View Full Version : Almost brand new

BoH Montevideo
02-26-2012, 01:47 PM
Hello friends, actually I am not brand new in the games but almost in the wargaming, itīs been just a couple of years since I started playing some of them. I just want to ask you, waht are the games that you recommend me to play? I play WHF and Warmachine, but I know that there is a lot more.
I hope I can post more frequently articles that could help someone.
Very nice to meet you all!

02-26-2012, 05:19 PM
Hi friend i`m new here too.

Im a big fan of 40k but it can be quite expensive to get into in a meaningful way. I quite fancy firestorm armada, i going to start looking into it soon as i`ve noticed my flgs has some in.

I also fancy WM/Hordes, in particular WM. I already own a few of thier models that i use in my 40k sisters army and i really like them. Also 1 word COLLOSALS:eek: I just love the look of them.

Lots of options for you friend. Enjoy.

Lord Tothe
03-05-2012, 11:21 PM
Is your name a reference to Montevideo, MN by any chance?

Far Seer
03-06-2012, 01:18 AM
Why don't you look at Infinity?

They have some great looking models and apparently the game itself is top notch as well.

Being a skirmish game, its a lot cheaper to play than 40k.