12 spots in theirs, 10 in mine. >.<

09-18-2009, 10:04 AM
Any hoo before I get in my waambulance, whilst I do my best to be a good loser, I now conclude the most broken unit is the SM Landraider - vanilla. The machine spirit used to let it move straight on if stunned. Somehow now it is a separate unit targetting, bs4 monster. Even moves 12" and fires 1 x lascannon. Don't event alk about transport versus other vehs/CSM LR.

Sounds like you need some more meltas my friend. They're the only real way to kill Raiders.

09-18-2009, 11:03 AM
Yea, take a handfull of Meltas... I.e. Deepstriking Oblits and watch your buddy's LR get wiped off the face of the table. Then hand him a tissue.

09-19-2009, 09:21 AM
She wants another go now she's got a Forge World Harridan!

09-19-2009, 09:24 AM
I managed to lose a 2,000pt game with my marines against a mainly genestealer nid force being played by a 5 year old girl! (thats not a mistake it is 5)
At first I didn't take the game seriously then the kill ratio started to swing in her favour and I couldn't pull it back. I would love to say that I let her win, but I didn't. It was an objective game, she played it like annihilation and wiped me out, by turn 4.
I had a good range of fire power oriented marines and a dread but dice, fate and underestimating an opponent who knew her army list inside out thrashed me.
Still think you got beaten badly?
I get reminded of this on a very regular basis, as you can probably imagine

I hope for your sake this was the creepy type of 5 year dressed like a member of the Adams family with a icy cold stare that will make grown men run in fear.

Though I imagine it wasn't...