View Full Version : Planning Orks for 2nd Army

03-01-2012, 07:14 AM
Howdy folks. I am starting to collect the stuff I need for my 2nd army. I am going to make a 2500 point ork force using only AOBR Orks. This will be conversion HEAVY. Utilising 2 full sets of AOBR orks plus 4 more AOBR Deff Koptas and some non GW bikes I plan on making an Ork Cult of speed mostly mounted on bikes. I will not use any other Ork than the AOBR orks.

Plan details:
I will make Wazdakka from the AOBR Boss and put him on an Airy 8 Hotwheels bike.
Then I'll make 1 unit of 8 Nobz Bikers on Hotwheels Scorchin Scooters
Then I'll make 3 units of 10 biker boyz Hotwheels Scorhin Scooters.
Then I'll make 2 units of 5 DeffKoptas. I am going to replace the blades with a clear plastic disc (to give the illusion they are spinning).

I'll use a 1/16th inch drill bit to remove the rivet from the bikes so I can take them apart to convert and paint them. All the Dakkaguns will be scratch built from bits and plastic rod. Every bike will have a banner. This will be a highly converted army.

If I want more than 2500 points I plan on using 2 chessex dice boxes to make Deff Dreads. I may also make Storm Boyz by puttin grockets on the back of AOBR ork boyz.

Any help with AOBR orks will be appreciated. Feel free to donate them to me or I'll be glad to buy them off of you. PM me with deals, offers, or info.

03-01-2012, 09:15 AM
On thing i've seen commonly around is, using the Deffkoptas for Buggy/Trakk/Skorcha conversions. :D

03-04-2012, 09:12 PM
I use AoBR Deff Kopters for Swamp Bikes.:D

03-05-2012, 12:51 PM
If I can pull it off I can build this army for under $200. Cheapest army ever!!! :)