View Full Version : Ralph Mcquarrie was awesome.

03-06-2012, 07:10 AM

I think it is fair to say that most people on this forum or lurking in the shadows are, to some degree, Star Wars fans. I know I am. I love the movies, the toys and the conventions. For me, it forms the core of my nerdism.
I Still watch Episode IV and think it does not look as dated visually as other movies of the time or after. That is because they nailed the design first time round. It's a classic, fact.
They built us a fantasy world that has lasted for 35 years and, I suggest, will keep on going for a while yet.The world of Star Wars has been expanded on greatly since then and we now have a much wider SW universe to play around in with the games and the comics etc that a lot of us on here enjoy.

I would just like us to say a big thank you to Mr Ralph McQuarrie who died last Saturday at the age of 82. Without this man, we would not have the star Wars universe we know and love today. It was this man's job to take the crazy sci-fi ramblings pouring out of the mind of one Mr George Lucas and turn them into a visual reality. He did a really fantastic job. He designed Darth Vader, the droids, some of the ships, Storm Troopers. I won't go on just look him up.

He was one of the major architects of the success of Star Wars. Movies are of course a visual medium. His visuals made the magic happen as far as I am concerned. He got it so right. His art is so good and inspiring and I think this really comes through in the movie.
Out of all my Star Wars autographs I have collected so far, his is my favourite. You can buy a portfolio associated with each movie that contain lovely collections of his work on Star Wars. I invite you to get hold of them and enjoy them.

This is the official post about him on the star Wars blog:

03-06-2012, 07:31 AM
The Force was strong in this one.:(

03-06-2012, 09:03 PM

Amongst sci-fi fandom, people seem divided amongst two groups--the Star Wars fans, and the Trekkies.

Star Wars was always my favorite. I mean, lightsabers! Definitive good vs. evil!

RIP Mr. McQuarrie---you will be with us....always.

03-07-2012, 02:16 AM

Amongst sci-fi fandom, people seem divided amongst two groups--the Star Wars fans, and the Trekkies.

Star Wars was always my favorite. I mean, lightsabers! Definitive good vs. evil!

RIP Mr. McQuarrie---you will be with us....always.

I love Star Wars and Star Trek but if I had to choose it would always be Star Wars.
Looking at Star Wars and Star Trek I think you can see my point I made earlier. The old space ships of star trek, both inside and out look very dated from the early movies. Were as an X-wing still looks kick ***!

03-07-2012, 08:00 AM
I've never really understood the rivalry myself. I love both, when it comes down to it I think Star Wars is probably superior simply because of its breadth and vast, generally high quality tie ins (even if the books went a bit silly the PC games and whatnot are superb).

Also, Star Wars as twi'leks, equalled only in awesomeness by Asari.

03-07-2012, 09:35 AM
See I always thought combat in startrek was silly whenever I saw them running round in their normal uniforms performing ground combat like in the dominion war, I think enterprise was a bit better in that it actually had what appeared to be some sort of marine on board, yet still the captain ended up running around in his ship uniform with a phaser....

Star wars was a space western lol

But there hasn't been a good star wars game since tie fighter...
If only they'd do a modern version, or maybe a star wars game using the X-universe engine....

03-07-2012, 05:31 PM
Battlefront, Republic Commado, Force Unleashed and SW:TOR are all pretty good in my opinion. Tie Fighteer is pretty hard to beat though. Wish they would make an anniversary edition with updated graphics.

03-07-2012, 05:50 PM
But there hasn't been a good star wars game since tie fighter...
If only they'd do a modern version, or maybe a star wars game using the X-universe engine....

no love for XvT? We should have a BoLS multiplayer league for that...

03-07-2012, 06:31 PM
no love for XvT? We should have a BoLS multiplayer league for that...

X-wing Vs Tie-Fighter is definitely my fav game, possibly of all time. Flying my favourite sci-fi vehicles, the B-wing, Y-wing, Tie Interceptor, and all the others on simple missions like attack the big ships, and escort the corvettes.

being able to talk to your squadron also made that game for me "Ignore my target!!"

but I digress

Its a great loss to Sci-Fi History, Star Wars has been a consistant love of mine and it's all to do with that expansive, well detailed, and charmingly Low-tech-High-tech appearance, where mighty space fighters were as battered and beaten as an old army jeep, and held together with a similar amount of bodged repairs.

Thank You Ralph Mcquarrie

03-08-2012, 02:38 AM
Battlefront, Republic Commado, Force Unleashed and SW:TOR are all pretty good in my opinion. Tie Fighteer is pretty hard to beat though. Wish they would make an anniversary edition with updated graphics.

If there are only three movies there can't possible be games set in the bits that don't exist :rolleyes:

no love for XvT? We should have a BoLS multiplayer league for that...

Not really, after the TIE Defender, rebel starfighters seemed dull...

Its a great loss to Sci-Fi History, Star Wars has been a consistant love of mine and it's all to do with that expansive, well detailed, and charmingly Low-tech-High-tech appearance, where mighty space fighters were as battered and beaten as an old army jeep, and held together with a similar amount of bodged repairs.

Thank You Ralph Mcquarrie

I think it was amazing how they actually looked used rather than this shiney new look cgi stuff always seems to have

03-10-2012, 07:00 AM
His artwork was fantastic. Detailed, gritty, light years ahead while still looking old...

He will be missed!

Lord Tothe
03-10-2012, 01:20 PM
McQuarrie also contributed concept art for Star Trek. Just sayin'. He can unite both groups of geekdom.