View Full Version : Space Wolf Thunder Wolf Cavalry Size

03-06-2012, 10:45 AM
This is a bit of an odd-ball question, but I am curious about the size of the Thunderwolves relative to Tharn Bloodtrackers (http://privateerpress.com/files/products/circle-orboros/units/tharn-bloodtrackers-unit.png).

I am considering using Thunderwolves and these ladies to convert a unit of Tharn Wolf Riders (http://privateerpress.com/files/products/circle-orboros/units/tharn-wolf-riders-unit.png).

I don't like the stock Dusk Wolves, as they are too small and skinny for my tastes. I'd much rather have the ladies riding gigantor wolves, a bit like Princess (http://www.wallpaperpimper.com/wallpaper/Anime_&_Manga/Princess_Mononoke/Princess-Mononoke-35-1024x768.jpg) Mononoke (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iOF0dvb55SQ/Twi2jjefycI/AAAAAAAAKbQ/hWxnKxshCkI/s1600/san+wolves+great+battle+princess+monoke+anime+dvd. jpg).

However, I am concerned that the Thunderwolves may be a bit TOO big.

I'm willing to spend the money to make this conversion happen if the scale is good, but I want to be as sure as I can be before committing.
