View Full Version : 1500 Grey Knights

02-28-2012, 03:10 AM
A list im thinking of using for a comng game what do you guys think

Grey Knight Inquisitor in Terminator Armour with a pcy cannon, hammer

5 Grey Knight Terminators with psycannon, hammer and 2 halberds

5 Grey Knight Terminators with psycannon, hammer and 2 halberds

5 Grey Knight Terminators with psycannon, hammer and 2 halberds

warband 7 Death Cult Assassins
2 Crusaders
in a stormraven with las cannon and melta

Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo

Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo

Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo

02-28-2012, 11:47 AM
A lone Storm Raven might not serve to well, it's an awfully big target with very little else to draw its fire. And three psyrifle dreads is probably overkill at 1500pts. Psyrifle Dreads are awesome, but they're only good at one specific thing (killing Rhinos) and too much of that does little good.

Terminators are great, but take them as a 10-man squad. You can always combat squad them. You should also get a Brotherhood Banner and Psybolt Ammo on the 10-man squad.

So, it's not a bad list, but to improve it you would have to make some major changes.

02-29-2012, 02:55 AM
major changes what do you have in mind? let me know :D heres a slighty diff list

Grey Knight Inquisitor in Terminator Armour with a pcy cannon, hammer

5 Grey Knight Terminators with psycannon, hammer and 2 halberds,

10 Grey Knight Terminators with 2 psycannon, 2 hammer and 4 halberds, Brotherhood Banner and Psybolt Ammo

warband 7 Death Cult Assassins, 3 crusaders, landraider with MM

Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo

Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo

that puts me on 1485

02-29-2012, 11:39 AM
I'd either go with the henchmen in a transport, or with the Knightwing idea. Trying to fit both into a list you run out of points really quick. If you focus on one or the other, you can fill out your army a bit more and be a bit more effective, I think.

03-01-2012, 02:06 AM
had a game today went with the Knightwing this is what i used, pulled out a draw but this guy was packing plasma all the way to the bank :O

Grey Knight Inquisitor in Terminator Armour with a pcy cannon, hammer

Grey Knight Inquisitor in Terminator Armour with a pcy cannon, hammer

10 Grey Knight Terminators with 2 psycannon, 2 hammer and 4 halberds, Psybolt Ammo

10 Grey Knight Terminators with 2 psycannon, 2 hammer and 4 halberds, Psybolt Ammo

Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo
Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo
Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo

03-01-2012, 04:23 AM
For your original list, well a single SR is risky, but they are more durable than most people would credit them if you reserve it and go flat out for the cover save when you come on.

Once the SR has dropped off the assassins, it will drop way down on your enemy's target priority list.

The biggest issue I see with your first list is that it is very disconnected.

Gk (or most armies for that matter) work best when you have units that can help each other out and create little synergies. Your list does not do that.

You have your psyrifles sitting in the back field, the DCA who wants to get right into the enemy's lines asap, and GKTs who want to stay in mid field and shoot most of the game before going into CC.

That makes it easy for your enemy to deal with your army piecemeal, and if they have decent mobility, they would be able to literally run rings around your guys.

You are also going to struggle in objective games because of how few scorning bodies you have.

I would consider dropping one of the psyrifles to get a Librarian with summoning, maybe shrouding as well if you have the points to boost the SR's cover save.

Also, take Gkts in 10 men squads, and you could potentially be able to 'port a full 10 men GKT squad into the heart of the enemy to help your DCAs out.

I would also consider changing the termie =I= for a power armored pysker xenos =I= with all the funky grenades.

If you have the points left, and if you really think plasma is a problem for you, take a plasma syphon of the =I= as well.

With the remaining points, sticking with your 5 man GKT squad is fine, but you might have better joy with two 5-6 men strike squads in razorbacks instead. Just take HB razorbacks with psybolt ammo for some cheap but surprisingly effective ranged firepower. The increase in scoring units and mobility could be quite useful.

If you are using a SR, I sometimes like to go all in and put a dred in it as well. Just swop a twin-link autocannon for an assault cannon and drop it off 24-30" from the enemy and suddenly they have another dangerous unit to deal with.

The Rending Asscans and extra shots means that you can threaten things the normal psyrifle dread cannot touch. And your chances of doing damage is increased greatly if you are clever or lucky enough to get side or rear armor shots when you drop the dread.

Your final list is solid, but i would loose one of the =I= and a dread for more bodies. Drop the termie =I= for a PA xenos one if you need more points and/or to get grenades and a plasma syphon.

03-02-2012, 01:39 AM
hows that looking, I know strike squads are cheaper but a knightwing army painted in gold will look neat :P

Grey Knight Inquisitor , power amour, psychotroke grenades, plasma syphon.
10 Grey Knight Terminators with 2 psycannon, 2 hammer and 4 halberds, Psybolt Ammo
10 Grey Knight Terminators with 2 psycannon, 2 hammer and 4 halberds, Psybolt Ammo
5 Grey Knight Terminators with psycannon, hammer and 3 halberds,
Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo
Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo

also came with this
Grey Knight Inquisitor lol 25 points thats it :P
strike squad (5) hammer, psycannon, in razorback with psy HB
strike squad (5) hammer, psycannon, in razorback with psy HB
10 Grey Knight Terminators with 2 psycannon, 2 hammer and 4 halberds, Psybolt Ammo
5 Grey Knight Terminators with psycannon, hammer and 3 halberds
Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo
Dreadnought with 2 TL autocannon with psyamo
Dreadkinght with a heavy incinerator


03-02-2012, 09:36 AM
Grey Knight Inquisitor , power amour, psychotroke grenades, plasma syphon.

While the plasma syphon is handy, it is not as awesome as the rad grenades. Rad Grenades make you god like, that first round of combat. The plasma syphon I have found, only really makes Tau players upset and protects from the occational plasma pistol or plasma gun.