View Full Version : 25th Anniversary Miniature

02-26-2012, 03:22 PM
I was at GW stores yesterday for the 25th event and the Anniversary minature sold out pretty quick. Today I was in two of my LGS and both still have 10 left. Is anybody else seeing this. It led me to think that GW may have shorted quantities shipped to there own stores to help create some hype at GW locations yesteday

02-26-2012, 05:17 PM
My shop got in quite a few as well, but I think part of it was that they hyped it for their own stores, so they would get first day's sales, and other stores, like the where I work, didn't hype it, so we're still sitting on all but one (I bought one for myself). We'll have them until they sell out, but it won't be a special event piece.

02-27-2012, 03:24 AM
Altwernativly it could be there was more demand at GW stores. Ours for instance had a queue of 75-80 people waiting when it opened in the morning

02-27-2012, 03:53 AM
Initially all my local GW's had been reserved, but luckily I dropped on cause they'd managed to get 'extras' so I got one for painting and one for saving lol.
But this is my first finecast model, and while I would have preferred metal, it looks a lot better than the previous finecast models I've seen. The lads instore I were talking to (luckily ones I still recognise, and I assume recognise me as didn't get the hard sell...) reckon it's because a)they specially upped QC for this run, and b) there shouldn't be any issues with models designed to be used with the finecast process...
Very nice model though....

02-27-2012, 03:56 AM
There have been a few miscast examples shown/mentioned on Warseer, so there are still a few issues. Four of the seven my brothers and I ordered have arrived (irritating) and they were all perfect. Oh, on had a bubble on the foot that would like five seconds to fix. Still waiting for the other four, we had to draw lot and I didn't get one.

02-27-2012, 04:00 AM
Eek, I'm going to have to check the second now, I'd only checked one and it was stunningly perfect...
but now....

02-27-2012, 06:28 AM
It's always best to check, sadly, with Finecast. Even though I've not had any sculpts that I would call unacceptable (my definition being any model which takes longer to prep for painting than a metal equivalent, so no rescultping details) I still check everything.

Speaking of which, mine just arrived in the post, yay! And it's perfect, thankfully. One of my brothers has a single bubble on the pistol arm eagle but that is all. A bit annoying as it requires a bit of resculpting but it seems a bit too small to replace a whole kit over. Still when you compare it to filing metal mouldlines and pinning the blighter together I think it is fine.

02-27-2012, 06:46 AM
Generally I would see that as an acceptable rule of thumb, prep time no longer than the metal equivalent.
But for a 'limited' model it should be perfect...

02-27-2012, 06:49 AM
I sort of agree, which is why I think my brother should contact customer service about it. He doesn't agree though, so each to their own. He says he would feel petty asking for a replacement over such a small fault and I do see what he means.

02-27-2012, 07:07 AM
No petty would be the additional compensation for emotional trauma and compensation for time taken pursuing a replacement lol

03-01-2012, 03:56 PM
My local GW was out of stock within a few seconds of opening, felt rather cross I'd bothered to show up. I wont' make the same mistake again. Does anyone know of somewhere with stock in the Midlands UK. They're going for at least 175% RRP on e-bay

03-02-2012, 08:52 AM
they were available on the GW website for preorder. I ordered mine in like January, had 0 issues getting one, didnt have to join a lottery or wait in a line. Arrived this past monday and is currently residing in its box until such time I can sell it off for a profit, or trade it for something cool as I dont play Crimson Fists.

03-02-2012, 08:56 AM
Pre-ordered mine back in January on GW's website and it arrived on Monday without any problems. Gonna get plenty of value out of it, cos the 60mm base is going for an Attack Bike, the scenic base will be for my next Contemptor Dreadnought, the banner's going to my Honour Guard as a Chapter Banner and the marine will be a Tactical Squad sargeant, all for my Imperial Fists.

03-05-2012, 03:32 PM
I walked in to my local store right outside Fort Leonard Wood, MO on the way to work yesterday and I was really surprised to see one there. I know that they were going on ebay a week back for $80! I had bought one from GW online and once I got it and saw the price it was going for in the secondary market I decided not to open it up it hopes that later on down the road i could resale it. I had wished that I had bought a second so when I walked into my local store and saw one and only there, I jumped on it. Th cool thing about was that it had a bit of a back story. According to the owner of the store, this one went to Canada but was sent back because that store didn't need or got too much and it was instead diverted to Missouri. I think that's kind of cool and now I can't wait to build my Crimson Fist!

03-05-2012, 03:55 PM
I picked up one for myself, which was perfect, and have another I'm looking to sell or trade at some point. It's actually much cooler in person than I expected it would be.

03-05-2012, 04:08 PM
How easy is it to scrape off the CF icons, and transplant the model into my Space Wolves?