View Full Version : Dark Eldar Kill Team

02-06-2012, 06:46 PM
* Carnellia gazed from above above the city streets, her position on the clock tower kept her in the shadows and hidden. She lifted her hand to her head to cover her ears, her helmet on the ledge because she prefer to not hide her eyes behind it's visor when studying the targets.
"Commander the targets are fanning out across the city, it seems they are expecting trouble." Carnellia whispered to keep her voice from echoing and risk being spot.

"Check eagle eyes. They are probably expecting some rogue traders to try and take the package, its unlikely they expect us. Keep us posted at either rate."
Commander Drelgarn turned to Corask, "It's time for you to take your position, Alpha 1 and 2 should be nearing both packages. Our Intel is good, but not perfect. We might need your Splinter cannon. Remember in case of trouble we have an emergency extraction at the Gas works."

"Copy Commander Ill ensure safe retrieval of Alpha 2, just make sure eagle eyes keeps her eyes open, you know how she likes her humans" Corask Smiled as he poked fun at carnellia's facination in the human physique.

"Hey I heard that Corsk, at least I aint no Kroot watcher." Carnellia retorted, Corask's smile vanished as he forgot his vox frequency was open."

"Shut it up you two, we are on a timer. Eagle Eyes ready your Lance, we will need you to kill the power grid soon."

"Way ahead of you commander." Carnellia already polishing her rifle's, Cobraeye, scope.

- Heya guys, just the start of fluff for my new scourge killteam for an upcoming Kill team event/tourney at my local store.

Pics will be Incoming as soon as I can find my clippers.

02-08-2012, 04:07 PM
Some progress on Carnellia The dark lance equipped sniper. with her custom Dark lance.
