View Full Version : hi its me

02-10-2012, 07:22 AM
im from Germany (so please excuse the mistakes in grammar or spelling i make). And dont worry about my name, im a nice guy its just my board name, i use for a long time, i didnt really knew what it meant when i started using the name, just thought it sounds cool :)
I play warhammer Fantasy for more than 10 years (since the edition where Highelves and Goblins were in the starter box).

My armies are as followed:
Vampire Counts (somewhere arround 10000p.)
Dark Elves (about 5000p.)
Empire (sylvania themed army) 3000p.
Night Goblins 3000p.
Khemri about 3000p. (probably more if i count the skelletons from my vampire counts)
and a little bit of everything else.

dont know what else to say,so just ask if you want to know something.