View Full Version : Help needed, Painting chips on silver paint

02-12-2012, 08:26 AM
Hi guys,

Could use a little help please, I am in the process of painting myself a Grey Knights Landraider and I could use some advice, I want the tank to appear realistic and I always go about doing battle damage and weathering etc. Now on most tanks etc its easy enough to paint surface scratches etc using lighter colours for exposed undercoat and then silver for the exposed metal. But Grey Knights don't paint their armour or tanks. Im stumped.

Over to you guys :confused:

Here is how I did a Death Company LR, and this is the model thats now been recycled as a GK one


02-12-2012, 08:48 AM
Should still work.

You need a darker metal colour (e.g. tin bitz) to add to your basecoat to make a patch of darker corroded/scorched metal for contrast and then the brightest possible silver (e.g. Mithril) to show the fresh scratch. The challenge will be blending the darker metal into the regular metal first as this part shouldn't have an abvious edge, washes or stippling might help here.

02-12-2012, 09:24 AM
If its going to be weathered It would have been slightly corroded by being exposed to the weather, and any scratches would have dug through the corrosion to expose the original metal making it look brighter by comparison. I was going to recommend Isotopes method, but you could also ink/wash it slightly darker than usual and then use the normal colour where the corrosion woul have been rubbed/scratched away.

02-12-2012, 03:34 PM
brown spots, black lines above, white below, massive voodoo did a amazing tutorail on it :D


or if thats too complicated (it is for me :L) get the sponge out of a old blister pack, dip in dark brown, wipe off excess gently sploge on mini, repeat with black, then brown then a couple of washes around the weathering!



02-13-2012, 06:44 AM
Thanks for taking the time to help me out guys, I have moved along with the model and went with the sponging technique along with lots of weathering. The model looks like its still entrenched in theatre which I like and I am now working on the turrets.

When its done I will post some pics, again thanks for your input. Helped me out a great deal :D