View Full Version : Do you play campaigns?

02-16-2012, 07:57 AM
I'm of the opinion that the best way to enjoy this hobby is through campaigns, whether it be Necromunda, 40k or WFB. Yet from what I read it seems a lot of people don't seem to bother with campaigns. So I thought I'd start a poll and see how common campaigns are amongst the BoLs community.:)

My group generally has two, big narrative driven campaigns a year, two competitive tournaments and two painting tournaments for each major game system and one or two campaigns for Necromunda and Mordheim and one Gorkamorka campaign each year. Sometimes there are some little smaller campaigns organised by members that aren't 'official' club events.

02-16-2012, 08:17 AM
My friends and I keep talking about doing a campaign, we all want to play one, it's just finding the time to organise one and then getting people committted to playing reguarlarly. It's rare that everyone in our gaming circle is free at the same time so we tend to play on an ad hoc basis, which makes organised campaigns more difficult.

02-16-2012, 08:25 AM
Got a long Necromunda campaign afoot, play whenever we get an hour or so.

Would play a 40k campaign if I had a frakkin' group big enough to play one

02-16-2012, 08:28 AM
My friends and I keep talking about doing a campaign, we all want to play one, it's just finding the time to organise one and then getting people committted to playing reguarlarly. It's rare that everyone in our gaming circle is free at the same time so we tend to play on an ad hoc basis, which makes organised campaigns more difficult.

This. Well, this, and now that I've had to relocate to the *** end of nowhere, I don't even know if or where I'll be able to find a new gaming group. :(

A campaign does sound like it would be great, though.

Lord Azaghul
02-16-2012, 08:39 AM
I've tried a few here and there, its a great concept that just never pans out on the table.

I prefer individual scenarios, rather then ones linked to a prior game - and since these are usually team things - I ended up with a net determent in the next game thanks to my team mates performances!

Not to mention the inherent issues of getting people together, the shear amount of time and behind the sense work...and I think the biggest reason is that fluff and game play never match - so trying to make it make in a campaign feels very self defeating. IE a story is a story and a game is a game!

02-16-2012, 08:44 AM
For my group of gamers I created a campaign, mighty empires style, and we got two or three games in and then it one or two couldn't make it and it all fell apart :(

02-16-2012, 09:59 AM
I would do more campaigns if I was able to find a new gaming group. Having not one but two FLGSs shot out from beneath you tends to make keeping the old group together difficult.

I really liked the global campaigns GW did a few years back, Medusa V and Nemesis Crown, and I wish GW did more of those.

02-16-2012, 10:22 AM
I've never played a campaign but I want to. Just not enough time or people with enough time.

Night System
02-16-2012, 10:23 AM
I have just started one with my gaming group, and i must say, it is a lot of fun. The first game was hilarious when the goal wasn't simply killing each other, but making a cool story. I'm currently making a campaign booklet to go with it, once finished i will almost certainly upload it for all you Bols folks to also enjoy.

02-16-2012, 11:20 AM
I do play Campaigns but very rarely and it tends to be I'll play each one, only once, or at least only once against each player. I like the narrative of a campaign but tend to find they are a forgone conclusion be the time you get half way through.

I've been writing one myself for my Nids to Play against Marines. This one is written so the victor can't be decided until you've played at least 5 of the 6 missions. I should have the final mission written within a week. You can find it on www.chaptermasters.com (http://www.chaptermasters.com) if you'd like to have a look.

02-16-2012, 11:41 AM
Yes, a resounding yes. fave part of the game to be honest. Our group is in the middle of one now, 4 teams battling for supremacy in the Hydra Wars.

Heres our map...


02-16-2012, 12:22 PM
The school wargaming club has a tournament. We tried a campaign a few years back, but it was just too complex and annoying.

In my personal life, well - who has the time? I've hit the age where pretty much every one of my friends is off having to look after freshly-laid babies and thus have significantly more important things to do with their time. It's hard enough getting friends together regularly for Friday night's World Of Darkness game. A 40K campaign is just that bit too far.

02-16-2012, 12:39 PM
The school wargaming club has a tournament. We tried a campaign a few years back, but it was just too complex and annoying.

In my personal life, well - who has the time? I've hit the age where pretty much every one of my friends is off having to look after freshly-laid babies and thus have significantly more important things to do with their time. It's hard enough getting friends together regularly for Friday night's World Of Darkness game. A 40K campaign is just that bit too far.

I hear you man, same deal with me. Our campaign runs once a month for a full days gaming, usually netting each player 3 games. Our group all has wives and families to keep happy, so this works. We try and keep the fire burning in between with mini fluff updates and painting comps. A campaign doesnt have to be like signing up to play a warcraft.

02-16-2012, 12:53 PM
I´ve voted for "sometimes" but i play rarely ...but not very rarely :cool: uh they are different parts of life with a similarity ... but i´m drifting away :p

In fact a friend and i have done a 2 person campaign with planetfall, some normal games, a tankstorm game and - finally an apoc including a fortress. It was realy nice, and in the end i´ve caputured "langorian prime" with my iron warriors. Both sides had a lot of fun.

The problem with campaigns with more people is, that most of my friends have fulltime jobs (me inclluded) and therefore no time for a serious continuedly ongoing campaing ... that sad, but true.

Campaings are definetly a lot of fun to play and to plot. Storytelling, map-based or with an action-tree, it is more fun to watch the wins and losses for a greater gain, than simply a game between.

02-16-2012, 11:55 PM
I'm glad (if a little surprised) to see 'Regularly' leading.:) I can understand why some people have trouble organising campaigns, though, they are awkward to organise especially it you are inexperienced.

02-17-2012, 01:30 AM
Yes, a resounding yes. fave part of the game to be honest. Our group is in the middle of one now, 4 teams battling for supremacy in the Hydra Wars.

Heres our map...


Love the map - what did you use to create it? Cheers

02-17-2012, 03:38 AM
I love campaigns in concept, and I try and take every oppertunity I can to play them. Currently I'm taking part in a campaign at my local GW; really it is just 3 linked scenarios, but it's been a lot of fun so far, especially as I have been wearing a Commissar's hat and shouting out prayers from the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer. The Litany of Smiting really does seem to help with rolls on the vehicle damage chart :P

My main gaming club is also trying to run a campaign on a hex map (essentially just a digital planetary empires), but the guy running it is finding it hard to find the time to get it started around his commission painting. The worst part is all the rest of the players are chomping at the bit to get started... Just need him to sit down and not play 40k at the next club night, but he won't do that lol.

02-17-2012, 05:38 AM
...I have been wearing a Commissar's hat and shouting out prayers from the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer. The Litany of Smiting really does seem to help with rolls on the vehicle damage chart :P

Awesome :D

02-17-2012, 07:25 AM
I would love to organise or take part in a campaign but at the moment I have enough difficulty in getting a game in. I have recently managed to get a few friends to play Dreadfleet and Space Hulk so I am hoping that 1 or 2 of them might become interested in playing fantasy or 40k.

I have signed up for a couple of campaigns in a local GW store but never been able to make more that a game or 2 due to work and study commitments.

Also, Levitas that map is awesome how did you come up with it?

02-17-2012, 08:26 AM
I do play campaigns. I also run campaigns. They are hard to get right tho as the more complicated and in depth it gets I find that less and less people are interested... I have yet to complete my dream campaign... but thats still a WIP.

02-17-2012, 10:11 AM
Love the map - what did you use to create it? Cheers

Thanks! I mainly pulled images I had living around, added some photoshop and my design skills then done. Google images or cheap stock photo sites like istock are a big help.

Going that lil bit extra with art and writing can really help give a campaign life. Helps to have a creative person in the group too sometimes.

02-17-2012, 01:37 PM
I don't play that much 40k anymore, mostly I read the books, but whenever I do play 40k its pretty much ALWAYS a campaign, Its so much more fun too. Necromunda basically can't be played as a one off ( well it can but that strips it of about 90% of the fun)

02-17-2012, 04:39 PM
I do sometimes. It's with my son, we make stories and continue from one game to another when we use to play.

Was thinking of doing it again. Trying to make a gaming room in my basement, so it will be easier to do so. Can leave everything and not "clean up" afterwards by putting everything away. I think once it's complete there will be alot more intense campingns to be played.

02-18-2012, 05:55 AM
I do sometimes. It's with my son, we make stories and continue from one game to another when we use to play.

Was thinking of doing it again. Trying to make a gaming room in my basement, so it will be easier to do so. Can leave everything and not "clean up" afterwards by putting everything away. I think once it's complete there will be alot more intense campingns to be played.

Having dedicated gaming room is a must for a campaign and particularly when half way through a battle that had to be temporarily stopped ;) How did you get your wife / girlfriend / other half to agree to the converted basement?

Uncle Nutsy
02-19-2012, 10:18 PM

LOL. surely you jest.

the group I know is too flaky to have a single game on a weekend, let alone run a campaign. I'd have better luck playing someone from the UK over the internet than to play anyone here.

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-20-2012, 06:04 PM
I'm of the opinion that the best way to enjoy this hobby is through campaigns, whether it be Necromunda, 40k or WFB. Yet from what I read it seems a lot of people don't seem to bother with campaigns. So I thought I'd start a poll and see how common campaigns are amongst the BoLs community.:)

My group generally has two, big narrative driven campaigns a year, two competitive tournaments and two painting tournaments for each major game system and one or two campaigns for Necromunda and Mordheim and one Gorkamorka campaign each year. Sometimes there are some little smaller campaigns organised by members that aren't 'official' club events.

I agree. I find campaigns the best way to have fun with it - I really like linking different games together too.

For example - Me and my mates did this awesome war in heaven campaign earlier last year for example : it started off as BFG - with necron, eldar, enslavers and old one ships ect, then moved to 40k (using planetary empire tiles, I love those things!).

Eventually it all escalated it into massive Epic games with litterally a thousand infantry per side. It was a lot of fun - Eldar titans smashing up cthulhoid enslaver constructs, and legions of necrons being resurrected.

Tbh, for me it's less about a competitive game and more about playing out a story we've thought up.

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-20-2012, 06:08 PM
Universe Maker is a good way to make star-maps. There is a freeware version, however if you pay for it - it can make planets too. Not as breathtakingly awesome as Levitas - but if you don't have any graphic skills like me, it's very handy!
