View Full Version : Advice for running a 40K event (UK)

02-18-2012, 11:27 AM
Hi guys,

Basically what the title says; late this year early next I am planning on running a large warhammer 40k event. The reason I'm planning this so early is because I'll need to get the venue booked, plan, advertise etc.

I have no experience what-so-ever in running an event, so...

Where are the best places to book a large event in the UK (talking 40+ people)?
Rough costings of the above
Amount of people needed to run said event
The range of £ a ticket should cost

And any other advice you can give!


02-18-2012, 12:12 PM
Out of curiosity... Why start with a large eventif you've never run one before? Usually best to start small....

02-18-2012, 01:17 PM
As Mr Dooley says, does it have to be such a large event considering its your 1st ?

If so then the obvious questions will be

1. Will this be an event with the goal of making yourself some £ or will it be purely for fun and you just want to cover your overheads ?

2. Do you already know of enough people to fill the event or are you going to have to advertise to fill spaces ? If not you need to maybe research and see how many local clubs are in your area and approach the members and see if their interested.

3. Where will you hold this event, do you want to go swish and hire a local hotel / pubs function room that will have access to facilities like loos and a bar etc or are you happy to approach your local church. town council about hiring their hall ?

4. What time of year and over how many days will also play a large part on attendance, you don't want to have it around chrimbo time if you can help it, many people already have lots on at that time of year and have extra expenses etc.

5. My only bit of advice would obviously be to make this, your 1st tournament as cheap as possible for yourself and your competitors / customers. You want to have as little risk as possible expense wise to yourself.

6. Try approaching a local model shop or even your GW store, Ask if you can advertise your tournie in their store. They may even have facilities you can use for free (bonus) and its a win win for these retailers as some of your gamers may also purchase stuff whilst waiting for their game and gain future customers to boot. Twist their arms and they may even give you some freebies as prizes.

7. Advance paid up front tickets are a must if your having to charge, so you at least know how to set up the games and upfront money means you know if your going to cover costs in advance.

8. If you can (and its possible) try and do it all for free which will help with numbers.

9. Of course your also going to have to work out a points system and what it will be based on, will there be points awarded to best painted, using a less common codex etc etc.

If I think of anything else i will mention it later, Time to put snotlings to bed

02-19-2012, 12:00 AM
The UK is a big place! That is not an offer for our colonial cousins to tell us it would fit 3.4 times into Spelunk County, Texas, btw.

It means you need to look at your target audience first. Do you want national travellers or are you counting on the support of one or two local clubs?

Local tends to channel you, national means you need good travel links, the worse the links the more central it will need to be.

Once you have that venue selection can take place - it needs to have tables you can fit standard 6x4 on.

You also need sufficient terrain. Also consider prize support.

Then you are looking at price point. Small prizes and rubbish terrain means lower price. Consult GW website - their Throne of Skulls tells you what you can charge in a central location with good terrain and tables with absolutely no prizes.

You also need to not have too many games in a day = 8 hours playing is probably max, we want to socialise as well.

Suggest you start small for your/a local club. If it is good more people wil be attracted next time.

02-19-2012, 05:55 AM
You've said event; Are we talking a tournament, campaign, or super huge Apocolypse game? Something even more bizarre and esoterric?

Which of these you are doing will greatly affect how much to charge, what kind of location you need and how many people you are likely to get that are interested. Basicly give us more info for us to really be able to help you.

Also, KISS (keep it simple, stupid) is deffinitely a mantra you need to follow running your first event.

02-19-2012, 06:56 AM
I think the others have already given some excellent advice, so I won't add much other than to suggest you look at Warhammer World. It's a good location in the centre of the country, with scenery, tables and beer already there, and the guys at the world are really helpful. I've no idea about costs but it wouldn't hurt to give them a call as they can probably give you more info about organising it and it would give you a starting point to compare other venues to.