View Full Version : Oh god here it comes again...

02-06-2012, 05:39 PM
Howdy guys,
Zack here, used to play a few years back in and around Austin, Imperial Guard and Space Marines mostly. I used to work at Thor's Hammer while it was open, then hung around Battleforge. Started playing Dawn of War II, and now look... I broke out the minis again. Unfortunately I can't find all of them and some of them are in poor shape. That also pretty much sums up my memory of the rules...

But, I'm excited to play a couple games and get the feel for it again, if somebody could direct me to where games are being playing around Austin now-a-days?

02-07-2012, 12:54 AM
Head on back to Dragon's Lair on Wednesdays (WM) or Thursdays (40k) Zack. Glad to have you back with us.
