View Full Version : Next project, not sure what ?

02-20-2012, 04:35 AM
Could use some help from you guys really. I am very nearly finished my GK army and my roving eye is looking at what to have a stab at next. My armies don't tend to be uber competative but contains units I like the look of and the fluff.
However I do not like being steamrolled everytime either.
So my thoughts are

1, DE - carnival of flesh army.
2, Orks - Big Meks, Deff Dreads and Killa Kans.
3, Space Wolves - Foot slogging but not sure.

I don't really know much about these 3 types of army so could use a few pointers on each respective idea. For me it's more about the painting, however I would like to stand some chance of winning at least some games.
I just don't want to paint anymore tanks / boxes.
Over to you guys :)

02-20-2012, 05:18 AM
Carnival of flesh would be quite competative if done right. Firstly Talos with heat lance or haywire. my choice would be haywire for heavy support. IE 2 talos and then a cronos.

The basic unit of the carnival of flesh wracks has plenty of anti troops. Come with poisoned weapons, they are T4 with fnp, and have access to a flamer with s d6 ap d6.

Then haemoculi can take things like the hex rifle.

In short the army is really good themeatically, and can be quite competative.

Shame I never see this army, despite so many people saying they like it.

Also don't forget Urien with grotesques.

02-20-2012, 05:24 AM
Get IA8 and use the Ork Dred Mob army list in there. Great varient list, cool options, fun characters and a whole heap of fluffy units! The few tanks that are in there really aren't a necessity and are so far from being standard boxes, it's almost worth considering them as a completely different entity.

Also, dreadnoughts repairing dreadnoughts? Who doesn't want that?

I've had a lot of fun playing with maximum space marine dreadnought lists recently. That has 6 dreds. the dred mob allows you to field upto 18 Dred (in mobs of 3), 2 Kustom Meka Dreds as HQs, 3 Meka Dreds as heavy support and upto 15 KillaKans as Fast attack... 38 rampaging walkers take your fancy much?

02-20-2012, 05:29 AM
A DE army is a Delicate fast strike army, that can really hurt armies like IG, and other armies whose troops have low toughness. Their vehicles are too susceptible to enemy firepower though, and you start to get ripped apart in CC once you get bogged down.

Orks Big maks walker armies are OK if you can get them into CC fairly intact, but IG artillery/ Tank armies chew them apart, the same can be said for just about any army that has a decent amount of anti-tank weaponry.

Space Wolves on foot such as Terminator only foot slogger forces can be very nasty. I had my only loss iout of 6 games in my local 40K comp to an army based around 3 Termis Space wolf squads, Logan and Njal in Termie armour backed up by a land speeder, and a lone wolf in Terminator armour. Mind you most of the board was covered by jungle terrain, reducing my LOS or providing them a 4+ cover save against my AP 2 weaponry.

If you were to have faced my same army based around 2 noise marine squads, a Berserker Squad with Kharn, a Chaos Marine Squad, 2 Obliterators, 1 Defiler, and a Landraider, you would have had a hard time foot slogging it across the table, and would have to employ Drop pods (Puppies refuse to teleport) instead. I could have sat still, shot your force up because of my longer range, just picking on 1 target at a time, then sending my noise marine squads out to capture a couple extra objectives.

I have a project that might be interesting to you. It might even motivate you to use a Chaos Marine Army. I have put together nearly all the forces needed to build a Night Lords Battle Company, complete with rhinos, Havocs, Raptors, and the plethora of other troops including Termies, Chaos Bikers, a Vindicator, Hell Blade Fighter, Landraider, and a Dread Claw Drop Pod.

The Force will allow me to use troops in Drop Pods, Rhinos or on foot. I will have enough heavy weapons choices, and might even paint a squad of my Obliterators for the army. They will most likely get Night Vision, and with the upcoming Legion rule Book, you could have a working force ready just in time for the release. With an army like this, you can pick and choose your force to suit the opponent, rather than stick to one tactic.

This is only a suggestion. I also have an Emperor's Children Battle Company that I am slowly painting up, and this could also be a good force for you to think about. Good armour, assault weapons, some power weapons, a decent choice for heavy weapons, termies, transports, and good assault troops like raptors and bikers. All will be Init 5, and a good proportion of them will be fearless. They are expensive to have them upgraded properly, but I have seen Space Marine troops cut to ribbons while in area terrain by my Doom Sirens. You also have the very nasty Lash of Submission - yes not as effective as it used to be, and psychic hoods cancel them out a lot of times.

I hope this helps.

02-20-2012, 10:09 AM
I vote for Carnival of Flesh. Just don't forget to get a squad of Harlequins for the "clowns". Now if you could just fit them 2 or 3:1 in a Venom...

02-20-2012, 11:13 AM
Thanks for the detailed info chaps, lots of ideas roaming around now. I think at the moment I am heavily leaning towards a Dreadmob list, all the bits I have in my boxes I could also have some fun with some conversions etc. However not quite there yet with a decision. I have ruled out wolves (for now) because as much as I love power armour I do need a break from it. That rules out chaos too Daemonette 666 :) but thanks for throwing that one in the mix, very chaotic of you. However when the rumoured legions codex is released I can see me having a look then.

One thing I have noticed about Ork players is they don't seem to take themselves too seriously and are genrally just play for the crack of it. That suits me. I am done with playing armies and lists I know can dish out the hurt easily etc. I am also looking at something that's not only fun for me to play with but fun for my mates to play against. I have done the BA rback spam and that got boring after so many games. That being said I also love the Dark Eldar models mentioned above.

02-20-2012, 11:29 AM
The Dredd Mobb list from IA8 is awesome. My buddy plays with it against me sometimes, and it is simply a blast to play against. A blast.

02-20-2012, 11:54 AM
The Dredd Mobb list from IA8 is awesome. My buddy plays with it against me sometimes, and it is simply a blast to play against. A blast.

Lol thanks matey, I have just moved onto the "dangerous phase" and started costing units up in £ and points. Always dangerous :o

02-20-2012, 03:16 PM
Dark Eldar or Orks. Both would be a nice change ofpace form your previous projects. DE are a hard army to use but fun with awesome models. I run DE, and yes its fragile, but if forces you to be a better player. The carnival is a lot tougher with crazy conversion and paint ideas.

Orks are great for conversions and just having a good time win or loose. Speed freak would be cool too.

02-21-2012, 09:20 AM
Orks. No contest, given what you said you wanted from your next army. They're fairly competitive (particularly Dread Mob/Kan Wall lists), flexible and loads of fun. =)

Also, Orks are great to paint as you can go wild with your paint scheme. The closest thing to a uniform colour scheme for Codex: Orks is their skin colour, and even that can be any shade of green you can mix up. And if you go for a multi-clan/Freebootaz army this lack of uniformity is amplified.

02-21-2012, 09:30 AM
Just to through you a bit of a side winder, how about a space Wolf cavalry list as the models are almost here?
I am about to jump on that particular band wagon myself.

02-22-2012, 05:48 AM
So finally made the decision to go with Orks and a walker based army, I am going to start with a dual Mekboy, 2 Deff dread and 9 Killa Kans to get me going and then I will start into IA 8.
So thanks everyone for your input.
I will say however that those new Space wolf models may convince me to have a stab with a TWC based army after completing the Orks, GW really has so many quality 40k models that it was hard to choose at the moment.

03-06-2012, 03:53 AM
I'd say go with the Dark Eldar, I'm currently planning Cirque Du Malefice and will use the Tempus Fugitives Harlequins codex to build a sinister clown/misfits/disturbed feel.

03-06-2012, 03:58 AM
I just love the idea of mobs of killa kans maurdering over the battle field, I've got 3 so far and I think that needs to be increase

03-06-2012, 04:56 AM
The Ork army is a great choice, one of my regular opponents runs 9 kanz, 60-90 odd boyz, 2 big meks, a deff dred and lootas and its really devastating.

There are plenty of armies which have either the capability to easily deal with either the boys, or the walkers, but dealing with both, given the walkers have 4+ saves from toe KFF and the boyz get cover saves fromthe walkers, before they hit your lines on turn 2-3 is nigh on impossible for most.

03-06-2012, 10:19 AM
Go with a bunch of Cyb-orks and Kans. Kinda like drunken Borg.

03-06-2012, 06:23 PM

P.S. They're really fun to paint, and have some of the best fluff in the game in my opinion. WAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!