View Full Version : poll of how many of your finecast are defective.

03-03-2012, 01:42 AM
Just interested, with so many people complaining.

Sorry there is no 10%

And feel free to comment on anything about finecast problems or lack there of.

03-03-2012, 03:19 AM
Depends a lot on what you and everyone else is counting as 'defective'. I wouldn't include minor surface bubbles that need filling but only where noticeable detail is lost. but everyone has a different view.

As an example, the picture below looks really bad (at least it did when I opened the box ;)) but once I cleaned off the flash, there were only minor bubbles that were easily fixable and a little bending of the gun barrel. Annoying, but not sure if you'd include this as defective?


03-03-2012, 03:24 AM
First my definition of unacceptable/defective:

Any model which would take longer to prep for painting than the equivalent metal miniature.

I voted 0%

03-03-2012, 03:32 AM
I put 50% I had an overlord ( a particularly troubled model it seems) that has required resculpting and a cryptek that was almost perfect. For me the main thing is if a part needs resculpting as I know I will not be able to get it to look as good as it should be, but others define it differently. So I say leave it to each person, though I don't think flash even like you had counts as defective as that is very easy to fix.

03-03-2012, 04:06 AM
I voted 40% but I only have a few finecast models and it was the same models repeatedly that had the problems.
Terminator Libby, Dante and Crowe.

The Techmarine I bought was just amazingly crisp and the servo arms were a joy to attach compared to the metal model.

03-03-2012, 04:18 AM
First my definition of unacceptable/defective:

Any model which would take longer to prep for painting than the equivalent metal miniature.

I voted 0%

Sounds like a good definiton to me. In that case, 0%.

03-03-2012, 04:38 AM
1)Two boxex of Wracks - about 4 were good-ish (2 of them lacked arm-ports) rest needed some GS to fill holes, or missing foot or two, there was some minor sculpting done (face-masks lacking part of their "frame") and some had details so badly flawed that it was easer to cut them off than sculpt.

2)Haemonculus - i guess molding forms were a bit off, and so he needed extensive scrubbing, cuting and gs'ing - his right hand needs to be replaced.

3)Queek - best of all, but still he lacked right side of his helmet, that I had to sculpt.

My personal conclusion - stay with plastics Amdor, stay with plastics. :D

03-03-2012, 06:31 AM
Emperor's Champion: sword is slightly bent and blade isn't exactly symmetrical.

Lord Commisar: sword was slightly flexed.

03-03-2012, 06:37 AM
I put 0%. I have gotten a bunch of eldar stuff and all of it has been fine.

BTW I have never noticed until isotope99 posted a picture but fire dragons have a sweet behind!

03-03-2012, 07:44 AM
I've had a hand ful of finecast moiniatures. So far the only defects worth mentioning was a bubble on the corner of a Techmarine's servo arm and one on the back of a sertivotr that got covered by another componant anyway, neither of which are really serious.

Interestingly I bought Castellan Crowe at the Finecast release. No defects at all, wonderful miniature to put together. I recently won a metal version (FLGS getting rid of it's old metal stock) with a few defects, miscast details etc. It's nothing I'm not capable of fixing, but by far and a way the worst quality miniture I have ever gotten from GW (it was free, so I'm not complaining or anything) and a little ironic that people complain about Finecast and here I have the exact antithesis as an example.

03-03-2012, 07:52 AM
First my definition of unacceptable/defective:

Any model which would take longer to prep for painting than the equivalent metal miniature.

I voted 0%

But then your not looking for an improvement over metal which fine cast models should be (and admittedly can be), but accepting the same and paying more for the privilege ?

03-03-2012, 07:53 AM
I've painted a Necron Overlord and Huron Blackheart in Finecast and I can't say I had significant issues with those models. True, I had to fill in a few bubbles on the Overlord, but I also didn't have to clean any moldlines from that model.

I definitely realize people have had very mixed luck with Finecast, but I've been fortunate thus far.

03-03-2012, 08:48 AM
On the contrary, I was just stating what is unacceptable, not my opinion on Finecast. Finecast models are lighter, more easily converted and more easily assembled. These are all big improvements over metal in my opinion.
Ligher, for example, allows me to suspend entire models from relatively flimsy parts like whips making for truly dynamic poses.
Being able to cut the material is a godsend, I'm currently converting some mandrake into ladydrakes by removing their torsos and replacing them with female torsos and using a bit of greenstuff to add runes and whatnot. I've been able to be much more precise and less destructive to the superfluous parts than I could with metal.
More easily assembled should be obvious, big critters don't even need pinning in general. Tougher, too. Drop a metal monster/large model and watch it shatter into its constituent parts. Finecast bounces and maybe something fragile will snap off if you are unlucky. Bit of superglue and a touch up and it is repaired securely.

But then your not looking for an improvement over metal which fine cast models should be (and admittedly can be), but accepting the same and paying more for the privilege ?

03-03-2012, 09:06 AM
My finecast models:

Inquisitor Coteaz - fine
1 box of Marine Vanguard Veterans - all the swords were wrecked, lots of GS filling needed.
1 Haemonculi - generally okay, upper right hand was missing fingers.

03-03-2012, 09:15 AM
First my definition of unacceptable/defective:

I voted 0%

Going by that definition I'd have to agree for 0%, as well.

I've had a metal model before (Jump Pack Chaplain) which had a miscast so bad I took it back (one of his feet was a blob of pewter and I don't have the sculpting skills to hide that well enough). I haven't ever had that with a Finecast model, and I've bought at least 25 so far.

And at least with Finecast one thing I really like is that due to their matte colouring I can actually see all the defects before I prime/start painting them. And even if there are defects that I notice while painting, I can easily shave them/fill them and the paint in the surrounding area won't be chipped to hell.

Win/win in my books. :)

03-03-2012, 10:41 AM
I have bought a thraka which turned out poorly called gw and they replaced it with a fantastic thraka that I loved.
I bought a techmarine and servitors and it was, well it was frakking terrible, resin over the eyes, the pieces looked squished in, and chucks removed from air bubbles. I called they sent a replacement that was better but it was still not up to snuff for example the whole corner of the marines servo back pack was completely missing.
So I called again and they replaced it with a grade a piece on the third try.
I am very happy with the customer service even if it takes a little longer to get my toys.

Plus if you have pieces that are in issue like these were, then you get spare terrain bitz like I did with my first techmarine box. I used some of the good parts to make servitors built into the walls or in stands for my fortress of arrogance. Sure its not what I bought them for but essentially GW by providing me a corrected miniature also gave me additional tools to make another miniature look better.

03-03-2012, 11:51 AM
On the contrary, I was just stating what is unacceptable, not my opinion on Finecast. Finecast models are lighter, more easily converted and more easily assembled. These are all big improvements over metal in my opinion.
Ligher, for example, allows me to suspend entire models from relatively flimsy parts like whips making for truly dynamic poses.
Being able to cut the material is a godsend, I'm currently converting some mandrake into ladydrakes by removing their torsos and replacing them with female torsos and using a bit of greenstuff to add runes and whatnot. I've been able to be much more precise and less destructive to the superfluous parts than I could with metal.
More easily assembled should be obvious, big critters don't even need pinning in general. Tougher, too. Drop a metal monster/large model and watch it shatter into its constituent parts. Finecast bounces and maybe something fragile will snap off if you are unlucky. Bit of superglue and a touch up and it is repaired securely.

Point taken :)

03-03-2012, 12:17 PM
The question was "how many have been defective." The answer is 100%. Every last one that I've purchased has been defective in one way or another, to the point that they've all needed to be fixed to some degree (beyond simply removing flash). How simple that fix may be is irrelevant. Every single finecast mini that I have ever seen has likewise been defective.

I've been collecting minis for 20+ years, both metal and resin, and what I'm used to seeing is more in the range of 10% to 20% (sometimes as high as 30% in the case of resin). As such my general strategy with resin figures has been, if I see a mini I really want to paint I'll buy two, because chances are one will have a screw-up. That strategy doesn't work with finecast, and I have not yet found a target point where I am assured of getting at least one that isn't @#$%ed-up in some way. By that criteria, finecast simply put is unacceptable to me.

03-03-2012, 12:46 PM
I put 0%

So far I have a box of treekin, a wood elf spell singer, a wood elf noble and 2 of the anniversary models. The only thing is a little bubble on the toe of the spell singer which is easily filled in.

I detest working with the metal models! So far I have not had any finecast to make me regret that statement (touch wood!)

03-03-2012, 03:38 PM
ive bought

a eldar autarch: the body was alright but the head and shoulder was TERRIBLE so they gave me a replacement!

a box of warp spiders: some minor bubbles but nothing major

aniversery mini: slightly bent base, fixed with warm water.

03-03-2012, 03:47 PM
I put 0%. I have gotten a bunch of eldar stuff and all of it has been fine.

BTW I have never noticed until isotope99 posted a picture but fire dragons have a sweet behind!

These are not defects. Mine would be at 10% but it doesn't exist.

03-03-2012, 04:03 PM
These are not defects. Mine would be at 10% but it doesn't exist.

Just do 20% then.

03-03-2012, 04:23 PM
Of the three Finecast models I've purchased (Huron Blackheart, Commander Dante, Emperor's Champion), I've had a defect rate of 0%. All three were perfect and bubble-free (save for maybe a small bubble on the bottom of the Champion's tabard, but it's almost unnoticeable).

I know it's not a perfect product by any means, but I've had good luck with it.

03-03-2012, 05:10 PM
So, even though this is only a very small sample space (actually it would be interesting to know just how many people are estimated to be in the hobby overall) that almost 50% are saying that they have had no defects and most fall in the 0-30% range. Do we think this would indicate success or not, should the product be perfect or do we have to accept that some models have to be returned and if so what percentage?

Keep voting the more who vote the better as the bigger the sample is the more indicative the poll will be.

03-03-2012, 05:57 PM
My finecast issues-

Prezzie for me- an Abaddon. ridiculous bubbling. Returned it to GW. Swapped it for-
Kaldor Draigo (for a NMM paintin project- I dont run Grey Knights). Went through local GW stores stock of Grey Knight blisters and couldn't find any non defective so had to settle for the least defective (bent sword with tip missing, bubbles in shield and a few other random places.

On the other hand Forgeworld have been problem free for me for a long time. It took them years to get it right, but they seem to be priced the same as finecast, so where I can I will buy FW over GW.

03-03-2012, 06:01 PM
I have only bought 1 finecast model. It was Huron and it had no defects.

03-04-2012, 03:16 AM
Only issue I've had so far is my Succubus came without a chin, this was easily fixed with a head swap that I was planning to do anyways and one of my Incubi is missing a foot but as I run them with my archon I only need 4 so that's no biggy either and the Kabalite foot I replaced it with looks fine. So I went for 0% as having played with a metal army for 7 years I've had alot more issues with metal...DAMN EXORCIST!!! (fist shaking with rage.)

03-04-2012, 09:57 AM
Lets see...

10 wracks
3 grotesques
2 ur ghuls
1 medusa
2 farseers
5 warlocks
5 pathfinders

and so far 1 grotesque had a tiny bubble umder his arm that you cant see when hes put together

The Madman
03-04-2012, 10:25 AM
only 14.29% of my finecast have been defective (1 of 7 models), the chaos Raptors and Zoanthrope were perfect, the lord of change however has a small defect on his left shoulder just under the wing. the cloth and chain that goes around his neck was missing but it was a very minor greenstuff job. (image attched)

i did tell the manager at my store about it and he said he would have replaced it for me but it was so minor i didn't see the point (it would be covered by the wing anyway).

03-04-2012, 10:31 AM
So, even though this is only a very small sample space (actually it would be interesting to know just how many people are estimated to be in the hobby overall) that almost 50% are saying that they have had no defects and most fall in the 0-30% range. Do we think this would indicate success or not, should the product be perfect or do we have to accept that some models have to be returned and if so what percentage?

Keep voting the more who vote the better as the bigger the sample is the more indicative the poll will be.

It depends on what you mean by 'perfect'. Plastic models usually come with mould lines that need cleaning up but no one complains about them. I'd say that isn't perfect, so by that logic no model GW produces is perfect, but that doesn't seem to be an issue for most people.

03-04-2012, 03:13 PM
It depends on what you mean by 'perfect'. Plastic models usually come with mould lines that need cleaning up but no one complains about them. I'd say that isn't perfect, so by that logic no model GW produces is perfect, but that doesn't seem to be an issue for most people.

I guess by perfect I mean whatever you consider 0%, the question being that should we expect to have to only clean, or should we expect there to bubbling on some models and we just have to deal with it either with green stuff or replacing it, and if so what is an acceptable percentage.

For now the sample space is too small to use this as evidence but if we could get a few hundred the importance of the poll in giving a rough idea of how many models people are finding defective increases and if we could get a thousand plus votes it would act as a very good piece of evidence.

03-05-2012, 02:15 PM
Clearly having defects and lost detail is not acceptable, but I would argue having to fill a few bubbles is no more unacceptable than having to clear mold lines as it is no more time consuming or difficult.

03-05-2012, 02:17 PM
For me it's both 100% and 0%, because I have no disposable income and have not purchased any miniatures.

03-05-2012, 02:19 PM
I voted 100%
I have only purchased 2 finecast models so far. Both of them have had issues.
1 Imhotek the Stormlord, the cap was bubbled and translucent on one portion. the 2nd cape was fine
1 Lord with re orb, the staff was badly warped and bent

03-05-2012, 02:25 PM
I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones when it comes to Finecast, as none of my models have been truly defective. I still voted 20% as I have needed to do some sculpting work in order to fill gaps and bubbles, and sometimes extraneous details were removed accidentally do to shipping.

Overall, I'm still iffy on Finecast as I've seen some pretty horrific miscasts (a Cryptek that looked like he took an acid bath, for one). I guess I still wish they just converted it to all plastic. :(

03-05-2012, 02:33 PM
Overall, I'm still iffy on Finecast as I've seen some pretty horrific miscasts (a Cryptek that looked like he took an acid bath, for one). I guess I still wish they just converted it to all plastic. :(

Man would I be down with that.

03-05-2012, 02:39 PM
i had to put 100% as i have only purchased one set of finecast so far but its almost enough to steer me away completely!!

i bought the techmarine/ 4 servitor kit and the techmarines shoulderpad was basically a big glossy(literally) concave defect, luckily i had planned on getting rid of his head/shoulderpads in favor of my GK bits but if i had intended a regular techmarine i would have been returning it for sure!! along with the techmarine 2 of the servitors has decent bubble gaps and the techmarines staff was bent beyond salvaging(due to being brittle) although once again i was planning on replacing with GK bits

benefits of finecast, much much easier to assemble and prime, some parts can be more warped and brittle though.

overall i suppose i would still purchase more needed finecast models but i would be wary about starting that eldar army i want, with all those aspects being finecast

03-05-2012, 02:48 PM
I've bought or recieved as xmas gifts the following models.

Ork big mek with kustom force field: Wonderful model, not a single defect.

Dark Eldar haemonculus: One small bubble on the underside of one hand. It doesn't show, so I filled it in with a smidgeon of white glue. (The liquid GS hadn't been announced yet.)

4 Wracks: As far as I can tell, perfect but part of the stuff on one of their backs broke off, but it is to delicate that that may have happened with plastic or metal as well.

Lelith Hesperax: Another flawless model, right up until the day that it fell off of the table and then I stupidly stepped on it, reducing it to rubble. However, I should note that had it been metal, the way that I stepped on it would have had be being rushed to the hospital with a deep tissue laceration.

03-05-2012, 02:58 PM
So far I havent had any problems, if any are easily fixed:D

03-05-2012, 03:00 PM
Poor Khaldor Draigo, your shield's bubbly, your sword's got a bite in it, your face is ugly (though that isn't the resin's fault) and you look more like swiss cheese than a space marine.
I don't like the new finecast and I hope that since they did an announcement on how to fix finecast they're gonna address the issues related to it.

03-05-2012, 03:23 PM
Got a few finecast last month, all of them where fine, except for the C'tan, it had some minor bubbles on the back.

03-05-2012, 03:29 PM
I bought a draigo model and multiple pieces were defective. I complained and they sent me another one.. which was also defective... :(

03-05-2012, 03:40 PM
I bought a draigo model and multiple pieces were defective. I complained and they sent me another one.. which was also defective... :(

Well, as a Notre Dame fan, you should, at least recently, be very used to disappointment :D. I kid, I kid. I'm a Bengals fan, so I, too, am quite used to it. Oh yeah, and my Buckeyes can't even play in the post season next year. At least you've got Gunner Kiehl coming!

Welcome to the forums.

03-05-2012, 03:57 PM
I have a librarian with no nose , moderately defective, but I got the model for free at my flgs when I get a new one, so not all bad.

03-05-2012, 03:58 PM

If I can't fix it, then I take it back to my GW and they give me a new one so in the end it's 0%

03-05-2012, 04:05 PM
I bought a death jester and a box of fire dragons. 2 of the fire dragons had a couple of holes or obscured detail in spaces. Called gw customer service and they sent me a replace box that had no issues. Considering I didn't have to return the first box, I can't complain too badly. With a little green stuff I now have two playable squads of fire dragons for the price of one.

03-05-2012, 04:06 PM
I bought a death jester and a box of fire dragons. 2 of the fire dragons had a couple of holes or obscured detail in spaces. Called gw customer service and they sent me a replace box that had no issues. Considering I didn't have to return the first box, I can't complain too badly. With a little green stuff I now have two playable squads of fire dragons for the price of one.
Exactly, enjoy it whilst we can!

03-05-2012, 04:15 PM
For me out of the 5 Finecast models I got (ebay) 2 had bubbles and warped parts.

03-05-2012, 04:48 PM
I've been quite lucky so far, two finecast bought and both ok.

03-05-2012, 05:22 PM
I only have one fine cast model so far, Draigo. He was done quite well and other then a sword that doesn't seem to want to be straight no matter how many times I heat it up and bend it back.

03-05-2012, 07:45 PM
I hate to admit it, but 0%.

To be fair though, I've only got 1 Finecast model ('twas a gift) so not necesarily a good indicator...

03-05-2012, 11:52 PM
I've only bought a handful of fine cast stuff, and only had one bubble on the interior of a join under a shoulder pad. A bit of extra CA sorted that out. A buddy of mine has a necron character of some description with a not insignificant bubble in the cape, but it's nothing a bit of cleanup and GS filling won't solve.

03-06-2012, 01:06 AM
I got a necron overlord that had swiss cheese holes all through it. GW sent me another and it had all the same holes. I did get Gazghull and he was fine, but overall not impressed with the finecast.

03-06-2012, 02:03 AM
I went for 0% although I have only picked up a couple of pieces and the only really work I had to deal with is the Firebelly head flame thingy needing to be bent to get everything to fit.

03-06-2012, 04:27 AM
0% for me, had 3 models and I found them easier to clean up than metal models. One of them had one piece with a cluster of bubbles that wouldve easily been fixed with greenstuff but I didn't want to use that piece anyway. I've seen some horrific flaws on other peoples models but been lucky so far.

03-06-2012, 08:52 AM
I'e bought a necron lord and a cryptek. The lord was fine but the cryptek was seriously crap. I called GW and a new cryptek is on the way so I really can't complain.

03-06-2012, 10:09 AM
1 Vemonthrope: Huge grand canyon size gaps where the vent-plate meets the body. Needed way too much green stuff.

2 Zoanthrope: 1 was the way the metal ones are, small gap that didn't bother me. The second had the same problem as the venomthrope.

3 Hiveguard: The tails looked like someone made a home made mold and glued 2 pieces of grey stuff together. since it was o the bottom of the body, it's not like anyone will see it. 1 hiveguard had bubbles on top of his head and carapace crest.

2 Tyrant guard: Hey! no miscasts...one just came with 2 right legs *eyeroll* I got a replacement, so it was ok.

My friends keep getting perfect Dark Eldar and space marine models. It's a conspiracy, I tells ya.

03-06-2012, 10:35 AM
i have yet to see one that is really bad. as long as i dont count the pics on the internet....

03-06-2012, 11:41 AM
Like a few others, I compare what I've gotten from finecast with what I used to get with metal.
I have yet to have to return a finecast product. While there is substantially more flash than with metal, it is so much easier to fix. Also, bending is easily fixed without risking breakling thin pieces.

With metal, missing pieces in a pack was rare, but it did happen. With the finecast sprues I have yet to see this once.

Overall, I'm happy with the change--prepping the models has been faster and easier, and they are much more difficult to break apart/chip when using them.

Is it perfect? No. Is it better than metal? Yes. So I give it 0%.

Inquiring M1nd
03-06-2012, 06:20 PM
1 Vemonthrope: Huge grand canyon size gaps where the vent-plate meets the body. Needed way too much green stuff.

2 Zoanthrope: 1 was the way the metal ones are, small gap that didn't bother me. The second had the same problem as the venomthrope.

3 Hiveguard: The tails looked like someone made a home made mold and glued 2 pieces of grey stuff together. since it was o the bottom of the body, it's not like anyone will see it. 1 hiveguard had bubbles on top of his head and carapace crest.

2 Tyrant guard: Hey! no miscasts...one just came with 2 right legs *eyeroll* I got a replacement, so it was ok.

My friends keep getting perfect Dark Eldar and space marine models. It's a conspiracy, I tells ya.

The Metal Venomthrope model had the huge gaps where vent met shell too, I had to do a bit of interpretive filing to get the match right. Since the spore sacs and the slot for the vents are so organic looking, it's hard to tell what's excess and what's detail.

I come out to exactly 25%, one bad Broodlord, and three good models: a Venomthrope, and two Hive Guard. The broodlord was all mucked up where the hips met the legs, I was sent a new one that had two mold bubbles to fill, but I've had metal flash to much worse a number on similar parts. Assembling the new one was an incredible feeling though. It felt almost like things were snapping into place. I buy almost exclusively in-store, which saves a lot of time.

03-06-2012, 06:34 PM
I voted 0%, I have yet to get any Finecast that has more than the smallest of bubbles, and that's an extremely easy fix. Compare that to my metal Stormtrooper Sgt., there was a mould line right down the middle of his face, and the two halves of the mould were off, so I ended up filing half his head down and he still looks like a severe burn victim. I have had far worse experiences with metal than any other medium, in my opinion getting rid of metal was the best thing GW ever did, I only hope PP will follow suit and go strictly with their plastic/resin mix.

03-06-2012, 08:38 PM
I have yet to actually purchase any finecast that was in perfect condition.

I consider GW plastics to be "perfect condition".

03-06-2012, 08:58 PM
I have yet to actually purchase any finecast that was in perfect condition.

I consider GW plastics to be "perfect condition".

So mould lines are acceptable. Interesting.

03-06-2012, 09:50 PM
Bought 4 finecast models so far...Liche Priest and Firebelly both were acceptable, albeit with some minor problems to correct. Prince Apropas (or however you spell it) and my casket of souls both required exchanges for new models.

03-06-2012, 10:05 PM
I have not purchased any. My friends that purchased them were very disapointed. They were flimsy, poorly made, pieces of filth. AND THEY COST TOO MUCH. Sorry for yelling.

03-07-2012, 09:30 AM
My shadowseer needed the hood clearing out, both Imotek and trazyn were fine, just minor clearing up.

Brother Glacius
03-07-2012, 10:52 AM
***** I just got the 25th anni. model and its banner was broken. The cast looked good, but perhaps just snapped during shipping or something. GW is going to replace it. Overall though, the finecast stuff I've gotten has been pretty good. If they can fix the "warped" issue, it might even win me over.

***** Brother G.

03-07-2012, 11:11 AM
I have not yet purchased any Finecast models. They're just too darn expensive.

03-07-2012, 11:40 AM
So far my stuff's been hit or miss, but generally the flaws have been pretty minor. I have to say I have seen a perfect cast once on one of my wife's models, and god it was gorgeous.

03-08-2012, 02:00 AM
So it's pretty obvious that for the most part so far Finecast seems to be good, but when things go wrong they go badly wrong, hence the very loud complainers.

Keep voting.

03-08-2012, 02:59 AM
Rod of my cryptek was broken in the blister. Nothing unfixable, but a little frustrating.

03-08-2012, 05:37 AM
Also can I just say that only about 1 in 16 people who have viewed this thread have actually voted, VOTE PEOPLE VOTE :D

03-08-2012, 05:40 AM
Also can I just say that only about 1 in 16 people who have viewed this thread have actually voted, VOTE PEOPLE VOTE :D

Views are not unique.

03-08-2012, 10:32 AM
I've only bought a few finecast for my Eldar, but no problems so far :)

03-08-2012, 02:09 PM
Views are not unique.

Fair point, it's but still alot of people not voting.