View Full Version : Greetings

Lord Azaghul
09-16-2009, 10:51 AM
Greetings lads. I've been lurking around this place for quite a while and figured I should finally join up.

Currently I am playing 40k more then anything else. And yes I'm a guard player, and no I'm not a flavor of the month player either - I only have one army! I also love my platoons - contrary to popular believe I believe that they are the true strength of the guard forces - and yes I win more then I loss, and no Im not an hard boyz player (I want the game to be fun!) I typically play a balanced force - I don't take allies (really don't see the point)- pure guard all the way!

I'm also a long time whfb player -(dwarves!) - I loved the game untill gw made sure only 3 armies could win - so at the moment I'd rather leave my fantasy on the shelf and paint and play with my guardsmen.

Btw - this is a solid sight, I think the staff here is fantastic

09-16-2009, 11:26 AM
Thank you. *smiles.* Welcome to the Lounge.