View Full Version : Malanthrope flying stand incident... INSPIRATION NEEDED!

02-28-2012, 05:32 PM
Hey guys, I dropped my malanthrop a few months back and have spent tonight figuring out a way to fix and strengthen him

His flight stand has snapped on the thin bit at the top

(pics taken before accident)


So i'm going to drill into the thrope and place a strong pin,


I can't think what to put in place of the clear flying stand. it needs to be the same height as the flying stand, and use my existing base (so easy to retro-fit to the base)

Tentacles are okay, to a point, but i was thinking along the lines of a sign post, or vehicle component, or piece of wreckage.

Can anyone help me think of some cool ideas?



02-28-2012, 06:19 PM
some type of terrain with a proper pinning would be my suggestion. A tree, rock or hedge comes to mind...


02-28-2012, 07:16 PM
What if you still used a plastic rod, just in a different way? Here's my thinking.....A while back I was messing around with slime effects made from melted plastic, and I noticed the clear resin rods (like the one's FW uses) keep their strength even after heating to melting point as long as they're flash cooled in icewater.*Think quenching steel* What if you made the clear rod look like a blob of slime that was falling from the 'thrope to the ground? Long shot? yeah, probably. But if you pulled it off it would look pretty cool. Other than that, I'd say your options are limited to the tried and true "insert piece of rubble".

02-29-2012, 09:01 AM
I'd run a brass tube up into it and then camouflage it with with xenoform plant life.

02-29-2012, 09:44 AM
I have found that brass works way better than the plastic rods that come with the kits.

02-29-2012, 10:29 AM
I have been thinking about finding some thin, but very strong wire, something like hardened steel, but bent at an angle, and sculpting a tree over it, the malanthrope will look as if its just touching a thin branch, and the leaves will be black and falling off, instant killing a plant!

How is brass for being bent into angles?

02-29-2012, 12:59 PM
depends on how thick you use, the thinner stuff bends very well. Though if it was me, I would be drilling though the base into the tail and supporting it that way. At least that's how I have been doing my models anyway.