View Full Version : Grey Knights Contemptor, counts as Ven (wip)

02-09-2012, 02:21 PM
So I know we cant take contemptors but I really like the model. The Mrs bought me this model for christmas and I originally was going to start a Minotaurs army. But read my mates GK codex and really liked the fluff.

So with that in mind I decided to build this guy and add him to my current GK project.

No arms as of yet but I am going to purchase x2 Autocannon 1st and them maybe a CC arm and Assault cannon. Magnets will be used to swap out weapon choices.

I had another attempt at some free hand iconography mixed in with some transfers. Theres some more weathering to be done and general tidying up of paint etc and the dodgy looking white stuff is water effects waiting to dry. The picture of the base on its own shows the little gardening wire peg I use to mount the model on the base. I find this much easier to transport the model about.

http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab3/joenortonjones/IMG_0005-2.jpg http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab3/joenortonjones/IMG_0004-4.jpg

02-09-2012, 02:28 PM
Well that looks like shyte.

But seriously, I really like it. The base looks top notch, and your heraldry marks on the shins and shoulders look really solid. Also like the green Purity Seals. Adds a nice pop of contrasting color.

02-13-2012, 12:50 AM
I concur, I concur! :D