View Full Version : How you use your CSM in rhino to assault enemy troop in transport?

02-05-2012, 08:20 PM
Hi All,

I have played Dark Eldar for years and just turned to play Chaos Space Marines for a couple of months. I found that I have problem when I try to assault an enemy troop embarked in a transport with my CSM in rhino.
For Dark Eldar, I just move my raider 12”, disembark, pop the transport with DL and then assault them in the following assault phase. This could be done from 21”-26” away in one turn. For Chaos Space Marines, I have to move my rhino to any position I expect to strike. Hopefully, 1) where within 12” of the enemy, but risking to be assaulted in the following enemy turn as they can move, pop transport and assault or 2) where enemy troop in a transport will end their move within 12” of my troop, so I can disembark, move, pop transport and assault in my next turn.
Is there any better steps to handle this kind of situation? Do I miss some important tactics for CSM?

02-05-2012, 08:32 PM
Hey Saint,
Its funny my 40k is almost exactly like yours. Except I also roll nids as well. Personally, In you position I would just take a rhino with 5 Chosen Chaos Space Marines all with melta guns or 5 melta 5 bolter. They are range 12" assault one, S8, 2D6 AP and when you have 5 of them in a squad they can solve any problem.....Any problem. I decided to go Night lords with my army. What is your list looking like?

02-05-2012, 08:56 PM
Hi Blkswrdsman,

Surely, your chosen suggestion should destroy any within its 5-meltagun range. But I’m not sure to just disembark those chosens from rhino after moving 12” and pop the enemy transport. It leave my CSM exposed to enemy assault in his/her next turn, as they cannot assault after disembarking from moving transport. There was a game when I played against SW. My rhino moved 12” and the troop CSM disembarked and was able to pop the enemy rhino, leaving the Grey Hunters and my CSM in the open. In the next assault phase, my CSM squad was assaulted. Eventhough, my CSM squad has Slaanesh icon to strike first with power weapon in champ, I lost all models in one combat, while he lost only 4 grey hunters out of 8. Noted that this Grey Hunter squad has mark of the wulfen, wolf standard, wolf guard with power fist.
For my list, I used one 10-Terminator squad as fire magnet, while my Defiler, Vindicator, Dreadnought and Thousand Sons squad fire their arms. Daemon Prince and the CSM mentioned above are used as defense against anything able to get close to my fire unit. And despite the lost of daemon prince and CSM above, I won that game!

02-06-2012, 02:11 AM
You cannot assualt with troops disembarking from a rhino regardless of how far it has moved, you have to move up and spend a turn waiting to assualt. You may however disembark and assualt if the vehicle has not moved, a better option would be to take landraiders if you wish to move and assault as landraiders are equipped with assault ramps.

02-06-2012, 02:27 AM
so don't forget to pop that smoke.

02-06-2012, 11:07 AM
It's not too difficult. Just take Obliterators, Predators, Havocs, etc and open the transport holding the unit you want to charge. It's called fire-support lol.

02-08-2012, 02:00 PM
It's not too difficult. Just take Obliterators, Predators, Havocs, etc and open the transport holding the unit you want to charge. It's called fire-support lol.

What he said. Here's part of the fun of the game: the different factions have different optimal play styles. If you play chaos marines like you do dark eldar, you will not do well. If you play dark eldar like one would any kind of marines list, the little S&M space elves get murdered. Watching someone's first few games with Dark Eldar after playing Marines all the time is an amusing blend of comedy and tragedy.

How about trying to play your chaos in a way different from your dark eldar? It might be fun.

Oh yeah, generally I will use fire support to get the opponent's dudes out of the transports, then fire at the said dudes a lot and then set up end-game assaults. I keep my marines in their transports as long as possible. I try to eliminate major threats to them with my non-troop elements and have them come out when they can put the killing blow on battered opponents.

Keep in mind that Chaos Marines are much more durable than dark eldar. Just b/c it's time to get out doesn't mean it's time to assault. 8 bolters and 2 special weapons (either plasma or melta) can do a lot of damage at their ballistic skill. Plus they have better toughness and armor than most DE units, they can usually take a round of late-game shooting without losing too much. So get out, get position, fire. Assault then next turn for the killing blow. You'd rarely do that with a DE unit b/c even with late game shooting (i.e. I'm assuming most of both players' biggest shooting threats are out) you aren't likely to have much left over for a viable assault in the following turn.

Infinite Resignation
03-31-2012, 02:23 PM
One of the many problems with Chaos is that their assault troops (Berserkers and CSM) can't take an assault transport. The Termies are cool but even then 5 in an overpriced Land Raider isn't going to scare anyone these days.

Some things I've found that work occassionally (hardly reliable though) are attacking in two waves 6 or 12" apart so that all your assault troops don't arrive at once and so even if your Berserkers get charged their mates just behind will maybe be able to charge. Another possibility is small units of Daemons who can deep strike 6" in front of your lines and then assault. They can help pin down enemy units for you, though they are fragile. Running Dreads in front of your rhinos may help if they behave themselves... Likewise Raptors running behind your rhinos can jump over them and get a charge.

Actually we're screwed aren't we :-)

03-31-2012, 02:43 PM
When I need to assault something inside of a can, I usually either use a Defiler (str 10 and a great gob of attacks on charge makes excellent can opener), or a daemon prince. Other great options already mentioned include LR's, Predators, Havocs, Obliterators, or even Noise Marine Blastmasters in a pinch.

03-31-2012, 02:47 PM
Running Dreads in front of your rhinos may help if they behave themselves... Likewise Raptors running behind your rhinos can jump over them and get a charge.

Actually we're screwed aren't we :-)

FAQ for CSM mentions dreads crazy fire frenzy will only target things it sees in its front 45 degree arc. Makes them much less temperamental than it appears at first blush. And even if they do go a little nuts, hey, we play Chaos, its almost as much fun to slaughter your own guys as the enemy after all.