View Full Version : Idea for IG shotguns... Yay or Nay?

03-06-2012, 08:04 AM
I thought of a way to make rotary-drummed shotguns from my bitz box, I would like some feedback:

Take grenade launcher from any cadian sprue...
Cut off most of the barrel...

Take the sniper rifle on the cadian HQ sprue, or a heavy stubber...
Cut off the flash-hider bit (the coney shaped bit)...

Stick the flash-hider on to the grenade laucher chassis to make something that will look like the "Striker" type shotgun you get in COD:MW2/3 (although a bit more beefy... though they are assult 2 :-) )

Is this different enough from the grenade launcher or not?

03-06-2012, 10:07 AM
Sounds like a cool idea, but what i've found to be easier is taking the scout shotguns and using those with IG bodies, you'll get a couple of areas that need greenstuff, like armpit gaps, but overall they will give you a good pose.

03-06-2012, 10:16 AM
Or you could take one aiming lasgun arm, cut of the lasgun at the but, take a scout shotgun (they got no but if i remeber correctly) and seperate it at the handle. Then glue it to the aiming arm and you should get a nice, realistc shotgun :)

03-06-2012, 02:34 PM
The best shotgun conversion Ive seen goes a little something like this:

Take 1 lasgun.
Take 1 flamer (current cadian one).
Cut the flamer off just behind the band where the handle goes. Leave some of the 2 flamer pipes sticking out. Not flush cut!
Shave off the small pieces that stick out of the front (not the fire guard with the holes in it, but anything protruding from the very tip).
Now to "dry fit" the flamer to the lasgun:
Flip the flamer barrel over, resting the recessed portion on the underside of the lasgun upwards (to see where on the lasgun you need to cut).

Once you cut the lasgun, glue and bask in the glory of your new shotgun.

This gives the appearance of a foregrip and 2 barrels. Very effective and darn snazzy.

03-06-2012, 02:56 PM
This gives the appearance of a foregrip and 2 barrels. Very effective and darn snazzy.

Sounds nice indeed. You dont happen to have some pics by any chance?

03-06-2012, 03:24 PM
That sounds cool. There are also some ammo drums on a few ork shootas that might help you in your conversions.

03-06-2012, 08:16 PM
http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2009/2/2/18064_md-Cadians,%20Imperial%20Guard,%20Rough%20Rider%20Con versions,%20Rough%20Riders.JPG
This is one example of what I spoke of.

03-07-2012, 06:38 AM
very nice, although the foregrip seems a bit big

03-07-2012, 09:33 AM
very nice, although the foregrip seems a bit big

Welcome to the future!

Seriously though, I see what you mean. Pretty cool conversion idea though. I love simple things like that that I someone just randomly thinks to do.

Colonel Bindoff
03-07-2012, 01:30 PM
I tried making them by just cutting the barrel, stock and sight off the lasgun and am planning to add a bigger magazine. They don't look anything like as good as the conversions with inverted flamer bits but minimal effort required....

03-08-2012, 01:04 AM
I am actually quite surprised I do t have more pictures of these guys, but here is the rundown. You need a lasgun without a hand attatched. I prefer isinglass the loose one that comes in the box because I have a ton of them laying about. You also need a bolter and some small plastic rod or tubing to use as a barrel, though if you are careful, you could reuse the barrel from the bolter.

Step one: cut off the barrel of the lasgun and cut off the beveled parts on the top and bottom of the gun. The gun should basically be a long box shape in front of the magazine. I also cut off the stock at this point, but that's personal preference.

Step two: cut off the front grip pad thing of the bolter in front of the magazine. Be sure to leave the material behind the grip on so it will fit properly on the lasgun. You can also cut off the barrel if you don't have the plastic rod here.

Step three: Trim the bolter grip to fit with the lasgun and glue all the parts on (once you get the bits, it is fairly straightforward). I also added rails of styrene strips as a rail onto the top so it wasn't so plain, but it isn't strictly neccasary.

Here is a picture of some of my vets. The second row of guys actually has an old metal shotgun from the hardened vets kit, a scout shotgun, and several of the converted ones.

03-08-2012, 02:24 PM
http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2009/2/2/18064_md-Cadians,%20Imperial%20Guard,%20Rough%20Rider%20Con versions,%20Rough%20Riders.JPG
This is one example of what I spoke of.

Didn't get it at all from the description, but looks really good.

And I wouldn't say the foregrip/pump is too big, reminds me a bit of the Franchi shotgun. Er, for those who don't know guns, that's the first one you get in CoD MW2 multiplayer, or the one that Sarah Connor uses in the climax of Terminator 2.

As for OP's original question, I would suspect that the drum on the grenade launcher might look a bit big for a shotgun, but won't swear to it without pictures.