View Full Version : 1750 Necrons vs Daemons Advice

02-10-2012, 07:06 AM
I have a game tomorrow against a buddy of mine who plays Daemons. He agreed to bring Daemons and I agreed to bring Necrons so we could both bring lists designed to beat the other one. Here is what I am planning.

Nemesor Zahndrekh
Harbinger of Transmogrification
Harbinger of Transmogrification
Harbinger of Transmogrification
- Seismuc Crucible
Necron Lord
- Mindshackle Scarabs
- Gauntlet of Fire
- Resurrection Orb

C'tan Shard
- Pyreshards
- Writhing Wordscape

9 Necron Warriors
- Ghost Ark
10 Necron Immortals
- Tesla Carbines
10 Necron Immortals
- Gauss Blasters

Fast Attack
5 Canoptek Scarabs
5 Canoptek Scarabs
5 Tomb Blades
- Particle Beamers

Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
- Tesla Cannon
Annihilation Barge
- Tesla Cannon
Annihilation Barge
- Tesla Cannon

Now, I know he does not have the models to do something like Fatecrusher or 18 Fiends. He tends to bring pretty mixed lists with one of each of the "good" choices. We played last week but it was 2 objectives with Spearhead deployment so it ended up being a tie. This time we are doing victory points to prevent that.

We tend to play with 25-30% terrain on the board, most of it being ruins or other pieces that provide cover. I’m hoping with this list I can hurt his units when they deepstrike into cover by taking out 1 or 2 models per unit from DT tests, and if he doesn’t DS into cover he’ll be easy to shoot.

I think I’ve got enough firepower to kill or severely weaken anything that comes close to assaulting me. The scarabs I plan to use as assault screens, if I can keep the number of assaults happening at a time down to 1 or 2, I can use Counter Tactics to tip the scales in my favor with Counter Attack and by taking away furious charge from Khorne Daemons.

How have my fellow Necron players done against Daemons?

02-13-2012, 09:46 AM
So I won the game, but I can say from experience that at least with Daemons, the whole Difficult/Dangerous terrain gimmick is just that, a gimmick.

Nice for games with your buddies but don't expect to be winning tournaments with it unless all of your opponents have cold dice. It also limits your shooting because your infantry squads have to fire at whatever the Crypteks fire at. So the unit your want to move through dangerous terrain and the unit you want to load shots into, might not always be the same.

02-13-2012, 10:08 AM
Justt saw your thread, glad to see the game was enjoyable.

What was the daemon list your opponent used?

The tactics you mentioned above, did they work? I can see this game being a difficult run for the necrons. I'm guessing your shooting tipped the balance?

02-16-2012, 09:08 AM
He didn’t use an optimized list, if he did I probably would have lost. It looked something like

The Masque
3 Flamers
3 Bloodcrushers
2x 15 Bloodletters
10 Daemonetters
5 Plaguebearers
Soul Grinder
Daemon Prince

The goal was to keep hitting his infantry with Tremorstaves and force him to roll enough 1’s to whittle his numbers down to aid my shooting. He didn’t roll that many ones and when he did he made his Invul saves.

The only good thing the Ctan did was kill the Bloodthirster I was unable to take down with shooting, in any other game he probably would have gotten shot to death before he could do much.

The thing that kept me alive were the amount of 6’s I rolled with Tesla weapons, him not deepstriking aggressively, and a squad of bloodletters getting a DS mishap and dieing.

In the future I'll stick with something more reliable.

03-05-2012, 08:59 PM
If he dose every give you trouble swap the scarabs for wraiths and you should be pretty set. I have play daemons for a long time and Necrons for a while now and it is a bad match up for the daemons,