View Full Version : Dark Eldar 1k escalation help!!

02-12-2012, 03:13 AM
Hello all! So I'm working to get my 750 list up to 1k for the next escalation league tournament in March at my FLGS. I pulled off 2nd at the last one but was beat down in KP by horde orks. Anyway I'm not sure what to add to the list for 1k. I know the meta game I'll be facing pretty well too. Most likely looking at all foot ig, cw eldar, horde with battle wagon/kans/kff orks, 1 grey knights, 2 jump BA with priests, 1 kinda really bad BA that does tac squads in deep striking landraiders..., and tyranids! So there is a good amount of infantry heavy lists around here. No razorspams or anything like that really but the orks gave me the most trouble being my only loss in a KP mission. But that said here is what I have now...

Baron Sathonyx

9 Hellions

kabalite warriors x5
venom w/2 splinter cannons

kabalite warriors x5
venom w/2 splinter cannons

Heavy Support
Razorwing fighter w/4 monoscythe missiles

Ravager w/ 3 dark lances

so that brings me to 749pts so I have 251pts to play with. I'm considering 3 options really

1. Add more hellions and another small unit of something?
2.Venom full of trueborn with splinter weapons or blasters?
3.6 revers w/2 heatlances?
or if you have an idea I didn't list I'd love to hear it!

I think I'm pretty well set on the armor I will anticipate and my biggest struggle last time was the sanguinary priests and the hordes of orks so I'm thinking more anti infantry and if I could a tiny bit more anti tank probably wouldnt hurt either but I could probably go without it.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out and I look forward to your replys!

02-12-2012, 04:57 AM
Bump your Hellions by another 5-10 models. Not sure how you are getting 198, but all they need is at least 10 guys and an Agonizer. Make sure to roll for combat drugs!

Also, I see no nightshields. Every vehicle with nightshields lives one more turn on average than they would without, on average (especially against Orks). Nightshields and flickerfields on your heavies, and give that Razorwing a Splinter Cannon while you are at it. Use the remaining points to beef up the Hellions by at least 5. Instead of Trueborn, add another heavy slot for less points. Trueborn are way overrated in the current meta and they have critical downsides. If you want massed darklances, go for those first THEN go for the Trueborn after you can't expand further.

02-12-2012, 10:47 AM
ugh, dont drink and do math kids... So I was way off on my hellions (for some reason had them at 22pts...) which put me in a panic. anyway some good advice there. I'm fairly new to the army and hadn't really thought about nightshields before. I've also bumped the hellions up to 14 w/agonizer and added night shields to my ravager and razorwing (razorwing got splinter cannon too) so here is what it looks like now...

Baron Sathonyx

14 Hellions w/agonizer

5 warriors w/blaster
venom w/2 splinter cannons

5 warriors w/blaster
venom w/2 splinter cannons

Ravager w/3 dark lances and night shields

Razorwing fighter w/splinter cannon and night shields

-884 total. So I have 116 left. Do I really need more AT and go with a 2nd ravager (also trying to avoid spamming too much. I already feel bad with the venoms haha), or something silly like a talos w/chain flails and haywire blaster? Mandrakes?

Thanks for the reply and apologies for the mad math confusion.