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09-16-2009, 08:21 PM
I remember playing a friend at chess, and actually beating him without any pieces being taken onb both sides. Pure fluke, to which we were both surprised and left the board out for weeks just to ponder over.

Some games of 40k often land like that where the dice are intent on handing out glorious and eye popping victories. At which point a distant voice over yells "Perfect!"

The turn 2 tables, the punishing opening barrage, the thundering charge...

Any perfect wins?

09-16-2009, 09:44 PM
In a tournament setting, I bring Khorne Demons and play Tau.

Turn 1a - He castles up on a huge plateau w/ his entire force, claiming 2 of the 3 objectives.
Turn 1b - I arrive with my non-preference force, 3 squads of 'letters w/ Skulltaker attached to one. (for a total of 36 models: 15+ST, 10, 10

Turn 2a - Shooting phase is merciless. After the smoke clears, 'letter squad 1 is gone, Skulltaker has 1 friend, and the other squad has 2 left.
Turn 2b - No reinforcements arrive...Skulltaker and pal charge Kroot...who are in cover...and strike first. Kroot kill friend, 'taker takes a wound, misses 4 of 5 attacks, then bricks his fearless save. The other 2 dudes fail their difficult terrain and can't assault.

Turn 3a - Tau kill last 2 dudes on board.
Turn 3b - No reinforcements show up.

Turn 4a - Tau do a little dance and mill about.
Turn 4b - Soulgrinder shows up, more 'letters show up. 'Grinder shot deviates off everyone.

Turn 5a - Tau kill everyone.
Turn 5b - Bloodcrushers show up, but by then it's too late, as they can only contest a single objective.

Mercifully, the game ended there.

Just about as good as it could get for the Tau that day.

09-17-2009, 09:17 AM
When first learning to play 40k (3rd edition)
7 Blood Angel Terminators vs. 80 Dark Eldar Warriors
we didn't use unit coherancey, we didn't use turn limits. We just played till all of his side was dead.
For my first 20 or so games I didn't think I needed a bigger army didn't think it was possible for a Terminator to die, cuz I never lost any of them.

09-17-2009, 11:20 AM
I once played a game versus Daemons where by a fluke of horrible luck, every unit in the first wave mishapped, all but one being destroyed, with the other being placed on the far end of the table without any ranged weapons. We called it a game at that point and just let him start over like it never happened . . .

I once had 4 CC scouts shoot their bolt pistols at 6 assault terminators, killing 3. They then assaulted, killing 2 more terminators before the powerfist went off, who then off course whiffed and died to fearless wounds.

I once saw a Necron Scarab swarm with 6 bases take down a full unit of hormagaunts. The one surviving base then took out two zoanthropes on its own before tying up another unit of gaunts, ending the game alive.

09-17-2009, 11:57 AM
i outflanked my scouts, the sarge with a powerfist, right behind my opponents dreadnaought, the dread fired on them, missing all of its shots, the scouts charged, the dread killed 1, the powerfisted sarge ripped open the dread, and it exploded, killing all the rest of the scouts except the sarge, who lived to single handedly charge a marine unit, killing 3 more before the game ended. he survived, surrounded my 6 enemy marines. not bad in a 750pt game

09-17-2009, 12:15 PM
Back in the dark ages of 2nd edition, I took a genestealer cult army against a Exodite army. I got first turn and my cultist predator annihilator (before they were even called that) fired on his characters (which were deployed in the open!) killing 2 phoenix lords and his general or as everyone else saw it-50+% of the points in his army.

The game was called there, at midway through my turn 1.

09-17-2009, 12:37 PM
Ok, so this is the greatest win I have ever had. It was in the final round of a Tournament at the top table.

3rd edition
Me: Blood Angels
Him: Necrons


He depolys and tries to hide his few squads of Warriors behined his monolith and places the C'tan way up front to try and stall my assualty units.

I deploy normally, with a TL lascannon Pred having LOS on his monolith

Turn 1: I go first and immediatly fire the Las Pred at his monolith. I hit, Penetrate and it explodes 6" which kills a significant number of his warriors (Horrible luck on his part) and he phases out. It was epic... I think I heard Shao Khan say "Flawless Victory," somewhere off in the distance.


09-17-2009, 02:26 PM
Last tournament I was in my first game was against an Iron Hands chaos player. We played the two objective mission, with VP's for our secondary score. 1000pts. I had two landraiders with 2 6man Grey knight squads and a brother captain, he had a Daemon Prince, two rhino's filled with Berzerkers and CSM's, a few obliterators, and a footslogging shooty CSM squad.

He placed his objective in one of his back corners, so I put mine as far back in the opposite corner as he could. He put his footslogging squad on his objective and everything else went for my objective. I drove around his charging rhino's, immobilizing one and getting around his force. I charged and whiped out the squad holding his objective and claimed it. He wasn't able to speed across the board to contest the objective. We each held one objective and I hadn't lost a single model so I won on VP's.

EDIT: oops, not Iron hands, Iron warriors

09-17-2009, 03:51 PM
Several stories come to mind:

1) In my most recent tourney, we drew a Dawn of War mission. I was playing Nurgle Marines against a Big Bug flavored Nid list. My opponent went first. He set his forces of a winged Tyrant and two squads of gaunts, I set up my two squads of marines and DP. He moves, shoots, then attempts to charge with his winged tyrant. He starts to move in when I challenge him on his measurement. I played this game once before an set up 19" away to avoid his charge. We measured from the table and he realizes that I was too far away. I go next shoot the crap out of him and gang rape his tyrant. The game devolved into me bringing forces into him, shooting the crap out of him and charging his fexes with a DP and greater deamon. I damn near tabled him in 5 turns only losing one marine squad.

2) In a 2 on 2 game in 4th edition, I was playing a Dark eldar Wych list with portals. On turn one our opponents destroyed both wych squads carrying the portals that the army would emerge from. It left everything on my partners shoulders. Sorry man, game over. Give it up for my opponent who fired two incredible whirly shots and to me for blowing my cover saves!

3) I once played a very middle of the road sister list in a three round tourney under 4th edition rules. I played in a store where no one had seen or played a sisters army. I played an Eldar list, a Nugle list and last, a Blood Angels list and shredded them all. I took almost every mission point while never giving up a single point to any of my opponents. The respect for the red rage grew after seeing just how powerful well placed faith points and acts of faith work!

09-18-2009, 02:15 AM
flawless victory? there come two to my mind.

once I played ~900pts guard vs 1750pts marines on killpoints and not a single unit of mine died (ending in like 8:0).

why play 900vs 1750? well for a fun/story reason I took aangrath th eunbound (888pts khorne bloodthirster) and he managed to turn up on turn 5 and all hed had time to do was kill a rhino with his shooting attack (twin lashes with PP profile).
either because of lack of experience or fear of the big damocles sword hanging over him he tried to castle up and shootout it against guard. so basically the game was 2 battlecanons, 2 lascannons a multilaser and 3 mortars vs 4 lascnnons 4 plasmacanons and 2 roket launchers. las and plas both died to my inital salvo of battle canon fire (5man dev squads are dumb ^^) and the rest is dust and history :P

other game was 10k nids (me) vs necrons.
at the end of the game he had killed 2 warriors and 1 tyrant guard and a shotton of gaunts (who don't count because they were all without number so would allways return ^^). yeah 3 modells for effective losses in 10k.

tyranid superhwavy biocanons rip monoliths :D

09-18-2009, 04:52 AM
once, during a tornament at the local gaming shop, my frind drew a mission where his opponent was deployed to the center of the board, and had to get as many people off both small edges as they could. unfortunatly for them, my friend plays a new IG army, he simply lined his squads of guardsmen with each model exactly 2 inchies from eachother, and was able to fill both small edges entirely! if his opponent wanted to exit through a side, he had to go through his entire army. my friend then proceeded to sit back a shoot apart his opponents army.

09-18-2009, 03:28 PM
There was also that infamous picture that ran across the internets not too long ago about the tau player that won by default against a space marine army. The SM's had no tanks, outflankers or deepstrikers, and the player kept everything in reserve. So the tau player infiltrated his kroot, blocking the entire SM board edge. The SM's couldn't ever get on to the board, to the tau player auto-won. Then they replayed, since not replaying would be boring.

09-18-2009, 10:00 PM
I remember way back in the dawn of 3rd edition, when the Necron list was a Chapter Approved Raider list with a grand total of 6 models. I played a friends chaos army and assaulted his 8 man terminator squad with my 5 scarabs who were 6 points a piece and BLEW UP! 3 scarabs blew up and killed all 8 of his guys.

I miss exploding scrabs.