View Full Version : 40K 25th Anniversary

02-22-2012, 10:20 PM
So is anybody going to GW for the event. Debating if I should take my squats and robots out to show folks what is was like in the RT era

02-22-2012, 11:02 PM
I'd love to go to any kind of GW event. Alas, location and having a broke down car doesn't really permit that. And I'd have loved to known the game back in the RT days. I got into during the 3rd edition. However, it seems I encountered it the first time when I was in the 7th grade. A single Space Marine model traded to me by a friend. Had no idea what it was. Just thought it was cool. Then many years later at a local festival some guy had a booth set up. And upon it was a squad of Marines and Necrons. I was like "oh, I had one of these guys. What's this all about?" Then I'm hooked! Hard to believe its been around for 25 years.

02-23-2012, 02:57 AM
I have one about five minutes from my house. I'll be going there in hopes of cool swag. Aside from that over priced niche mini they put out. I mean, it's a cool homage to the original art and Crimson Fist players must be happy, but bleh. No thanks.

02-23-2012, 03:19 AM
My local GW is putting on a ton of cool events through out the day, so I'll deffinitely be going. As one of the few true long-fangs (being about the one of about three regulars in store to have played continuously for over 10 years) I feel I should pay homeage. I would head up to Warhammer World, but it'll be nice to celebrate at the store that got me into the hobby.

02-23-2012, 03:53 AM
I'll probably be popping into a store if only to get the poster.:rolleyes:

Night System
02-23-2012, 05:01 AM
Local store has a few events on, none of them look particularly good, and historically they tend to be poorly run, but ill probably pop down for a few hours regardless :)

02-23-2012, 06:46 AM
We've got a prize draw and not a lot else as far as i'm aware. Will try and stick my head in for that at least

02-23-2012, 07:06 AM
I'll probably head into my local store in the morning might stick around for a while depending whats going on, might head to the store near my work later in the day as its much larger

02-23-2012, 07:27 AM
I'm going up to Warhammer World for their celebration, as the events they're running sound fun, and it's been a while since I last visited. =D

02-23-2012, 07:50 AM
I've never really like the store that is near me. It's small and a couple of the employees are unfriendly. I might stop by for swag but probably not to play.

02-23-2012, 08:21 AM
No events anywhere near me :(
(or at least none I'm aware of)

02-23-2012, 01:09 PM
I think i will attend the GW glasgow one, the people there are nice and theyve got a few painting contests :D

(and hopefully pick up the limited edition mini :) )

02-23-2012, 02:18 PM
As the stuff they are putting out looks pretty lame (where's my collector's edition rulebook GW?) and the store will be rammed full of smelly and annoying children, I think I'll pass.

02-24-2012, 02:25 AM
Wildey, I would say come down to Leics, as the store is big enough to never really feel rammed full (of smelly, annoying kids or otherwise). That said, after last night's football you would quite possibly be mocked regardless of whether you support your local team or not lol.

02-24-2012, 04:23 AM
No Games Workshop store anywhere near me (and currently skint anyway), but checked my orders on GW's site and my limited edition figure has been dispatched, so with luck I'll have that tomorrow to make a start on.

02-24-2012, 11:25 AM
Wildey, I would say come down to Leics, as the store is big enough to never really feel rammed full (of smelly, annoying kids or otherwise). That said, after last night's football you would quite possibly be mocked regardless of whether you support your local team or not lol.

Lol, yeah Derby are my second team so I can just imagine the stick I'd get. Still, could be worse, I could be a forest fan! Glad to hear the leicester store is a reasonable size, the derby one is slightly too big to be a one-man store, but still get's crowded pretty easily. Thanks for the invite, but I think I'll pass, I'm feeling a tad let down by this 'big' anniversary so I'm giving it a miss and not buying any of GW's really awesome mousemats and wristbands.

02-25-2012, 02:32 PM
So...listing the loot I picked up today!

I picked up the mini. I initially thought it was kind of a stupid niche product, but I have it in my hands and it looks great. No flaws that I've noticed. I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep it or sell it to a Crimson Fists player that might enjoy it more than I. I want to keep it, but I play SWs and DE so...yeah. Kind of the same boat as I was in when I picked up the FW Boarding Action Mark III Marine. I could strip off the insignia and laurels to fit in with my SWs, but I feel that's a bit of a crime. The details are what make them amazing minis.

I picked up the poster. It's really nice. Made out of a thicker poster stock. Smaller than I imagined it, but the quality of paper and the art make up for the size. It's about half the size of the Adeptus Astartes posters they sell during GW birthday bashes. It came in a rather nice tube and paper wrapping.

Sidenote: The packaging for the mini and the poster are REALLY nice. Kind of strange to be honest.

I also picked up the anniversary pin and an Astartes rubber bracelet.

I thought it was kind of funny that my store had a ton of Mouse pads left over.

Also got the new White Dwarf. Good issue from what I've read so far.

02-25-2012, 02:47 PM
Lucky you. I was 12th in line at my store and theyd already run out of pins by then. Further, they didn't give away any of the posters, etc, but rather you had to wait around multiple hours for a raffle.

Absolutely wasted trip. Just sell the effing posters GW. Dammit to hell.

02-25-2012, 03:08 PM
Lucky you. I was 12th in line at my store and theyd already run out of pins by then. Further, they didn't give away any of the posters, etc, but rather you had to wait around multiple hours for a raffle.

Absolutely wasted trip. Just sell the effing posters GW. Dammit to hell.

Did you go to a LGS or a GW location? I have a GW about ten minutes from my house. They were selling the posters for $4.10. The only freeby was the pin.

02-25-2012, 04:15 PM
Went to a GW. Won't be going to any of their events again. Very disappointed.

02-25-2012, 04:51 PM
Went to my GW. Rammed with children, but the Scrap Devil competition was fun and I got some great bits for £2.50. I avoid it on weekends, and this confirmed that feeling, but I'll go if they ever have scrap building contests again...

Do I feel like I've celebrated 25 years of 40k? Not really. But I've had worse days, and the new models in the WD do look pretty, so I'm pleased for Nid/SW fans.

02-25-2012, 05:26 PM
Got a poster and pin, blew the minds of a bunch of teenage boy hobbyists simply by being there and had a piece of surprisingly nice cake.

The Madman
02-25-2012, 05:50 PM
went to my local one (Bradford) and had a blast,

11am - Speed painting competition, paint a Space Marine in 25 minutes!! All supplies provided, prizes for the winners!

12noon - 25th Anniversary Kill Team! 250pts, Kill Team rules. Score victory points equal to the points value of what you kill, prizes for the highest score!

2pm - Enjoy a slice of Warhammer 40cake!

3pm - Speed painting round 2!!

4pm - 25th anniversary Kill Team round 2!

scored 378 points in the two rounds of kill team (losing against nids and wiping out grey knights with my chaos marines)

i had 9 marines with bolters and a dread with autocannon.

nid player had the Doom and 11 genestealers, Doom died without doing anything (autocannon) but the genestealers infiltrated and murdered everthing. at the end he had only 3 stealers left while i was wiped out.

Grey knights had a razorback with lascannon and purfier squad with six grey knights two with psycannons.

he lascannoned one of my marines, psycannon'd another two and immboilsed and destroyed both arms on my dread (but not destroyed) so he didn't get points for the dread. while my dread blew up his razorback that killed an additional two purifiers in the explosion, squashed another who tried to beat it in CC and then the rest were picked off by the other six marines.

and in the painting competition i painted one marine as a pre-heresy word bearer and the other as a black templar but raven guard won both times (painted by two different people).

there were only four kids and they were pretty well mannered, the rest were 4 to 5 17 -18 year olds, 3 over 20s (including myself) and two over 40s. the store had 12 of the crimson fist captain, sold out in the first 20 minutes of opening.

also got a load of comments about my models, exspecially the dreadnought.

(haven't got a photo of it painted)
(and like these X9

I heard the Leeds store had a raffle for a prestine copy of Rogue Trader rulebook.

EDIT: oh and i was asked to if i did commissions, which took me by surprise.

02-27-2012, 03:45 AM
I had a reasonably good time. Like Eldar girl, I only managed to pick up a poster and a pin badge (the store's stock of models had sold out by 0935... nad had made it's daily target by 1005. Not bad for a store that opens at 10am.

Played a demolition derby game. Upto 3 vehicles, everything had to be WYSIWYG. I actually ended up running it because the staff had to help out a lot of new customers. Very willy, wrecks everywhere. We all absolutely pounded the Blood Angels player who really wasn't playing in the spirit of the game. I lost count of the number of times my battlewagon's grot riggers repaired immobilisation results. I didn't win by a long shot, but it was fun.

Had a gladitorial combat game. Upto 200 points on a HQ choice, no named characters. I decided to take an Ork wierdboy warphead for 85 points :P Was easilly the most entertaining character in the game. Died quickly but nearly took out a big nurgle deamon in the process.

A few of the other planned events fell through because the staff were too busy selling things (the cheek!) but a good time was had chatting and GMing a few games of 40k and fantasy. Much cake was eaten. I may have sneaked off with a few of the 40k 25th anniversary bunting flags as well... shhhh.

I also entered my KoptaBoss (I'm sure you can find him in the Modelling and Painting Forum if you fancy a look) into a painting competition. Voting hasn't been conducted yet, so I can't say how well I've done yet, but I fancy my chances :)

02-27-2012, 07:08 AM
My store had a paint a model in 25 mins challenge, paint 25 models in 1 minute challenge, a quiz, 500 point games of 40k, fantasy and LOTR, and a couple of random little games of chance. winning these games got you a pin but you couldnt win more than one pin on the day. As i was awarded a pin for coming first in my area at the 5 Dragons tournament i didnt get another pin but the games were fun anyway :)

I got a chaos band and a pin but didnt really want anything else. The limited edition model wasnt something i was interested in and im not really someone who goes for the "get it cos its lmited" hype.

Overall it was mad busy but fun all the same :)

02-27-2012, 11:17 AM
Sounds like you guys had a lot more fun than the store I went to (White Marsh, MD).

I didnt camp out out front or anything, got there about an hour after it opened. They had 6 people playing 40k with a multi army 3v3, 2 guys playing fantasy, and 2 guys setting up to play 40k. No cake. No give aways.

They had posters and arm bands for SALE. I think $4-$5 each. I bought the new WD as I play SWolves, bought some novels as they had about 12 I havent read yet, and bought the new IA2 book.

I wasnt impressed at all.