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03-05-2012, 07:50 PM
Does anyone else have a unit or two that are particularly good at doing things they're not supposed to do?
For example, my fleshborer termagants have oddly consistently been good at killing terminators, in both close combat and shooting. I can think of no explanation other than random luck.
So yeah, share your stories, I know you have them.

Vior'la Mont'yon
03-05-2012, 08:21 PM
I've got a fire warrior Shas'ui that typically kills anything that assaults his squad.

I NoSe
03-05-2012, 10:11 PM
I got a penal legion squad who have earned themselves quite the reputation as tank hunters.

03-05-2012, 10:44 PM
My Berzerkers tend to be uncanny pistoleers, and nine times out of ten my Chaos Terminators suck in combat, even against grunts :D

03-05-2012, 10:47 PM
I have ninja Sniper scouts - charging them is a bad idea...

03-05-2012, 11:12 PM
Terminators that consistently die to lasgun potshots in droves.

03-05-2012, 11:43 PM
I got a penal legion squad who have earned themselves quite the reputation as tank hunters.

I too have a crazy ninja penal legion squad. Though they tend to win assaults they shouldn't win rather than blow up tanks. My veteran sergeants also occasionally survive inordinately long in close combat.

03-06-2012, 01:18 AM
My Csm Berserker getting owned in combat against practically anything including tau

Far Seer
03-06-2012, 01:22 AM
My dire avengers with PW and shimmershield are ridiculously lucky in close combat.

I assaulted a full tactical squad with them and at the end of the turn, they all died with no DA casualties...

03-06-2012, 01:28 AM
Destroying Land Speeders with heavy bolter !

03-06-2012, 09:09 AM
i have a nob with powerklaw that is consistantly good at dueling vehicles(dreads,defilers, etc..) i had him go toe to toe with a soul grinder(the SG assaulted him!) and win.

03-06-2012, 06:20 PM
I have a Furioso Dreadnought that I don't think has ever died. Everytime he makes it into a game he's a beast, he's lost weapons but never died, he's either blessed, or tainted, haven't figured out which yet, though either way I don't mind :)

03-06-2012, 08:11 PM
I have two lascannon marines. One in a tactical squad, one in a devastator squad. Both of them manage to miss constantly, be the last man standing in their squad and refuse to die. I'm still undecided whether it's a good thing, bad thing or neutral.

Uncle Nutsy
03-06-2012, 08:23 PM
Hellions that kill just about any other infantry they touch.

03-06-2012, 10:09 PM
The Last Chancers.

I know, how cliche. But seriously! I field two, three even four penal legion squads... regularly! Those guys are guardsmen with Ld8 and stubborn, you had me at that. Then POW, scouts?! Ummmm Yes please! I'll pay 80pts for a scoring unit with all of WAIT JUST A MINUTE, special crazy rules!!

This is where I get superstitious, like crazy superstitious. I don't care if you use my die, or if die get crazy hot and need to cool off or like wise if they are cold and will be cold forever, a special pray for the scatter die, my lucky jacket... no I don't believe in any of that, except for these models, when placed in their respective penal legion squads.

Gunslingers, the Assault 2 of Guard: These bad boys whenever I field them I have a special model for their leader. He's a well painted (a very loose team) Steel Legion. Nothing fancy, just a Steel Legion trooper with his lasgun raised to his face about to blast some unknown enemy, like he's looking down the sights. I know I know, not WYSIWYG but whatever, he's the leader. When he's leading these guys you better watch out. One round of shooting (20 lasgun shots at bs 3 with a range of 24" + 6" move for 30") shot down 5, count em, 5 terminators. Some say it was hot die on my part and some say sub zero die on my enemy. I say, that Steel Legion trooper. These guys will make their cover save, 9 times out of 10. In a forest? Saved. In a bunker? Saved. Standing out in the open and getting shot with rapid fire bolters? Ten guys go to ground, four guys make it, and out of the four who makes it? Well not the Steel Legion guy, he bit it back on the bunker but you get my point.

Psychopaths, literally psychopaths. I have a few models that I began painting before choosing the famous colors that is my army. These models where the from Mars and had a semi neat back story and I don't really remember it that well... But this model is freaking out. Allow me to break it down for you. He's standing straight up, arms thrown directly up (with chainsword pointed skyward) and head tilled back mouth gaping open as if he's screaming something. He has dark wash on his face so it looks like he's almost crying too. Where his laspistol should be (in his hand) is just an empty clenched fist, because his laspistol is lying on the ground at his feet. Don't ask me what I was doing when I modeled this guy, he was like my second guy ever and I was crazy. But this guy, this psycho... He always arrives from reserve, and there's always, always something withing assault range. They'll move 6" and fleet for just enough to reach whatever unit,model,vehicle is on that side. And let me tell you, they go for it, every, single, time... Necron floating monolith of doom? All over it. Fateweaver? Let's get him. A brood of genestealers that just arrived the previous turn? We'll take their jeans! Something actually helpful? (like long fangs, loots, devastators, tau robot dudes) Once in a while, but usually something insane that they have no chance of either hurting or winning. And they immediately die, every single one of them.

Knife Fighters, power weapons for real men. Again, I have another model from that very very very very (can't stress very enough) first painting session/collection that has this special model sitting there... give you the look. His chainsword is lazily hanging in his hand, at his side, pointed downward. His laspistol hand has his arm bend at a 90 degree pointed up, as if he just popped off a warning shot to let you know, they are coming for you. This model, specifically, holds a special place in my heart. He is a bad mofo. His squad took on a brood of carnifexes (with all the fixings for CC) and charged first. Didn't do enough to kill one, not even one. They struck back and killed all but 3. Next round I swing again and everyone misses except for this model (he's the Sergeant and I always roll separate for him, and any other awesome/special model) He rends twice, killing two carnifexes (the each had one wound left) Then the last carnifex swings and kills his mates. He fails his moral but escapes, a whole whooping 2". On my turn, he moves 7" and in the shooting phase, pops that carnifex right in the eye, and he fails his armour save. This model does this almost every other game. Tau Commander with 1 wound left? Pew, he's gone. Brood lord about to assault my Command Squad's immobilized chimera? Nnnnno, he just got shot by a las pistol. Hammernators about to hit the front line? This model and his crew will charge them, or at least stand in the way and get charged, and take down two/three of them. This model, is awesome.

So what I'm trying to say is yeah, my penal legion squads are way about average if not dead average and never, ever fail me.... unless I take six of them, then things go horrible horrible wrong from the start.

papa smurf
03-07-2012, 12:30 AM
- I have sniper scouts who never hit a thing (well sometimes, but they're pretty horrible shots).
- One of my space marine sergeants kills himself with the first shot of his plasma pistol, consistently. I'd say he kills himself 2/3rds of the time when I field him.

Well, those are my black sheep... I do have models that are pretty good too!

- Scout sergeant for one of my squads makes his armor save way more than a 50% chance should give him, and that's saying a lot considering he has a powerfist so he goes last. He has literally single handedly held squads of marines, necron warriors, eldar etc. for more than 2 turns by his lonesome after his squad has died off.
- My Tau fire warriors with pulse carbines and EMP grenades are pretty damn good at killing tanks, including walkers! I think that since it is so hard to hurt a walker with grenades anyway, it just seems extra special when my fire warriors do it. I think this is a unit that on paper should be horrible at this and die excruciating and painful deaths, but they do a pretty good job.

03-07-2012, 12:57 AM
Rhinos, I love these guys like the air I breathe and the bed in which I sleep and the awesome fuzzy things we call cats, these vehicles have amassed a huge number of kills with their HKMs and have run down their fair share of infantry. Not only that but they drive around like LRs constantly defying my opponents attempts to do more then shake them.

Bedroom General
03-07-2012, 01:27 AM
I'd have to say my Abaddon.
He has never failed to hit himself in front of an enemy yet.
Got to love Drach'nyen:(
275pts that hits itself like a freight train, now thats Chaos for you.

03-07-2012, 02:08 AM
My Lysander doesn't always do great.. especially when i put him in a 1000 point list..

...but in a recent game he and a tactical squad drop podded in on my friends grey knights... he survived for 5 rounds and managed to kill almost the entire grey knight army on his own..

.. I also had a lone Salamander Sergent punch out Bjorn once.. he now has a little broken Space Wolf talisman on his base :)

Diagnosis Ninja
03-07-2012, 03:18 AM
I don't use Looted Wagons with Kill Kannons anymore. The third time I killed my own warboss in a skaven-esque display of betrayal was enough for me.

In my Space Marines army though, I have a Captain on a Bike which has a kill count of about 20 vehicles in my last 10 games, using a thunder hammer. It doesn't matter what comes his way, he just drives at it and bashes it until its wrecked. Someones had his spinnach.

03-07-2012, 03:25 AM
MA warboss never rides a BW anymore as it is forever immobilised and only gets fixed if he gets out

03-07-2012, 10:28 AM
I have a Primaris Psyker who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, but line him up against some terminators and his lightning will kill 50% of them in one shot.

03-07-2012, 11:15 AM
I have a basic Guardsmen that somehow manage to stand against Tau Crisis Suit one on one for 4 turns before he died. He was posthumously promoted to Sergeant.

03-07-2012, 05:11 PM
My Kabalite Warriors have a habit of assaulting wounded Space Marine squads and killing them.

Always pisses off my Wyches when they steal a pain token.


03-07-2012, 05:32 PM
I have a SM scout heavy army, because scouts seem to have always been better than they ever should be for some reason for me. The shotgun scouts have slain squads of terminators. The close combat scouts seem to not be as good as combat as the boltgun armed scouts though.

And yeah, my sniper scouts havent really killed anything at range, but charge them and they can wield those sniper rifles like power weapons.

03-18-2012, 03:09 PM
IG Stormtroopers that have dicked on everything from Tyranid Warriors to a squad of 30 Orks in close combat.

A Tau Ethereal who consistently kills melee spec'd special characters in close combat

And my 30 man Ork mob that kills more with its sluggas than it does with its choppas. Since this has started happening, I've been attaching optical scopes to their pistols, to mimic this uncanny accuracy.

03-18-2012, 03:14 PM
My Striking scorpions enjoy fighting space marines. Whilst my swooping hawks like killing terminators.

Where as my dark reapers do not like killing necrons :(

commissar camenzuli
03-18-2012, 05:34 PM
a lord commissar with only a power sword fought :Dtoff a daemon prince and 10 chaos marines :D

03-22-2012, 01:00 AM
My blood angels die easily to pretty much everything. Does that count? :p

03-22-2012, 02:13 AM
I got two. My Gaunts keep killing stuff that isn't supposed to die to them. E.g. 5 Gaunts shoot at fresh Vulkan. 3 wound and he's dead ;). They get into close combat with stealers and a Tyranid Prime and due to fearleswounds the Prime dies.

My hiveguard. They suck at killing AV 10 oder 11 but when it comes down to stop a raider or monolith they just keep hitting the weakspots so the vehicles can't move when they desperatley need to ;).

03-22-2012, 02:28 AM
Lobbas are one of the best investments I make in my list. Just tonight they wiped out a unit of DCA's after their rhino was wrecked. It was awesome.

03-22-2012, 02:41 AM
My Land Raider gets penned by the first Lascannon that shoots it almost every game I play against an imperial army. However, my Rhinos will drive around with impunity, undamaged by everything thrown against them.

03-22-2012, 03:08 AM
Whenever I field sammael he dies first turn. Fire warriors- zzzzzp he's dead, gaunts ? Om nom nom he dies , grots? Ping ping he's dead. I know he's hard as nails on paper but for me he's gash