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View Full Version : Pinning Test Question

09-15-2009, 11:36 PM
Here is the situation,my warboss w/power claw gets a glancing and a penetrating hit on a land raider.The glancing causes a damage- immobilised result and the penetrating caused a destroyed-explodes.Now I made my saves for the orks within the explosion and my friend took his for the terminators in the land raider losing one. I understand that the next step is for the terminators to take a pinning test. If they were to fail, when do they get back up ? This assault ended my player turn (1st half of turn 2), so when he begins his player turn (2nd half of turn 2) do his terminators stand up and play as normal ?

Exitus Acta Probat
09-15-2009, 11:48 PM
pg 24 brb
"the drawback of going to ground is that the unit can do nothing until the end of its following turn" (emph mine)

That's pretty much it. You pop it, he drops...he crouches/stands there ducking shrapnel and trying to dig out of the wreckage during his next turn, THEN he gets to play nice all over again...if he survives!

09-16-2009, 01:19 AM
Thanks for replying man,I'm still a noob, (only my 12th game and my buddies 6th) and it's the first time pinning has come up.I read the rulebook several times,but was not certain that I was understanding the rule correctly and didn't want to cheat him.
So to make it clear that I understand what you are saying,his terminators spend his half of turn 2 dodging debris and regaining their bearings in the smoking hole that was their land raider and nothing else.His half of turn 3 they are free to do whatever they want.
Thanks for your help and by the way,where in ohio do you live? I live on the East Central border (where ohio,pennsylvania,and west virginia meet on the ohio river) 40 minutes west from pittsburgh and 2 hours east of columbus.If you are every in the neighborhood and want to whip on some noobs, let me know.There are seven of us that play (my friend and myself are the least experienced) the rest are vets. but we are always looking for other local gamers.The more the merrier.

Exitus Acta Probat
09-16-2009, 01:23 AM
NP trooper!
I'm Dayton, so a bit out of the way...but I like to drive, and the wife loves road trips and excuses to explore, so I'll certainly keep ya in mind!

Quick answer, and I'm on an insomnia kick right now...so was up!

09-16-2009, 02:33 AM
Nothing much,can't fall asleep myself was just replying to the more info request on my pedro question thread in tactics.The biggest problem is that I'm more of a noob at typing and computers than 5th ed.40k (only 12 games so far).It would probably be quicker to write response and send them pony express than have me type them.
I'm going to get offline soon and I just wanted to let you know,so you don't think I'm blowing you off (in case you are still online).My sister in law is being induced today (wed morning 6 a.m.) and thought maybe I should get an hours sleep in case she has the baby soon after.If I ever figure out how to add you as a friend or email you I'll do that.Only been in one other forum and to contact other members you just clicked on the avatar and hit PM (private message)haven't figured this one out yet.Sucks being a noob ! In a couple of months I'll be moving into a house an uncle left my family with a 13 and a half by 28 ft. rec. room that I plan to fill with gaming tables and a bar and a 15 by 20 ft. room that i want to convert into a studio for painting figures and terrain building.Upstairs I'll have two guest bedrooms you and your wife are welcome anytime you want to take a trip.I'll introduce you to the guys in my gaming group,show you the sites,cook some dinners and fight it out on the gaming tables.Take care, hope to chat again soon.
