View Full Version : My Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons, and other WIPs...Pic heavy

03-05-2012, 07:36 PM
I've been working on these for a bit, heavy in the painting stages, and minor conversions now. Figured I would throw them up here for some critiques. I've definetly gotten too close to the project, so the more opinions the better. Thanks for any advice. On to some pics....

squad pic as of now


some individual shots, please forgive the photos, I've recently started a Blog and in my hurry to start was using my phone. I'm fixing that issue currently...




Will get some more individual pics up here shortly.

Still have to add some more coats, highlights, details, and touch-ups. As of now I am considering doing the weapons a glowing green.

We'll see, this all fall into my New Year's Resolution to paint and build more, and not focus all my hobby time on competative play. Again any help comments, or critiques are welcome.

03-05-2012, 08:00 PM
Very nice - A good Gold tip:

Definition can be achieved by using a brown-ish wash in the recesses (Gryphonne Sepia is pretty good), and adding a bit of mithril silver to the highlights on extreme edges. Those things help reduce the 'gold blob' effect that gold metallics tend to have.

03-05-2012, 08:05 PM
Thanks, I'll try that out, right now they are primed and have some basecoat. I've been slow painting them up till now, cuz I know what i want them to look like, but not sure how to get there. I will try that out on a test mini before I continue any further.

03-05-2012, 09:12 PM
What bits are you using for the legs w/ robes?

03-05-2012, 09:26 PM
I have the same question. The robes are pretty cool.

03-05-2012, 10:07 PM
Nice, these are so much prettier looking then the blue and yellow scheme. They actually look like an army that I would take seriously if i was facing them and not confused if i got lost in a clown tent. Keep up the good work and are the robed legs from dark angels?(taking a guess stab at the answer :p)

03-05-2012, 10:09 PM
I like the look man, but I'd get rid of those mold lines, they seriously detract from the gold.

03-06-2012, 03:57 AM
The legs are from Maxmini or Micro Art Studio, I was going to use them on Scarab Occult but had other ideas mwahaha

03-06-2012, 04:52 AM
One of my friends is going to be using Thousand Sons for a Heresy Era campaign coming up soon in my group of friends, I will make sure to link him to this.

03-06-2012, 05:44 AM
youve done a good start and keep going on.

i also got a tip for simple gold painting. If you use black primer, then stat with scorched brown, or an equivalent. Then overpaint the whole area witch tin bitz or another tin-colour.
After youve done this, then use the gold-colour you want for.

If u can see the tin-colour in the darker areas it gives your miniature more contrast and deepness. Try it out.

kind regards


03-06-2012, 07:54 AM
I have to third the gold advice, I usually start with shining gold, knock it down with Badab Black and then drybrush Mithril silver over it. Devlan Mud works as well.

The red is a bit solid as well, I might consider starting with Red Gore and then bringing the color up with Blood red (it is a really easy to blend color since it does not cover very thickly) then hit the recesses with a Scab Red wash and highlight with Blazing Orange.

Edit: I really like the color scheme though, much more than the Blue and Red and the poses a dynamic. I also understand why they roll 2d6 for movement...tripping over those damn robes!

03-06-2012, 09:40 AM
I feel like the robes look a tad muddy. I think if you worked on putting a bit more contrast into them that they'd both pop more and looks a bit fresher. Otherwise - fabulous work. Keep up the practice =D

03-06-2012, 10:01 AM
I like the idea and the models, but the metal could definitely do with some extra work. The red does look dirty but in battle people do get dirty. Maybe a 4th colour? A bit of white freehand scarabs on the robe?

03-06-2012, 11:50 AM
Thanks, wow, didn't expect soo many comments soo fast.

First off the legs are the crusader legs made by MicroArt Studios.

The gold was actually tin bitz over black, followed by gold, and a light was of devlan mud

the robes right now only have a basecoat of mechrite red over black, and a wash of baal red

they are my base, I'm going to tidy them up and build highlights, the weapons haven't really had anything done yet because I've been debating bone handles and green glowing blades, also haven't touched the heads much because i want the eyes to glow as well. Probably biting off more than I can chew, but if nothing else it will force me to improve. I also have a squad of custodes built, they need some filing and gaps filled before I can start painting them. The army theme is Pre Edict of Nikea, and based off the concept that when the Emperor wanted oversight on a mission but wasn't there himself he would send a squad of Custodes to enforce his edict.

Here are the other two pics



Here is a shot of my Belial, I've actually based him now and started finishing his paintjob, I'll take a more updated pic soon. There are more pics on my blog http://littlesilverguuys.blogspot.com


03-09-2012, 08:53 AM
these are alsome min's u've made here they ca[pture the idea of the ledgion before the fall and gives them a place in the world

03-10-2012, 02:15 AM
Thanks, I'm a huge fan, I love the concept of a Legion that didn't choose to turn, but rather was forced to choose between betrayal and life vs death and staying loyal.

I'm hoping to keep them as true to the the original as legion as possible, they are my scarab occult (aka 1st company) I also have my scorpian guard and contemptor dred under construction. as well as some more custodes and a scratch built proteus landraider and a warhound to go with the whole theme.

03-10-2012, 04:07 AM
Looks good. As an alternative to the xenos trophy he has under his sword, a severed Space Wolf head on the base would be a nice touch. :)

03-10-2012, 09:17 PM
Ha, that's a good idea, my Contemptor just came in, I think I might pose hime stepping on a Space Wlf or two :D

03-11-2012, 09:16 PM
Thousand Son armies are always cool! These guys look a little oddly proportioned. I think it's the hunched shoulders.

03-11-2012, 10:33 PM
Got a little more progress done today....




and a side by side shot with one of my not as close to finished models


This guys isn't done yet, but I feel I'm getting closer.

03-12-2012, 01:06 AM
Woa, nice mini's indeed. Very good Thousand Sons look.

03-25-2012, 07:06 PM
Thanks, appreciate it. They are pretty much the first models I've really spent time doing, and not just rushed to finish