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03-05-2012, 09:23 AM
So I have finally convinced a friend to give Warmachine a go. We both play 40k and I have been itching to give this game a try over the past year or so. Not one of my friends were interested until after much badgering one caved in :D
One of the things about 40k we all enjoy is it's depth in story, both in it's rule books and black library releases and nothing gets us painting more than after reading some cool fiction set in the 40k universe. So I was wondering are there any works of fiction / novels worth reading set in the Iron kingdoms to encourage our appetite whilst we go about assembling and painting our starter sets ?
Oh and were looking at Khador and Cryx if that helps but anything will do.
Thanks in advance.

03-05-2012, 02:18 PM
As far as I know there haven't been any novels set in the Warmachine/Hordes setting. There have been d20 system RPG books released in the setting, though! And each of the books and model entries have pretty extensive info about the factions/models involved.

03-05-2012, 02:39 PM
I'd be all over some books if they decided to do them. IMO, they should, and it should be a priority.

The problem is, and perhaps I'm wrong here, is that I believe a large portion of the Warmahordes player base wouldn't care because many of them are there for the competetive game play, not the very rich hobby aspect it presents.

Which is a shame, because Privateer has the best hobby articles in the business, and it's clearly something they find valuable.

Here's hoping (though admittedly, they'd really have to improve on some of the writing that is in the faction books; it's not awful, but in some areas it certainly isn't great.)

03-05-2012, 02:43 PM
I've got to say, I don't think that the Privateer Press fanbase would be uninterested in a series of Warmahordes novels. Everyone I've talked to at my FLGS has been eagerly awaiting the rerelease of the Iron Kingdoms RPG, and I think the fluff is what draws all of them about as much as the rules itself. Judging by the quality of the models my opponents bring to the table - and the appreciative complements I get for my own :D - the Warmahordes fanbase is definitely into the hobby aspect of the game as well.

So, yeah, I'd say it's probably a matter of priority, not interest.

03-05-2012, 03:00 PM
There's no novels, but the books of both Mk1 and Mk2 tell a progressive story. I'd especially recommend Legends and Pirates of the Broken Coast from Mk1.

03-05-2012, 03:47 PM
No Quarter Magazine is also full of additional fiction, often serving as preludes or side-stories to what is covered in the books. While the scattered delivery of fiction makes it hard for new players to get into the background, it also means every book or magazine released plays a considerable part in building up the setting.

You can get a lot of NQ back issues for $1 directly from PP, but the Mk1 books can be a hassle to get these days. They did say they were planning to release a collected volume of just the fiction from those books, though - this year, I believe?

03-05-2012, 03:53 PM
You can get a lot of NQ back issues for $1 directly from PP, but the Mk1 books can be a hassle to get these days. They did say they were planning to release a collected volume of just the fiction from those books, though - this year, I believe?

That would be fantastic.

And FWIW, I still said I would buy them, as would a few of my friends with **GASP** painted models; sadly, I think the majority of the players in my area would not because they're more about the rules than the fluff.

03-05-2012, 03:58 PM
I too would really like for PP to start publishing some fiction. Maybe a tie-in to the video game they are working on to start things off.

03-05-2012, 04:18 PM
Pretty much what everybody else has already mentioned, No novels buts lots of short stories.

03-05-2012, 04:35 PM
PP reminds me of Games Workshops early days a bit in regards to fiction- no publishing wing but tons of short stories turning up in every army book, rulebook, magazine etc etc

03-05-2012, 05:13 PM
Would love to read some Warmachine novels. Hope this happens soon.

03-05-2012, 11:08 PM
At some point it will happen.

The problem with publishing these days is that bookstores are an endangered species. Books are expensive, and with the economy right now there are fewer people with the spare cash to spend on books.

That, and finding quality writers to actually put forth salable product.

Say what you want about BL--they are good. But back in the day, FASA was where it was at with fiction based off of their IP games systems. (40+ Shadowrun novels, and I-have-no-clue how many Battletech books.)

As with BL, the quality of writing was diverse, but you had some quality names there. (Michael Stackpole, for instance--the Dan Abnett of FASA IP. :)) Who, like Abnett went on to publish mainstream sci-fi/fantasy--to a bit better success.

(As an aside--while I think Abnett is the best of the BL authors, getting through his non-GW related novel Triummph was a major PITA. Story didn't finally "get good" for me until just about the end.)

Shadow Walker
03-06-2012, 05:40 AM
I would love to see some WM/H novels. I remember how much I liked short stories from rulebooks and faction books [especially from Hordes]

Face Stabbity
03-06-2012, 08:49 AM
I wish they'd put some focus on getting a book or two published. The short stories are nice, but by their nature they're limited to what they can do.

The most difficult thing for them would be to give equal treatment of all races. Unlike 40k, where it's Space Marines vs. the universe, WM/H races all have interesting stories to tell, and all are intertwined. So you can't just publish Khador and Cryx, because you'll be ignoring a big part of your fanbase.

Another problem is that if they want to tell meaningful stories, something important to the IK universe needs to happen. They can't just publish 8 books that all happen in a vacuum, and nothing that happens actually affects the universe. I know some people would be happy for any book, but I imagine there are a lot of people like me who don't want to spend time reading these books if, in the end, nothing in the universe is affected by it, and we've just wasted hours reading a self-contained story about our favorite races.

I think of things like the Warcraft novels. Every story I've read has either given a deeper look into historical events, or Blizzard worked closely with the author to allow the story to contain events that actually impacted the lore of the game. I'd LOVE to see something like that happen with PP.

03-06-2012, 09:50 AM
I wish they'd put some focus on getting a book or two published. The short stories are nice, but by their nature they're limited to what they can do.
I don't think it's an issue of focus so much as timing and other factors. They've publicly mentioned novels being in the works, but PPS is close to cursed when it comes to licensed products. Comic books, novels, resin statues...they've all been arranged and contracted, then scrapped for one reason or another. Even the video game seems to be stuck in limbo now, which is damn near heartbreaking.

03-06-2012, 11:34 AM
I'd greatly enjoy some novels, I've had trouble finding background fluff on the nets, and I haven't really wanted to throw money down on army books just yet as I'm still starting out.

03-06-2012, 01:31 PM
Well thanks for the reply guys, I must admit I am a little disappointed but thats just me when I get a new obsession. I like to grab as much info as I can on everything straight away :o
Anyway I have the mk 2 book on order and I am going to get a copy of the latest "No quarter". Will look at the Khador army book too but as I understand it the army books are not essential to play at 1st ? but good resource for background.

03-06-2012, 01:54 PM
Another problem is that if they want to tell meaningful stories, something important to the IK universe needs to happen. They can't just publish 8 books that all happen in a vacuum, and nothing that happens actually affects the universe.

I think you're dead on, there, and that's why I rather prefer that PP isn't publishing novels. I've never been interested in the Black Library (or indeed, most of the 40k fluff) because too often they feel like side stories rather than supportive of a cohesive ongoing tale. That's probably an unfair assessment, but likely also an unavoidable truth given the vast setting (and frequent forays into millennia past).

PP is focused on developing their present timeline in a way that significantly impacts each faction; events often have lasting changes on warcasters and warlocks or even army composition, reflected in new rules as well. Novels in between expansions wouldn't be able to advance the story or characters the same way, and if they just explored side stories, unrelated characters, or the setting's history, they'd lack the added impact of knowing that what you just read was a subtle preview of a future expansion's epic character or new unit.

So, I mean, they could do it, but it might be tricky to do right and not just cheapen the setting with low-quality fluff.

03-06-2012, 01:57 PM
They did say they were planning to release a collected volume of just the fiction from those books, though - this year, I believe?

That would be great, I would definitely get that.

03-07-2012, 05:11 AM
I'd love it if PP published the story that's included in the faction books and rule book all in one condensed novel. Not having every faction book makes if frustrating to read part of a story and wonder what happens next.

Kovnik Obama
03-07-2012, 12:53 PM
So, I mean, they could do it, but it might be tricky to do right and not just cheapen the setting with low-quality fluff.


I mean, I love the IK&warmachine fluff, but in all honesty Warmachine is one step lower than IK was. Doug Seacat is a wonderful fluff writer for the amount of space he gets in each book, but I'm sure he doesn't want to see his vision of the IK ruined by short terms.

There will be novels. It's the sound of inevitability. But it will take a few more years, or it will be Space marine battles kinda crap. And I'm sure Matt Wilson won't allow that.

03-08-2012, 03:22 AM
It would be a very good news. I love so much this universe that i own all the warmachine / Hordes books.

03-08-2012, 08:35 AM
There will be novels. It's the sound of inevitability. But it will take a few more years, or it will be Space marine battles kinda crap. And I'm sure Matt Wilson won't allow that.

I don't quite understand why this would be such a bad thing.

Take the major battles they only briefly gloss over in the army books and turn them into full length stories. The Space Marine Battles books have their place. They're action movies. The Iron Kingdoms isn't above that.

And lets not kid ourselves; the stuff in the army books is serviceable, but it's not going to be winning Gemmels any time soon. And that's okay. But expanding sooner would only benefit the universe more.

Granted, they may actually have to kill a protagonist for real if they do any of that....

03-09-2012, 05:16 PM
I've been trying desperately to get all the back stories and such on certain characters. It's hard though as a lot of the old faction books are now out of print and hard to come by (at least in my area). Took me months just to get hands on Deneghra's backstory.

03-09-2012, 11:19 PM
I know it's a bit weird but... I've actually been really enjoying the cross-referenced research that results from the multiple sources of fiction, especially now that I have twenty-some old NQ issues. There's a rather odd joy that comes from reading about how the Morrowan church tried to help Nyss refugees, and what the Nyss sought to protect, and how everything got ruined, and now several stories later I want eGoreshade despite not really caring for his rules. That active pursuit of more information than can be found in just one book really adds to the fun (for me, anyway), though naturally it's all the more infuriating when you're missing the pertinent book.

03-13-2012, 09:27 AM
I know it's a bit weird but... I've actually been really enjoying the cross-referenced research that results from the multiple sources of fiction, especially now that I have twenty-some old NQ issues. There's a rather odd joy that comes from reading about how the Morrowan church tried to help Nyss refugees, and what the Nyss sought to protect, and how everything got ruined, and now several stories later I want eGoreshade despite not really caring for his rules. That active pursuit of more information than can be found in just one book really adds to the fun (for me, anyway), though naturally it's all the more infuriating when you're missing the pertinent book.

I feel the exact same way! A collected fluff book would be useful, but having all of these disparate books and magazines makes it so that I learn a lot about things I wouldn't look into otherwise.

03-13-2012, 10:05 AM
PP's stuff is like watching an old 80's toy cartoon, and this is not a bad thing. While much of it comes off as a merchandise parade they aren't afraid to push their properties into new and interesting places. I really enjoyed the interactions at play in the Mercenary section of Wrath. It showed how much Kreoss has changed since his description in Prime Mk1 and how character warjacks can be a problem if you don't watch them.
They aren't all winners though, Domination was pretty boring but set up some really interesting things. Things that appear to be coming to a head judging by the Colossal promo art. That there isn't something like a Chronicles of the Immoren seems like a real loss. There's supposed to be some neat stuff in the campaign fluff too, but I've never seen it and I'd like to.