View Full Version : 2000 point Tau

02-07-2012, 11:17 AM
Yes it Tau but I think this list should be good for the most part it has all the parts that I like in it and should be pretty fun to run.

2000 Pts - Tau Empire Roster
1 Commander Shas'o: Bonding Knife; Hard-wired Drone Controller; Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker
Shield Drone x2
Crisis Battlesuit: Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker x3

Elite: Crisis Battlesuit
Crisis Battlesuit: Bonding Knife; Hard-wired Drone Controller; Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker
Shield Drone x2
Crisis Battlesuit: Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker x2

Elite: Crisis Battlesuit
Crisis Battlesuit: Flamer; Bonding Knife; Hard-wired Drone Controller; Twin Linked Fusion Blaster
Shield Drone x2
Crisis Battlesuit: Twin Linked Fusion Blaster; Targeting Array x2

Troops: Fire Warrior
Fire Warrior x6
Troops: Fire Warrior
Fire Warrior x6
Troops: Fire Warrior
Fire Warrior x6
Troops: Fire Warrior
Fire Warrior x6

Fast Attack: Pathfinder
Pathfinder x7
Devilfish: Disruption Pod
Gun Drones x2

Fast Attack: Pathfinder
Pathfinder x7
Devilfish: Disruption Pod
Gun Drones x2

Heavy Support: Broadside Battlesuit
Broadside Battlesuit: Bonding Knife; Hard-wired Drone Controller; Hard-wired Target Lock; Multi-Tracker
Broadside Battlesuit: Multi-Tracker x2
Shield Drone x2

Heavy Support: Broadside Battlesuit
Broadside Battlesuit: Bonding Knife; Hard-wired Drone Controller; Hard-wired Target Lock; Multi-Tracker
Broadside Battlesuit: Multi-Tracker x2
Shield Drone x2

Heavy Support: Hammerhead Gunship
Hammerhead Gunship: Ion Cannon; Targeting Array; Two Burst Cannons; Disruption Pod; Multi-Tracker

Well pretty standard I think but go ahead tear it apart

02-07-2012, 11:53 AM
Nothing to tear apart, I'm just curious your reasoning for 2 Pathfinder squads? In my experience, 1 is enough but I'm curious how you intend to use them.

02-07-2012, 01:48 PM
Well the reason for 2 is that most of the people I play end up taking them out first thing. Or attempting to. So having 2 squads means that they have more targets so more rounds of shooting at something that isn't really shooting back. Plus it also allows me to have one team to back up the other team allows for arcs of coverage... it depends on the game or the terrain. And More markerlights means more options.

02-11-2012, 07:52 AM
The Broadsides really don't need bonding knives, target locks or multi-trackers. Use their range to protect them, and if they fall back they probably aren't going to do much for a lot of the game anyway. They'll either run off of the board or not be able to fire for a couple of turns, more if they ran out of line of sight of their targets. As for the target locks, railguns are good, but you can't trust them to take out a tank each per shot, better off firing both at one target to make sure and saving the points. The multi-trackers are fairly pointless because smart missile systems won't do anything to vehicles anyway.

People often make the mistake of taking a Shas'O when they aren't taking any special wargear. With your load-out you should instead take a Shas'el and give it a Targeting Array, that way it's still BS5 but you save 15pts. The other stat increases a Shas'O has are mostly only useful in combat anyway, and we know that's a lost cause.

02-11-2012, 09:20 AM
There is really only one reason to buy a Shas'O; one extra wound. Since he will be with his bodyguard squad you will be using markerlights for their shooting, making his BS 5 worthless. Buy a Shas'El and don't even bother with the targeting array. Buying a stimulant injector can even make up for the loss of the extra wound.

Buy target locks for every broadside. Fire one squad all at different vehicles. If you get lucky, you kill all three. If not, then you fire with the other squad and reallocate your shots as necessary. The goal is to capitalize on lucky rolling without wasting any shots.

The real enemy of pathfinders is a leadership test. Some stray shots will likely send them scattering. I like the idea of taking two squads (especially if you are deepstriking the fusion suits), but seven men each might be overkill. If you find yourself in the need of some extra points, consider dropping them each to five. In both cases, 2 casualties will cause a leadership test so your chance of running off or losing a turn of shooting is the same. However, if you have leftover point, more is generally better.

This is less of a suggestion and more of a command: Leave the ion cannon where it belongs. On the sprue :)

The railgun is better for killing any type of vehicle and its sub-munition will be a saving grace against imperial guard, tyranids, and orks.

02-12-2012, 11:22 AM
the reason for the sms on the broadsides with multi-trackers is I tend to have opponents that love to jump right on top of my broadsides or come at them with an outflank or something else. I mean seriously there are so many armies with so many options of just jumping right into the middle of you. Turn 1/2 assaults really aren't that uncommon anymore. So this way if I have a squad of guys coming right at them that's 3 str 10 shots along with 12 str 5 shots. and with both broadsides having one multi-tracker it's a cheap way to imitate 3 squads of 2 broadsides while only taking up 2 heavy slots leaving a 3rd one open. And I know there are lots of arguments against the ion head but I've just had lots of luck and fun with it so it stays :p

03-05-2012, 10:28 PM
seems reasonable, I've been wanting to try a ion head just to see but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it, for the points the Railhead has always paid for itself. So here's the deal, you try a Railhead, I'll try an Ionhead and we'll see what we get out of it.

P.S. Long Live Tau! and give us a codex GW!