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View Full Version : Drop Pod Line Breaker

09-17-2009, 12:30 PM
Recently I have seen a couple of first turn drop pods using their inertial whatsit to deepstrike right close to my lines/deployment. Out pops a squad - at least 1 meltagun and 1 combi melta having a pop at my vehicles, before getting wiped out - if they're that close and away from their own lines on turn 1 I have time to disembark berzerkers, finish them, and embark next turn.

A more concerning development is this tactic with an ironclad dreadnought. Melta but spanky DCCW as well. I think HtH gets you more bites at the cherry, but if I use my lord (currently Kharn) one hit will do him if invulnerable save fails - I hate this.

I don't want to get all my meltas (on board rhinos) within 6" of this beast to make sure, making one big target. An ironclad mathshammer wise will also kill my precious defilers.

Anyone got any clever ideas in similar situations?

09-17-2009, 01:28 PM
I normal postion my tanks as far back as i can to limit his meltas from hitting them. I rather one guy die then my tank. I use terrian to help with this. For me its about deployment if you limit areas where the melta will to the most damage you will be ok. Ironclads are a different monster, if onw does show up, i iqnore the less threat and shot the tar out of it, and hope i at least immobize it. I run Ultramarines with Calgar, and if need be he will run in to it and attack it or lock it up with a squad and move calgar over there to take it out.

I also play eldar, and they dont fear armor 13, either shot a bright lance at it knock it down to armor 12 better chance, or charge him with witchblades S9 aganist anything with a armor value. I also field alot of missle lanchers that can take care if it

09-17-2009, 04:19 PM
Once, after deploying my dreadnought deployed via drop pod, my opponent frustrated me by blocking said dreadnought with one of his rhinos against my own drop pod and a terrain. He moved the rhino over 12" and popped smoke to get the saves making it survive that bit longer. Took me a while to get out, by which point the rest of his army had redeployed leaving my range limited walker rather stranded. 35 points to tie up - dealy a 210 model. More difficult to block in a seizmic hammer / melta armed ironclad as they get wreck vehicles that bit quicker.

Just a thought. good luck amd blood for the blood god etc.

09-18-2009, 11:22 AM
dont forget the iron clad can move through cover to help get it out.

Also, if you know your opponent is bring melta pods, don't deploy first turn. Make him waste his drop on lesser targets. Of course he can choose which to deploy, but if he only using one of these then definetly just deny him a target on the table.