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View Full Version : 1500 Point WAAAGH for tourny

09-17-2009, 03:59 PM
Ok so I have two possible lists that I could use. The missions for the tournament are going to be mainly objective capture, with maybe a kill everything mission. First list Is a Nob Biker list with the nobz tooled for wound allocation. Never used them before with the wound allocation bit but sounds sweet. here it is.

1500 Pts - Orks Roster

HQ: Warboss (1#, 125 pts)
1 Warboss @ 125 pts (Big Choppa; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon; Twin-linked Dakkagun; Stikkbombs; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; 'Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Warbike)

Red Slugga Boyz (13#, 162 pts)
11 Boyz @ 162 pts (Choppa & Slugga; Rokkit Launcha x1; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)
1 Boyz Nob (Power Klaw; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Bosspole)
1 Trukk (Big Shoota x1; Red Paint Job)

Blue Slugga Boyz (13#, 162 pts)
11 Boyz @ 162 pts (Choppa & Slugga; Rokkit Launcha x1; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)
1 Boyz Nob (Power Klaw; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Bosspole)
1 Trukk (Big Shoota x1; Red Paint Job)

Yellow Shotta Boyz (21#, 156 pts)
20 Boyz @ 156 pts (Big Shoota x2; Shoota; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)
1 Boyz Nob (Big Choppa; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Bosspole)

Elite: Kommandos (15#, 255 pts)
14 Kommandos @ 255 pts (Choppa & Slugga; Burna x2; Stikkbombs; Furious Charge; Infiltrate; Mob Rule; Move Through Cover; Waaagh!)
1 Boss Snikrot (Mork's Teeth; Stikkbombs; Furious Charge; Infiltrate; Mob Rule; Move Through Cover; Waaagh!)

Elite: Lootas (5#, 75 pts)
5 Lootas @ 75 pts (Defffguns; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)

Troops: Biker Nobz (8#, 563 pts)
7 Nobz @ 563 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Big Choppa x4; Power Klaw x3; Slugga x5; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon x2; Twin-linked Dakkagun; Feel No Pain; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Ammo Runt x1; Bosspole x1; Cybork Body; Waaagh! Banner x1; Warbike)
1 Painboy ('Urty Syringe; Twin-linked Dakkagun; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Cybork Body; Dok's Tools; Grot Orderly; Warbike)

Total Roster Cost: 1498

Created with Army Builder - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com

The Second list is minus the lootaz and the nob bikers for a battlewagon and 20 ard boyz to load into it

1500 Pts - Orks Roster

HQ: Warboss (1#, 83 pts)
1 Warboss @ 83 pts (Big Choppa; Slugga; Stikkbombs; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; 'Eavy Armour; Ammo Runt; Cybork Body)

Red Slugga Boyz (13#, 162 pts)
11 Boyz @ 162 pts (Choppa & Slugga; Rokkit Launcha x1; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)
1 Boyz Nob (Power Klaw; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Bosspole)
1 Trukk (Big Shoota x1; Red Paint Job)

Blue Slugga Boyz (13#, 162 pts)
11 Boyz @ 162 pts (Choppa & Slugga; Rokkit Launcha x1; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)
1 Boyz Nob (Power Klaw; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Bosspole)
1 Trukk (Big Shoota x1; Red Paint Job)

Troops: Boyz (13#, 162 pts)
11 Boyz @ 162 pts (Choppa & Slugga; Rokkit Launcha x1; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)
1 Boyz Nob (Power Klaw; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Bosspole)
1 Trukk (Big Shoota x1; Red Paint Job)

Yellow Shotta Boyz (21#, 156 pts)
20 Boyz @ 156 pts (Big Shoota x2; Shoota; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)
1 Boyz Nob (Big Choppa; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Bosspole)

Elite: Kommandos (15#, 255 pts)
14 Kommandos @ 255 pts (Choppa & Slugga; Burna x2; Stikkbombs; Furious Charge; Infiltrate; Mob Rule; Move Through Cover; Waaagh!)
1 Boss Snikrot (Mork's Teeth; Stikkbombs; Furious Charge; Infiltrate; Mob Rule; Move Through Cover; Waaagh!)

Heavy Support: Killer Kans (3#, 155 pts)
3 Killer Kans @ 155 pts (Dreadnought CCW; Kustom Mega-Blasta x2; Grotzooka x1)

Troops: 'Ard Boyz (20#, 240 pts)
19 'Ard Boyz @ 240 pts (Choppa & Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; 'Eavy Armour)
1 'Ard Boyz Nob (Power Klaw; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; 'Eavy Armour; Bosspole)

Heavy Support: Battlewagon (1#, 125 pts)
1 Battlewagon @ 125 pts (Kannon; Deff Rolla; Red Paint Job)

Total Roster Cost: 1500

What do you think?