View Full Version : 1250 Necrons All comers

03-05-2012, 02:29 PM
Thoughts? I have played the 1500 and 2,000 point versions of this list, but I'm concerned with the balance of it at this point level.

I'm Facing Nids this week but trying to make this an effective all comers list, so I know the Solar Pulse will be of little effect here, but again... all comers.

Overlord - Warscythe, MSS, Phase Shifter, Sempiternal
Command Barge - Gauss
Cryptek - Despair, Veil of Darkness - Immortals
Cryptek - Destruction - Warriors 1
Cryptek - Destruction, Solar Pulse - Warriors 2

5 Warriors
Ghost Ark
5 Warriors
Ghost Ark
10 Immortals - Gauss

Fast Attack
4 Scarabs
5 Scarabs

Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge

1,250 Points - 3 Scoring Units - 11KPs

Please Critique

03-05-2012, 02:44 PM
I think you will have a hard time with the 6 wound MCs, the scarabs could do it, but against a tyrgon they stand a chance of being wiped out before they swing.

03-05-2012, 03:15 PM
At 1250, there shouldn't be a real lot of 6 wound MC's. However, given that you could still face some, I think your list is still good. Necrons don't have much AP2 shooting, so I'd try to be mobile, using the Annihilation barges to knock some wounds off before engaging any big monsters. If you have a good counter assault with scarabs, you could take the big bugs out pretty quick also.

03-05-2012, 03:46 PM
Your Overlord has a ton of gear that isn't really necessary. The greatness of the Barge Overlord is due to his damage output in relation to cost. 2+/3++ and MSS are nice, but his job is really to pop tanks and cause a ruckus. If he loses his ride, he's gone regardless, all you lose now is an extra 90 points. That's another Annihilation Barge!

I wouldn't recommend Gauss Blasters on teleporting Immortals unless you have a Phaeron around. Dropping into rapid fire range is just asking for bad scatter or getting charged. Tesla Carbines can generate a shocking amount of firepower and have the awesome range to fire all game. I would also consider a Nightmare Shroud for the odd forced Ld test that could really swing a game.

Overall, it looks like a good start.

03-05-2012, 04:34 PM
If you got the models and want to go for maximum nastyness. I would go for:

2 x Highlord wiht Scythe and Mindshackle und 2+ save in Barge for 210 each

2 x 5 Wraiths with 2 Whipcoils 195 each

3 x Annihilation Barge 90 each

2 x 5 Tesla Immortals 85 each

= 1250 Points

Tyras really struggle against AV 13 vehicles and especially against mindshackle Lords.

All your shooting and Wraiths should be able 2 stop advancing Genestealers or Worms. While your lords hunt Tervigons and other nasty things like hiveguards.

This list also works against most other armys at said point value.

03-05-2012, 10:03 PM
I think you just need more bodies on the table. I'd be very tempted to drop one of the Ghost Arks for more warriors.

03-06-2012, 12:22 AM
I would drop a troop choice for some wriaths. 4 with one whop with allow you to kill any MC and be a huge threat to transports other wise i make the scarabs one big unit.

03-06-2012, 09:48 AM
Depending on if you expect to see a lot of mech, I'd lose the scarabs (as you don't have supporting spyders, and some popular lists eat them for breakfast i.e. grey knights). If you expect to see rhino/ chimera spam, then you will need these guys.

I'd also lose one unit of warriors with ark and replace them with tesla immortals, possibly in two squads of 5, though you may want flexibility for veiling options.

I'd then drop all the unnecessary upgrades on your overlord (MSS, phase shifter, weave - most of the time he won't want to get off his barge) and get as many wraiths as I could afford.

03-06-2012, 10:01 AM
I prefer breaking up my Immortals in low point games gives you more scoring and they still do the same job. Other than that looks good!

03-06-2012, 10:04 AM
The overlord equipped like this has been a dream in 1500+ matches, so I am leary about reducing his equipment. I am very aggressive with him, so I constantly lose the Barge and he is forced to slog around my enemy's backfield dispatching any remnants of units left behind (or MSU units, or Devastators/Long Fangs). I find that having the Sempiternal and Phase Shifter has kept him from dying in almost every battle I have fielded him not to mention how useful having the OL with MSS is... I have isolated and destroyed quite a few MC this way.

I do see you're points though. This being 1250, it throws the whole synergy of the army off because of the required support on some of these units. I'll try to shuffle things around and see what I come up with.

Please continue critiquing!

Maybe something along these lines? This is for a campaign match vs Nids and it is the Cityfight "Urban Assault" mission.

Overlord - Phaeron, Warscythe, MSS, Ressurection Orb
Cryptek - Despair, Nightmare Shroud, Veil of Darkness
Cryptek - Tremorstave
Cryptek - Tremorstave

C'Tan - Writhing Worldscape, Entropic Touch

5 Immortals - Tesla
5 Immortals - Tesla
10 Immortals - Gauss

Fast Attack
5 wraiths (3 coils)

Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge

1,250 Points - 3 Scoring Units - 8KPs
