View Full Version : Rumours: What's next

02-28-2012, 01:26 AM
From WArseer:

So my snitches have passed along a few bits.

Up next for 40k sounds like may timeframe for a chaos codex. Rumored to expand upon 4 major legions.

New plastics

Chaos dread.

New plastic raptors

New plastic plague bearers

New character sculpts, not sure if abaddon is included...

I think most if not all of this has been mentioned before.

On top of this, I'm hearing there will be a few blister releases for other armies between now and summer. Even with WFB likely to take the spotlight in April, I'm being told to expect 2-3 blisters for 40k.

Likely candidates include missing characters for Nids, Necrons, DE. All of which have sculpts ready.


Since you are here I would like to ask you one question again. What was this Tyranid thingy you interpreted as a Tyrannofex. The Creature who didn't look at all like the Tervigon (Since the Tyrannofex turned out to be almost the exact same thing, this leaves a couple of questions)

That, my friend, is the million dollar question... ;)

Enough idle wish listing, though. I've got another bit on the rb/starter. Not sure where this fits, but I've got some new info on "emplacements" (their word) being part of 6th and a kit (or kits) being developed. No other details. could be another bastion style model. Could be something else entirely. One rumor I'm hearing consistently is that the amount of effort being put into cranking out fantasy terrain is getting focused towards 40k to show it some more love.

I do expect 2 codex updates by year end, even with the 6ed release tossed in the year.

02-28-2012, 02:48 AM
I do hope that Chaos get some plastic love. Not a Chaos player myself (yet... there are always plans!) but it would deffinitely be more interesting to see some more varied chaos armies and poses within units.

Also intruiged by these "emplacements"... hoping they will be fun!

02-28-2012, 03:06 AM
Every time I see a rumor about DE blisters I break out into fear sweat.

I don't know the extent of the impotent rage that will boil out of me if they ever actually waste a release slot on a Decrapinator blister.

I might go insane.

I'm hoping for Vect. That's the only one I really care about. I'm sure other people want a Sliscus or a Baron, but meh...conversions for them are so easy.

02-28-2012, 03:19 AM
Sounds interesting, and look forward to seeing what we get

DE need only SC and the Voidraven now. Could we get....shock....a Summer of Fliers with DE and Necrons, and fliers in the 6th ed rules?

As for the Decapitator...he sucks now. Wait till 6th ed rules roll round before we judge if a model is a waste of time....

02-28-2012, 04:07 AM
Don't mention SOF again... you'll get people's hopes up! If it didn't happen last year with all the rumours flying about then, I doubt it'll happen this year at the same time as an Edition release

02-28-2012, 04:50 AM
Yep, everything Stick Monkey lists there matches what I am hearing too, except I have Chaos more likely June than May, but Q2 is what keeps being bandied about so May is as good as any other month.

I know of a couple of character models being released around the same time as 6th edition.

Apparently we will also be drip fed little bits every month to keep up interest in 40K for the anniversary year.

I don't know if that just means a blister or too, or small waves every month but I have been told all 40K players should be kept happy in one way or another this year.

And I would love to say something about Summer of Flyers, but I can't. ;)

02-28-2012, 07:47 AM
These rumours are actually something of a relief for me. I was dreading a month of nothing but Chaos Marines. They are an army I have the least interest in, apart from Thousand Sons. Throw in a few other things, especially DE, and I'll be much happier whatever month it comes. A Voidraven would be nice.

02-28-2012, 07:59 AM
Don't quote me on this, but I wouldn't get your hopes up for the Voidraven this year, but more than likely Summer 2013.

However expect releases for several other armies this year, albeit not full waves (as far as I know)

02-28-2012, 08:41 AM
The Voidraven as I am able to gather was supposedly DUE during Christmas (my LGS told me that).

Now though I don't have any idea.

02-28-2012, 10:18 AM
At this point I don't really care about any other army. I've got just about everything I could want from my 4 other armies except for some proper Herald of Slaanesh chariots. I just want some decent and new models along with a few optiosn in the codex which doesn't seem likely at this point. Maybe in 2016 or so when we are looking at the end of a new code codex cycle.

02-28-2012, 12:38 PM
In short I cannot wait for the new Chaos to be released :D

02-28-2012, 01:31 PM
I play Tau. Don't talk to me about disappointment.

But, uh, yeah. Good for you Chaos and Dark Eldar and Tyranid players. Good for you.

02-28-2012, 02:19 PM
I play Tau. Don't talk to me about disappointment.

But, uh, yeah. Good for you Chaos and Dark Eldar and Tyranid players. Good for you.

Everybody will get something eventually look at sisters they have got nothing for ages.

02-28-2012, 03:09 PM
Everybody will get something eventually look at sisters they have got nothing for ages.

I think a sister player will tell you that they wish they never got anything. The WD was a huge nerf. Sure there are playable builds but it was met with a resounding meh...Tau should aspire for better.

02-28-2012, 03:53 PM
I think a sister player will tell you that they wish they never got anything. The WD was a huge nerf. Sure there are playable builds but it was met with a resounding meh...Tau should aspire for better.

It depends on what you mean I had a second Ed sisters army.

The witch hunters thing wasn't so bad but I felt they were shoehorned in

Really I have not completely read the WD one

Were not sisters due out last year??

02-29-2012, 12:11 AM
How about some of that sweet sweet necron second wave love.. I AM NOT going to waste money converting stalkers and night scythes. However I WILL complain about not having them proper.

02-29-2012, 01:46 AM
Shoot me for being a fool, but I'd kind of like them to follow through with the "Collector's" line they were sniffing around a couple years ago.

I don't play Vanilla Marines, but painting up the 25th anni mini has been really fun. I wouldn't mind them releasing a new single mini every month or so. One for each army on a regular rotation? I know the logistics of it would probably be terrible and it'd be hell on the sculptors, but I'm selfish like that.

02-29-2012, 01:49 AM
May seems to the consenus at the moment, for the Necron wave.

How about some of that sweet sweet necron second wave love.. I AM NOT going to waste money converting stalkers and night scythes. However I WILL complain about not having them proper.

02-29-2012, 03:23 AM
May seems to the consenus at the moment, for the Necron wave.

From your lips to Gods ears.

That stinks anyways, I have an apoc tournament coming up inapril. im thinking about using this model of the "t-100" terminator flyers as a "counts as" night scythe. I dont really think that will fly over too wel.l (no pun intended):D

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-29-2012, 06:59 AM
May for Necrons? Gives me time to paint 'em up and sell 'em on. Got so many Wolves lined up to paint and assemble, plus I shall be on a frenzy buying up the new Thunderwolves. If I'm lucky, there will be enough money left over to buy a few new Chaos bits, if they look good. Otherwise I'll be jumping on the Tyranid band wagon - those Tyrannofex and Tervigons do look purdy...

02-29-2012, 07:09 AM
How about some of that sweet sweet necron second wave love.. I AM NOT going to waste money converting stalkers and night scythes. However I WILL complain about not having them proper.

You have nothing on Nid players.... they have waited years to get a second wave. At least you have an awesome codex to keep you warm at night.

02-29-2012, 08:12 AM
My Eldar are being even more emo than usual at the reception of this news.

I can see them crying over there on the shelf. I can. I promise.

02-29-2012, 08:34 AM
If it makes you feel any better that if my Tau weren't in a case, locked, at the bottom of a pile i'm sure they'd be jumping off the shelf

6 more months and i'm sure my Eldar might start joining them.

02-29-2012, 08:42 AM
My Eldar are being even more emo than usual at the reception of this news.

I can see them crying over there on the shelf. I can. I promise.

My Eldar are crying as well. I know the feeling.

02-29-2012, 09:00 AM
My Eldar are being even more emo than usual at the reception of this news.

I can see them crying over there on the shelf. I can. I promise.

My Eldar are crying as well. I know the feeling.

One day my brothers...one day. The Eldar will return to their rightful place at the head of the galaxy

02-29-2012, 09:04 AM
One day my brothers...one day. The Eldar will return to their rightful place at the head of the galaxy

They seem to be doing ok at the moment....oh wait you didnt mean DARK Eldar. Gotcha :D

02-29-2012, 10:05 AM
One day my brothers...one day. The Eldar will return to their rightful place at the head of the galaxy

I don't want to be the next GK, or even the next BA. I want a list that will be competitive but wont be OTT where the tournament wankers will do a FOTM list for Eldar.

I just want my units to do cool stuff again, like when the Dark Reaper exarch actually used to be fun to play with his tempest launcher, or the falcon was a viable transport for units that were worth transporting :P

I love the wraithseer for this very reason. Its not competitive (too expensive, non codex) but he's FUN to use because he's actually decent at what he does (shoot stuff with his big gun and choppy hackey stuff in close combat with his big sword on a stick). Plus the model is boss.

02-29-2012, 11:52 AM
Well, all rumours about the first months of 2012 have become reality, except the Fliers and the Necron 2nd Wave...

So I think from here to summer we will se those and more Chaos and Dark Angels new units before the 6th

02-29-2012, 10:26 PM
You have nothing on Nid players.... they have waited years to get a second wave. At least you have an awesome codex to keep you warm at night.

We've waited since 2004 to get a hive tyrant with wings.

03-01-2012, 03:50 AM
One day my brothers...one day. The Eldar will return to their rightful place at the head of the galaxy

PFFFFFFTTTT not if i have anything to say about it. Grampa is waking up and ready to dish out some spankings.

03-01-2012, 08:35 AM
What ever happened to the rumoured IG Veteran and that hydra / griffon? multi-kits.. :(
Guard is so much lacking on the plastic piece special weapons sector, not to mention the carapace armour models..

03-01-2012, 09:33 AM
What ever happened to the rumoured IG Veteran and that hydra / griffon? multi-kits.. :(
Guard is so much lacking on the plastic piece special weapons sector, not to mention the carapace armour models..
Don't forget how long Tyranid players had to wait for their second wave...

03-01-2012, 10:10 AM
Don't forget how long Tyranid players had to wait for their second wave...
Now dont get me wrong, i totally feel sympathy for all the mistreated races in equal measure :)

In my opinion it does not matter if a particular unit is absent or not in the general high-performance tournament lists. I feel its almost a promise broken, if a unit is included in the codex (and fluff), but there is not a model for it to lovingly craft and put on the table (or in the glass gabinet). Conversation about production capabilities aside, models for the units in codex should be available in a reasonable timeframe.

Now, my true love is with the Guard, so that could explain the former sentence ;)

03-01-2012, 02:33 PM
What I dont understand is why wait so dam long, I mean with Necrons there are models not out yet but will soon I hope, I mean they would make a killing of the spyders, and all the other models why wait.

White Tiger88
03-01-2012, 06:56 PM
I am thinking Dark Angels will be next......due to the whole white dwarf spine thing.........

03-02-2012, 03:28 AM
Now, my true love is with the Guard, so that could explain the former sentence ;)
I do agree with you, it would be nice if everything was realsed in wave one (but that won't happen and I don't mind that secondary sales and all that), but certainly the second wave should follow quickly after the first certainly within a year

03-02-2012, 04:41 AM
I hope the next codex we will se, before 6th Edition, is Chaos Legions...

Then the 6th Edition Rulebook and Codex: Dark Angels (not a WD one)

03-02-2012, 06:55 AM
I just wish they would stop supporting marines so vigorously so that other armies could catch up to the edition cycle.

Uncle Nutsy
03-03-2012, 10:55 PM
are you kidding? 40k would be nothing without its 3+ powah armour powah fist powah hammah noobarmy.

drawbacks? weaknesses? nah. can't have that.

03-05-2012, 02:22 PM
I am thinking Dark Angels will be next......due to the whole white dwarf spine thing.........

But if they are going to finish the entire marine, that's going to take quite a few more WD spines. I'd say more likely CSM -> 6th ed -> DA in Sep/Oct.

Which makes me sad because I'm a DA player.

03-05-2012, 02:48 PM
Better to be released after the new edition I'd say but maybe that's just me. Also intrigued by emplacements in 6th, defense missions tend to be a lot of fun.

03-05-2012, 02:51 PM
I'm excited about this. Having recently read through the HH novels I'm planning a Heresy Era Alpha Legion army. Can't wait for the new codex :D

03-05-2012, 03:01 PM
I just want them to release the Necron models I want the new spyders. My Eldar will just have to wait until I get a new codex, but they can still bet up these new armies just like eveyone else if u know how to use them.

03-05-2012, 03:34 PM
I think that my Chaos army would sacrifice many, many beings just to get a new codex and models. But then again, my Necrons are starring at the sky dumbfounded looking for their transports, so who knows.

03-05-2012, 03:43 PM
I'd love to see a new Chaos Legions book. I'm an SW player myself, but I like to get other codexes to read regardless and the current ones very disappointing, with very little character. The rumours floating around make it sound very promising, but as always, have to take with a pinch of salt.

03-05-2012, 04:00 PM
I'd love to see a new Chaos Legions book. I'm an SW player myself, but I like to get other codexes to read regardless and the current ones very disappointing, with very little character. The rumours floating around make it sound very promising, but as always, have to take with a pinch of salt.
I want a new Lost and the Damned book so that I can bring my Red Guard back

03-05-2012, 04:59 PM
Traitor Guard/Lost and the Damned would be most welcome.

03-05-2012, 05:12 PM
If Forgeworld wasn't so expensive I would have bought a traitor guard army.:rolleyes:

03-05-2012, 06:03 PM
Knowing about new models is great, but I'm far more interested in what the Legion/FOC options will be.

03-06-2012, 04:31 AM
Why not just convert the other DE flyer surely they're similar in almost every sense.

The Shadow King
03-06-2012, 05:25 AM
I think you would need to alter the shape of the body/wing itself to get a convincing bomber, which would not be that easy.

03-06-2012, 10:13 AM
plastic 1k sons would be enought for me to start an army... hears to hopeing

03-06-2012, 02:34 PM
My regular gaming buddy and I play lots of 30k style games and our big hmmmnnnn??? at the moment is whether the rumoured book will be all the original heretic legions or the 4 powersonly...so 1k sons, children, eaters and death guard....which would be a shame as I kinda like the idea of 'proper' alpha legion, bearers etc

03-06-2012, 02:45 PM
I am all for as much new plastic as they can make

Dark Trainer
03-06-2012, 02:59 PM
I want my wave 2 necrons!

03-06-2012, 04:42 PM
I want my wave 2 necrons!

Don't we all.....
Don't. We. All.

03-06-2012, 05:11 PM
chaos? yes please, i'd love to finally have my decent fluffy army back ._.

03-06-2012, 07:57 PM
What about Black Templers? You guys all complain about how DA and CSM are unfuffly and cookiee-cutter well BT have even less options then do you do

03-06-2012, 08:46 PM
Why not just convert the other DE flyer surely they're similar in almost every sense.

The Void Raven is larger...therefore possibly a larger base. It's also got an extra gunner cockpit and weapons. You could convert it, but meh...I like to convert models that are released rather than convert models that aren't. That's just way too much work for something that'll be released and need to be purchased later.

I counts-as for the Void Raven.

03-09-2012, 12:38 AM
So finally, any news on when Chaos is getting out? April? May? Cuz I'm waiting for em Dark angels to be out after that... no?

03-09-2012, 01:13 AM
So finally, any news on when Chaos is getting out? April? May? Cuz I'm waiting for em Dark angels to be out after that... no?

yep me too

03-11-2012, 10:14 PM
The Void Raven is larger...therefore possibly a larger base. It's also got an extra gunner cockpit and weapons. You could convert it, but meh...I like to convert models that are released rather than convert models that aren't. That's just way too much work for something that'll be released and need to be purchased later.

I counts-as for the Void Raven.

Judging by the concept art for the Raven, it will be about 1.5-2" longer and about the same amount wider. Two extra engines make it wider, I think slightly wider fuselage in general, and the nose replaces the tuning fork with a slightly wider assembly with a cockpit that looks like an enlarged Fire Prism crystal (old style) and some canards a bit further back.

03-12-2012, 04:36 AM
Up next for 40k sounds like may timeframe for a chaos codex. Rumored to expand upon 4 major legions.

Surely "major" can't include the Thousand Sons - they were the smallest Legion to start off with and since Prospero, with no way to generate new marines, they'd have to be smaller than most space marine chapters.
Major would imply that it includes one of the larger ones like Black Legion or Word Bearers.

Of course we know what they really mean ...

That said I'm looking forward to the new Chaos codex - I've been impatiently waiting for it for it since the current one was released.

03-12-2012, 07:57 AM
May? Excellent. Gimme some Thousand Sons Love.

03-12-2012, 08:08 AM
Even if CSM does'nt include 1K Sons (and i highly doubt they would be left out) remember the next FW book (IA12 - The Morros Incident) is to be focused around Tzeentch Marines

03-14-2012, 03:51 PM
My main opponent plays Chaos exclusively so this can't come out soon enough!

03-14-2012, 04:26 PM
I have to say, from a purely financial standpoint, I hope that they suck really really bad because I don't want to have to get another chaos army after selling my iron warriors...

Big Jim
03-14-2012, 05:27 PM
I sure am hoping that May or June sees the misguided sons of the Emperor up for release! I really want to play my Chaos force with out having to be counts as SW or BA.

03-15-2012, 01:43 PM
I may be sorely tempted to take up a Chaos army, should the rules allow enough variation for it to remain interesting to me.

03-16-2012, 06:54 AM
Kaaaaahhhhhhnnnnnnnn......ooooops i mean taaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

03-18-2012, 07:38 AM
Kharne should have a new mini with him sporting a commissars hat. And have a new rule called 'I'm the commissar now'

03-18-2012, 10:15 AM
I cannot wait to see some Chaos love. Chaos is the one army that I have always wanted to collect, but have never liked the rules. An updated codex with some new models to support an already nice looking range would probably make me take the plunge and blow a few hundred on them. I cannot wait.

Speaking of wanting to blow my money on plastic-crack, is there any news of additions to the Ork lines? A new buggy model? Mega Nobs that do not weigh five pounds?

03-18-2012, 04:57 PM
Mostly I just want to be able to build a better and more flavorful Nurgle-only list. I still restrict my squad sizes to multiples of 7. I'd like to get a bit more of the flavor they stripped away from Chaos back into my lists. So if I can finally give my vehicles Nurgle upgrades, that will be amazing.

I've never really like the Raptors models, and rules-wise I was confused when they decided to take Hit & Run away from them. Oh well, it sounds like I may be able to go with Nurgle-marked Chaos assault marines? I'd be cool with that. And they'd be fun to convert.

03-19-2012, 02:47 AM
If the 4 waves rumor is true a lot of chaos love is coming our way, I just hope there is not much finecast included ¬¬

03-19-2012, 05:43 AM
If the 4 waves rumor is true a lot of chaos love is coming our way, I just hope there is not much finecast included ¬¬

Yeah,but 4 waves of Chaos love could be months or years apart, if recent release schedules are any indicator. Lots of finecast would definitely be a drag, for sure.

03-19-2012, 09:39 AM
I have a sneaking suspicion that we will see Thousand Sons and Noise Marines in finecast. Probably in sets of five too.

I'm hoping for some bezerkers riding jugernaughts!

03-19-2012, 10:41 AM
are you kidding? 40k would be nothing without its 3+ powah armour powah fist powah hammah noobarmy.

drawbacks? weaknesses? nah. can't have that.

lol i need to invest in some bread and cheese to go with all the whine coming from the marine haters :p
because french dinner is awesome.

but tau really need a new dex, if only so the forums can rant about how nerfcheesy it is.

03-20-2012, 04:05 AM
Hopefully a Chaos Marine Codex is imminent, with the mix of new models and options that'll make the old fans rejoice, and draw in new players. Can only be good for the game to get a wider selection of models and armies available to play against. My only concern is with release schedules and waves. I worry that we'll see a return to a structure with less frequent codex releases, or ones with less new models/units, due to the whole Chapterhouse saga. GW may well decide that leaving great gaping holes in a Codex, in terms of units, is a bad idea, when you've gone and defined their rules and aesthetic. It leaves a gap for other companies to profit from any delay in bringing the models out, and people complain when they have to wait years for the models that they want. It's possible that they might just go for more timely wave releases, but that would tie up production capacity, reducing either the number of new models/units in each new codex, or make the codexes less frequent.
Or they could just add models to published codices with an increase in WD/PDF published units which can be released with the models (like the Terrorgheist) in lieu of gaps & waves... Which would be pain to keep track of..."Ah yes, but these are the new models, from last month's White Dwarf, and they have these rules..."
Guess we'll have to wait and see :)

03-21-2012, 01:30 PM
I'd love to see this. Maybe even have a way to use my horrors with some new Thousand Sons... they would be my first marines, if I got to use some of my daemons with them in a way that made sense.

03-21-2012, 01:32 PM
Well, seems that:

- In 2012 we´ll see new paint range, Chaos and Dark Angels Codex, and in the latter maybe some Black Templars, after the 6th Edition Basic Box.

- In 2013, we´ll see Vanilla Codex, maybe Orks, Tau and surely Eldar

03-21-2012, 01:49 PM
Is it likely that 6th Edition will be on sale for Games Day UK? I am thinking of going if there is a worthwhile release.

Big Jim
03-21-2012, 03:50 PM
6th should be out in July of this year, so will be available at GD UK.

03-21-2012, 04:18 PM
I hope 6th edition is really fun!

I do hope I don't have to shell out a hundred bucks for the BRB.

Render Noir
03-21-2012, 04:24 PM
I hope 6th edition is really fun!

I do hope I don't have to shell out a hundred bucks for the BRB.

Yeah that tome they released for WFB was ridiculous. You could separate your shoulder checking a rule.

03-21-2012, 05:45 PM
Fingers crossed that the new fw decimator can be used in the chaos dex.. He he :D

03-21-2012, 05:54 PM
hardly seems to have been so long but I gave up trying to give my tyrant wings after the 2nd-3rd year of waiting for that 2nd wave. No wonder the nids have a hard time, if they are always going to be arriving so late to the fight...

I hope the summer brings new toys, new rules and new contenders to the circuits

03-22-2012, 02:10 AM
I would love for any extra DE models to make it this year. I would like the Voidraven and a Beastmaster pack or set. I hope they don't go the court route with the beasts. That's just too expensive!

03-22-2012, 03:23 AM
Don't quote me on this, but the folks I've got on the inside are saying March isn't over yet.

Now, what that means, I don't know. But supposedly, they've got a lot more than leftover army slots finally getting filled and some swanky new glue in the pipe before month's end.

Realize this is incredibly vague and baited, but a) my source is an actual GW employee (not a red or black shirt) who loves his job and keeps things close to his vest, and b) has been a friend for over a decade, so I know he's on the level. Now, he's also a Fantasy player, but I'm not. So when he says big, I'm assuming it's big for 40K, as he knows that's all I care about.

Does anyone have any idea what else might be dropping this month, or is this going to be one of those out-of-left-field releases nobody's expecting?

03-22-2012, 04:00 AM
The swanky new glue is already out. And I personally hope that the 6th edition leak ends up being completely false, I do not like it at all.

03-22-2012, 08:13 AM
assume he's talking about the 145 tease - which is clearly the 'big' new paint line

nice, but not overly exciting

03-22-2012, 10:54 AM
Ever since I read Legion I've always wanted to start an Alpha Legion army. But as the current codex doesn't really support that (or much of anything else) I'm very curious to how Alpha is portrayed in the new codex.

03-22-2012, 11:32 AM
Man I hope chaos is next and in the starter box....so I can sell my older stuff for cool newer stuff

03-22-2012, 11:37 AM
Man I hope chaos is next and in the starter box....so I can sell my older stuff for cool newer stuff

If they are in the new starter box they're probably going to be push fit and simpler casts to account for the relatively cheap price.

Keep your plastics. They'll probably look better over all.

Not knocking GWs starter boxes mind you. Island of Blood was a huge leap in quality from Black Reach. IMO.

Spectral Dragon
03-22-2012, 11:50 AM
Ever since I read Legion I've always wanted to start an Alpha Legion army. But as the current codex doesn't really support that (or much of anything else) I'm very curious to how Alpha is portrayed in the new codex.

Seconded. I plan on converting my entire chaos force into Alpha Legion now. Their "Black Ops" style of fighting should give them a new universal special rule in the new codex.

BTW, I have heard from several sources that either specific chaos legions will be coming out in their own codex's, or the new codex will somehow allow you to field specific chaos legions.

I also hear Cultists will be in. Not sure if you can do an army of them though.

You will also, I hear, have better daemon support in this new codex.

Then there are the things you can safely assume: a few new units, some new plastic kits, ect.

03-22-2012, 11:55 AM
Ever since I read Legion I've always wanted to start an Alpha Legion army. But as the current codex doesn't really support that (or much of anything else) I'm very curious to how Alpha is portrayed in the new codex.

Thirded. I'm gonna jump straight into an Alpha Legion army as soon as the codex is released. Assuming they aren't bobbins and, you know... are actually in it.

Spectral Dragon
03-22-2012, 12:15 PM
Thirded. I'm gonna jump straight into an Alpha Legion army as soon as the codex is released. Assuming they aren't bobbins and, you know... are actually in it.

Should us force commanders be putting our plans in a single thread? Very un-alpha legion like :P

I think GW will be focusing on the current big favorites, but here's hoping we get some special character love, such as the primarchs twin brother.

The Shadow King
03-22-2012, 12:28 PM
Should us force commanders be putting our plans in a single thread? Very un-alpha legion like :P

I think GW will be focusing on the current big favorites, but here's hoping we get some special character love, such as the primarchs twin brother.

I doubt you'll be able to have a primarch as a special character, might be a bit over the top... :)

03-22-2012, 12:40 PM
I doubt you'll be able to have a primarch as a special character, might be a bit over the top... :)

And that's stopped GW... when? ;)

I, too, am eagerly awaiting a Chaos update. They've been pushovers too long.

03-22-2012, 01:22 PM
ugh, they're way more viable than demons, eldar and tau.

03-23-2012, 05:36 AM
I would like to see IG new wave (plastic RR and ST/VET)
Also I would like they consider two of my dreams:
- Death Watch codex (at least in WD - preferably something as new SoB and not only one kill Team as it was previously) Or at least a renawal of the rules - curent ones are a little old in comparition to SM codex.
- Wobder of wonders - Adeptus Mechanicus army - but it is so diferent and needs comlete new set of models that I think it will be dreams only for long time.

03-23-2012, 09:25 AM
Apparently the paints and new how to paint book are being announced tonight on the website? (From what I've been told)

03-23-2012, 09:49 AM
It makes sense. I just checked the paint's section of the site and all of the paints are gone except Bubonic Brown. I assume that they missed that one when they took everything down.


03-23-2012, 09:00 PM
it would appear you are correct

03-25-2012, 03:34 PM
That is a lot of paint. What the heck am I supposed to do with 140+ colors?

03-26-2012, 06:03 AM
Paint a whole lot more cooler minis :D

03-28-2012, 10:00 PM
Thirded. I'm gonna jump straight into an Alpha Legion army as soon as the codex is released. Assuming they aren't bobbins and, you know... are actually in it.

They would rock like an angry baby god's cradle.