View Full Version : thunderwolf lords

02-13-2012, 01:33 PM
just got some cool looking thunderwolf conversions off ebay and i plan on making one my wolf lord. was wondering how you guys like to kit them out... i was thinking frost blade and shield with saga of thewarrior born. thoughts? suggestions? would a wolf claw be a better choice?

02-13-2012, 04:19 PM
I've seen him with Wolf claw / SS with Saga of Beastslaying be pretty effective. Have your lord and/or squad of thunderwolves hunt down some T5+ unit and go cause some damage.

02-14-2012, 02:44 AM
Saga of the Warrior Born, in my mind, is pretty much a forgone conclusion, at least in games over 1500. (At 1500 or below I would just go for the cheap utility Priest instead.) If you're already sinking for a Lord and a Thunderwolf, there is little reason not to take it- Saga of the Bear protects you from ID against Force Weapons and Dreadnoughts, but that's really it.

Wolf Claw vs Frost Blade is a pretty up-in-the-air kind of choice; technically, a Wolf Claw is slightly superior against T4 targets and the option of rerolling to hit can be nice at times, but they're very close overall. Of course, if you take a Storm Shield, as many do, the Claw jumps significantly in value, but a full tricked-out Thunderwolf Lord can end up being a huge number of points, so limiting your investment isn't a bad thing.

Runic Armor and Fenrisian Wolves are both nice for boosting your survivability a bit, if you've already gone down the path of a big, expensive Lord. Being able to slough those AP2 wounds onto the wolf buddies to keep your Lord or other Thunderwolves alive longer is a nice option to have- just make sure you keep the average toughness of the unit to five.

A Wolftooth Necklace to insure you can murder any infantry isn't a terrible choice, but not really necessary, either, given WS6. Meltabombs, on the other hand, are probably a good choice if you aren't toting a Fist around.

At the end of the day, I think kitting a Thunderwolf Lord to murder infantry is your best option- other weapons in the list (TWC with Hammer, Long Fangs, GH Melta, Razorbacks) can better handle vehicles and especially Dreads, so equipping a Lord to deal with those targets (i.e. Saga of the Bear + Thunder Hammer) feels very inefficient to me. A Thunderwolf allows you to very nearly guarantee you will be in combat each turn, making best use of Warrior Born, and Frost Blade/Wolf Claws take advantage of your high WS, I, and S values to carve through huge swatches of enemy infantry before they can hurt you.

Prison Love
02-14-2012, 07:01 AM
I normally use Runic Armour, Wolf Claw, Storm Shield, Thunder Wolf Mount, and Saga of the Bear.

Runic Armour is pretty simple. 2+ save why would you not want it. Same with Storm shield. You are pretty much a T5 Shield Termi on a wolf.

I have tried the claw and the blade and I would say the claw is way better. Being able to pick rerolling hits or wounds is a huge help. On most things I hit and wound on 3+ but when Its something like say Meph where I hit on 4+ and wound on 5+ it really helps.

I used to take either no Saga or Beast slayer but in a word with Grey Knights its important to have bear. I always hated being in a tournament and coming up against Grey Knights with no Saga of the Bear. Its almost like handing them 250 points for free. All they have to do is one wound and there is a huge chance you will lose your lord. Yes you can have a priest and have a 50% chance of not losing him but its still a huge risk for such a large point costing model.

03-05-2012, 03:43 PM
I ran mine with Frost blade, runic armor, belt of russ, and bolt pistol. Sagas optional / depending on points.

03-05-2012, 04:01 PM
My thoughts would be that overkill is the best why just kill your enemy when you can blow them up with a strength 10 thunder hammer to the dome piece.

So I would go either saga of the bear or warrior born, storm shield, tooth & tail 2 wolves, runic armor, and either a thunder hammer or frostblade. My pick will almost always be warrior born hammer and shield.

It just guarantees kills which then exponentially increases attacks the thing you have to worry about is not being able to get to another fat squad after killing your 1st and then loosing all those bonus attacks.

But a strength 10 hammer can blow up anything and a 2+/3+ on a t5 character is amazingly resilient it will make it's points back every game unless you get merc'd right off the bat. Run them with an escort of wolves and then break off on the charge and you'll be money.

03-05-2012, 04:14 PM
I like the load out you chose. But the wolf lord in general s just a poor choice. Costs a land raider and sucks just as hard as one.

03-05-2012, 04:22 PM
I generally think a thunderwolf lord equiped with anything is awesome :)
Though I always have hammer, shield wolf lord just to deny ppl a easy kill.
Be pretty cool to see a conversion which has Lukas's top half modeled on top of a thunderwolf

03-05-2012, 04:45 PM
The King of thunderwolf lords is put together like this, Thunder hammer, Storm shield, runic armor, wolf tooth necklace, wolf tail talisman,saga of the bear & 2 fenrisian wolves.


03-09-2012, 10:34 AM
i usually run my wolf lord on thunder wolf w/ power fist, SS, wolftooth, saga of the wolfkin (mainly cause i run my lords with ablative wolves also having 21 str 4 attacks at i 5 is awesome) and runic armor. Then my 2nd lord is thunder wolf with wolf claw, runic armor, SS, saga of the beast slayer. So far these two setups have just been murdering their way across the table

03-09-2012, 06:28 PM
I play my thunder wolf lord exactly as Senger describes him.
Then I put him either in a 5 man squad of fenrisian wolves (as CC counter unit for example in MSU or Greyhunter spam lists) or in a squad of thunder wolf cavalry as death star. Unfortunately both units can't really attack huge walls of terminators (for example), but if you thin them out before and then attack with both greyhunters and the lord+squad, you can get them down, too. Even worse than this weakness (since most armies at the moment rather play msu style) are DE which just poison them to death.
Thunder hammer instead of power fist to slow your enemies down (cybots for example) and you leave (almost) every time you attack a vehicle a result on them, storm shield shouldn't need any explanation, the runic armor helps against the rak spam we see at the moment, but if the lord sits in a squad of fenrisian wolves, it isn't that important since the wolves protect you and not you them, the necklace is nice to make sure you hit your opponents, but in my opinion this would be the first equipment to drop if you need points and the talisman protects you squad even more against psionic attack, but this would be the next thing to delete.

Please excuse me for my bad English; I'm foreign exchange student from Germany.

03-10-2012, 10:18 AM
I think these units are just so much fun to use; and the damage they can do imo makes them worth the points. Granted, depending on how they are kitted out you do have to careful with how you use them but there is always something for them to kill and they have the range to get to them:).

Depending on mood I have three basic patterns (all include runic armor and 2 fenrisians): dual wolf claws and belt of russ with saga of warrior born, frost blade with storm shield and saga of warrior or beast with melta bombs for beast, or thunder hammer with storm shield with saga of bear for those big nasties.

Lord Severus
03-10-2012, 02:19 PM
TH or PF/SS with bear saga is always a popular choice.

I also am a fan of Frost weapon/SS with warrior born.

I always include wolf tooth necklace and runic armor.

If running with a unit of twolves fenrisians are nice. If you run them solo, only take one, or it makes your majority toughness 4 and your easier to wound.

If you run 2 in a list having one with majesty is a good choice-its cheaper and helps protect you from failing morale and seeing a 500+ point unit run away.

Lady Fenris
03-21-2012, 05:12 PM
I think these units are just so much fun to use; and the damage they can do imo makes them worth the points. Granted, depending on how they are kitted out you do have to careful with how you use them but there is always something for them to kill and they have the range to get to them:).

Depending on mood I have three basic patterns (all include runic armor and 2 fenrisians): dual wolf claws and belt of russ with saga of warrior born, frost blade with storm shield and saga of warrior or beast with melta bombs for beast, or thunder hammer with storm shield with saga of bear for those big nasties.

For me it's all about a crazy bearded viking warrior atop a beastly great wolf, frost axe in one hand, storm shield in the other, howling at the top of his lungs fulfilling the saga of the warrior born. :)

I love making my wolf lords just crazy powerful, true, he's a lot of points but it sure is fun when he really gets going.

03-21-2012, 08:40 PM
I'm a big fan of wolf claws, :) And 60mm bases, :)

03-21-2012, 09:28 PM
I'm a recent convert to Wolf Claws myself. Still love Thammers but I have a even mix of GK and Daemons so going last has been bad for my Wolf Lord these last few weeks.

03-22-2012, 05:26 AM
I'm a big fan of the Lord with WC, RA, SS, Saga of the Warrior Born and 2 Fenris Wolves. In my last game he almost killed an entire mass ork army on his own. Against other armys he will not deal that much damage but the opponent is, in most cases, so afraid of him that he will direct way to much fire power to kill the Lord.