View Full Version : Warhammer Bloggers Group!

02-20-2012, 02:54 PM
Disclaimer!: I want to apologise in advance in case this post is in the wrong section of the forum (in which case I'd appreciate it if a mod could move it) or in case you deem this post inappropriate for the forum. All I ask of you is to read it first, and appreciate what I'm trying to do:) Basically I'm trying to expand and add a new part to the Warhammer Community and don't know where else to post this... I'm not advertising anything in any way as the only link given in this post is to a blank blog serving as a template to show people what I'm trying to achieve. Thanks

Warning, long post ahead;)

Hiya guys!

As you might have guessed from the title of this post and the disclaimer, I'm trying to start up a new bit of the Warhammer community but I want your help and input. I've seen for awhile now that there are several good 40K blogs all over the internet but not that many fantasy ones. This got me thinking; what if there was a centrally run group of blogs for each Warhammer army; written by different writers with individual content but yet covering the same topics and being consistent. Spurred on by this idea I set in place the foundations for the Warhammer Bloggers Group )or (W.B.G.).

Through blogspot (as I don't have the funds for hosting own domain names and websites yet, but more on that later) I registered the names and have started creating the templates etc. for each Warhammer army. An example of this (with the fully functional template (which will look better once something has been posted as most of the features don't appear until something has been posted)) is the Wood Elves blog; wbg-woodelves.blogspot.com (http://wbg-woodelves.blogspot.com/) (all the blogs are wbg-name of army).

What I would like to do is get a team of writers together (preferably at least one for each army) and write for our respective blogs (for example I am writing the Skaven one). One each blog will be an advertising banner which as the blogs increase in popularity/readership will generate a small income; this income is going to be used for the following:

Fund a website to be created and funded to serve as the central hub for the Warhammer Bloggers Group (hosting more information about the hobby in general etc.)
Pay for different events to be put on (e.g. if you want a campiagn weekend we should be able to host one at half the price it would normally cost)
Improve the blogs (maybe you want content on which will cost to create (e.g. comic strips drawn by professionals)
Use the money to fund prizes for raffles etc.
Whatever else you can think of!

I do not intend to make any money from this group; only to reinvest into the site(s) for the community (that's not to say that I won't buy the writers a thank you present at the end of the year (but that will probably come out of my own money so...)

What I want from you is feedback on my idea; what do you think of it, how would you improve it, anything else I could add/do?

The other thing I would love is for people to come forward and volunteer to help! (I want any contribution, even if its just an article a month)! If you like writing content for tactics, have a project log, would love to start a blog but don't know how, have a blog but want more support or just have an interest in writing for a blog then this is for you!

If you want to contact me about anything I've said just send me a PM or reply to this thread:)



P.S. If you don't like what I'm doing, think this is the wrong place to be doing it etc. I really don't know where else to go and I'm only trying to do it to improve the Warhammer community; I'm not getting paid or anything like that for this! Thanks