View Full Version : IoB Skaven: What next?

03-05-2012, 05:07 PM
I just recently acquired the Skaven half of Island of Blood, and I'm wondering what else you gents think I should acquire to bring my force up to a respectable level. Aside from the IoB models I own Warlord Queek Headtaker, and a friend of mine offered to sell me another group of clan rats and a doomwheel for cheap, which I'm almost definitely going to take him up on, because the Doomwheel is awesome.

Other than that, is there anything specific I ought to pick up?

03-05-2012, 05:35 PM
More slaves/clanrats as you can't really go wrong there. In my 2000 point army I have roughly 200ish. From there I'd probably pick up some Gutter Runners. You need some hammer units to do damage so pick up either a doomwheel or Hellpit Abomination as well. I'd also recommend either a block of plague monks or a block of stormvermin as well. For characters definitely pick up a battle standard bearer (or make your own). Throw in some caster support with a grey seer and maybe another warlock or plague priest and you should be good.

03-05-2012, 05:49 PM
Hm... sounds good.

A friend of mine suggested that I stick with Queek for my warlord and convert/countas the IoB Warlord as a Battle Standard Bearer (He's got a pretty big honking standard, after all) Is this doable/legal?

03-05-2012, 05:49 PM
interesting thing this...

while in my FLGS today i was looking at the island of blood and the skaven battalion as a start to my long desired Skaven Army, the only skaven model I have right now is an unpainted Warlock Engineer, the one with the rat loading the pistol, a model I have always loved yet never got around to painting

with my budget I think

Island of Blood this month and

Skaven Battalion next

assemble and paint

then fill in all the rest as I can

03-05-2012, 05:57 PM
In response to your question about using the Warlord from the IoB as a Battle Standard, of course you can. The model can easily represent a Chieftain with Battle Standard.

03-05-2012, 06:04 PM

How would you skaven veterans reccomend dealing with high armor things like Ogres? I broke my entire army trying to kill a unit of ironguts + the tyrant in one game I played. Granted, I havent played much, but just general thoughts?

03-05-2012, 06:48 PM
For multi-wound critters like monsters, Monstrous Infantry, and Monstrous Cavalry- go for a doomwheel. It shoots lightning even in combat that does d6 wounds. Just don't charge in unsupported.

Also, use Warpfire Throwers or Poison Wind Mortar.

You could also use Warp Lightning Cannons, Plagueclaw Catapults, or large blocks of Stormvermin.

Lastly, for fun games, you could get some units of Poison Wind Globadiers. Not the best unit by far but they certainly deal with armor quite easily.

03-05-2012, 07:10 PM
I recently aquired the IoB as well and am looking into the batallion box. There is nothing I will not need out of the batallion. Always need more clanrats...

03-05-2012, 08:10 PM
I recently aquired the IoB as well and am looking into the batallion box. There is nothing I will not need out of the batallion. Always need more clanrats...

That really is the maxim of Skaven. I simply cannot stress this enough. In every game a Skaven player will have roughly 1 model for every 10 points. Now, don't take that too strictly... it's a guide.. not a rule.

Really though... buy/acquire whatever you think you want to play with. Skaven really don't have any units which are outright bad, only a few that are subpar given 8th edition and how those units interact with the rules

Nightrunners, jezzails, and poison wind globadiers are all considered subpar... but they still have uses and can still work for players who run the right lists.

03-05-2012, 08:13 PM
Lots and lots of slaves. Probably around 80. You could probably get the old clanrats cheap on E-bay. Warp Lightning Cannons aren't too shabby for taking out big units. Hell Pit Abominations can do the trick if you're looking for a more Clan Moulder theme.

03-05-2012, 09:55 PM
At least get one hellpit, its cheap point wise and used right can really put a dent into an enemy army. Also since its so huge and visually intimidating, your opponent will sink a majority of its force into it to try and take it down leaving the rest of your guys free to march on through. Slaves are a good choice to, especially if they are in a big unit and you ram them in and force them to scatter, does some nice damage from them fleeing. If used and equipped right a unit of plague monks is pretty decent.

03-06-2012, 02:28 PM
If you do go the way of the Hell Pit Abom, I would reccommend you take a fair amount of Gutter Runners to try and poison-sling any cannons or other nasty warmachines to death.

03-07-2012, 02:49 PM
Doomwheels, at least two of them.

Those things terrify me as a Lizardmen player as they can kill my big blocks of infantry and my Stegadons with equal efficiency.

Also a Screaming Bell. That thing is just fun!


03-07-2012, 07:29 PM
There is just so much fun stuff for a Skaven player now. I agree, you can't go wrong with lots of clan rats and slaves. It really depends on what "flavor" you want to give your army. You can go in so many directions. Lots of big machines, units of big nasties, overload with units of slaves and clan rats, plague monk theme. SO many options...

03-08-2012, 01:52 PM
I am loving the cheap Skaven available on Ebay. Twenty Clanrats for $10-$11, the IoB stuff is a great value. I just need to add a screaming Bell and a Doom Wheel, plus some of the other cool, big, stuff. I think I'm going to try to scratch build a warp lightning cannon to save some money.


03-09-2012, 08:36 AM
Slaves, slaves and more slaves is a good answer to whatever ails a Skaven player. I wish the IOB skaven didn't have shields. but they are cheap and easy to get on Ebay

Sort Of Purple
03-09-2012, 10:19 PM
+1 vote for doomwheels.

It really depends though. Sound tactical advice is to stock up on slaves. And you totally should if you like winning. Personally I don't like taking huge slaves units. Rule of cool is obviously the winner. And I love the plague monk models, and with a furnace they are a solid unit. Some don't, YMMV.
A couple of battalions will net you a ton of clanrats to have a solid core, aforementioned monks. and some Rat Ogres. Now yes they are not that great, but they are bu no means unplayable But you at least have a fluffy infantry core. Giants rats see tactical use as well.

My 2 cents.

03-10-2012, 03:50 AM
A box of runners seems quite a good investment; night/gutter runners are quite useful.
You can also toy with to convert one as an assassin.

03-22-2012, 05:24 PM
I'm going to suggest you NOT buy the battalion. I know, craziness. The rat ogres and giant rats are terrible models and dont see much play so I dont think its a sound purchase.
Many players choose not to outfit their skavenslaves with shields, so you'll need a couple boxes of clanrats if you go that route. If not, the IOB Clanrats from ebay are a spectacular deal and you should pick up another 80 or so with hand weapon and shield.
Now you need killing potential. Cannons are where its at for me, I field two.
Two boxes of Plague monks are good at chewing up enemy hordes, but they need a Plague Furnace to shine, I think.
As a bonus, you get a nice Grey Seer model that matches the IOB style sculpting so there's your general sorted out.
The IOB Packmaster makes a good second Engineer, call his prod a condenser.
I dont use Queek even though I have the model, just not liking the Stormvermin as much as the Monks.
The Doomwheel however will win you games at lower point values, or if you can keep it away from cannons and tarpit units in larger games.