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View Full Version : Cryx?

02-05-2012, 06:04 PM

I have been playing 40k for a while but I am looking to get a break. I have been looking into warmahordes and it looks quite enjoyable.

When looking through the armies, I decided that I really like the look of feel of cryx.

I searched through this forum but I couldn't find much on their faction as a whole.

So, what is Cryx all about? What are some of their tricks? I want to know everything :)

Also, I like the look of the warcaster Iron Lich Asphyxious. What are some units, solos, and warjacks that work well with him?



02-05-2012, 06:41 PM
I'm still pretty green on Warmahordes myself and a Khador player, so I can't really help you directly. I do know that Cryx in general seems to be considered slimy backstabbers (hard hitting, hardly hitable but not very resilent) with loads and loads of dirty tricks, though. Aaand there's allways the Battlecollege for a quick overview and some thoughts on pretty much everything Warmahordes. Links that could interest you:

http://battlecollege.wikispaces.com/mkiiCryx (scroll down brief beginer's guide)
http://battlecollege.wikispaces.com/mkiiAsphyxious (scroll down for common combos)

02-05-2012, 09:24 PM
I play cryx and have a extensive force. They are a strong army akin to a glass cannon, they hit fast and hard but have a hard time taking a hit. If you know how to use them they are devastating. I recommend 2 Pistol wraiths, they can halt anything in it's tracks. If you like I can email/ message you they iron lich's tier lists. The battle box for cryx is rather strong. Warwitch Deneghra is a mad beast and dominates scenario games. The Cryx's greatest strength happens to be arc nodes. They allow you to send your spells further. If you ignore tier lists Death Jack can go into any army and just destroy, he is pure violence.

scrap square
02-05-2012, 09:41 PM
Cryx are a strong glass cannon like Dark Eldar in 40k, they have lots of de buffs and abilities that screw the opponent over.

They require a lot of skill to use, and tend to run jack light (except mortenabra <3).

The battle box is an amazing way to start off, just get it online for extra savings. I would recommend proxying from there to figure out what you like although BANES are always good :cool:

There rated as one of the best (alot say THE best) factions in the game, so expect people to whine about them.

They play assasination alot but can play scenarios really well by jamming the zones up with guys that respawn.

Hope you like em!

02-06-2012, 12:38 AM
Privateer Press has it's own forums and such which do indeed go in depth on their armies and so forth with Admins and other knowledgeable people that can answer any questions you have from rules to play styles of Warcasters and such. I'd always point new people to look at that for questions. ;)

Welcome to Warmahordes btw! :D

02-06-2012, 02:45 PM
Hey Thorn,
Definitely visit the PP forums.
You'll get more help and advice than you can shake a warjack at.

The beauty of Cryx (and warmachine in general) is that you can pretty much choose anything you like the looks of and it'll most likely kick some butt on the table.

Unlike GW/40k, every army is fairly well balanced in terms of power levels.

As a Cryx player, I'd say you'd probably want to get your hands on a Seether warjack because they are focus efficient and hit like a ton of bricks.

Definitely an arc node and a scarlock thrall for magic casting shenanigans and focus efficiency.

After than, just get whatever infantry you like the look of - our infantry is ridiculously evil and mean.
Especially the mechanithralls with a necrosurgeon.

Bile thralls are also really, really awesome for killing whole swathes of the enemies infantry - especially those with a high Def.

And bane thralls/bane knights are just ridiculous - your friends WILL hate you for taking them.

Cryx definitely can hit like a ton of bricks and put the hurt on your opponent pretty quickly. However, Cryx stuff (for the most part) is easily killed. Especially our jacks. It took me quite awhile to get used to that and figure out strategies and tricks to keep my stuff alive.

Good luck Tharn and welcome to the "dark side". :D

02-09-2012, 11:27 AM
I'm always happy to see another person start Warmachine/Hordes! All of the advice given is pretty good but I do want to warn you that there's a lot of Cryx hate out there. While Cryx make healthy tournament appearances, they still are not winning big tournaments en-masse. Think of them like Blood Angels in 40k in that respect - there are always lots of lists at top tournaments but rarely seem to win.

That said, Cryx has a lot of things that seem really dirty. They're not particularly challenging to pick up and learn and they have a lot of really strong choices, but also some serious weaknesses with generally low ARM and average DEF. They hit really hard but only have a couple ways of boosting their threat ranges. They tend to focus more on their warcasters who offer really powerful buffs/debuffs, and consequently really seem overpowered compared to other factions. In casual play, you will draw a lot of ire from your opponents but more serious players will understand that Cryx are just as vulnerable as any other faction and no better than anyone else.

I just figured I'd give you a warning so you know what to expect when you hear the cries of "broken!" all around you.

03-06-2012, 03:40 AM
WhiteStar333 has it right, Warmahordes is pretty balanced but Cryx and Legion seem to generate the most 'auto-hate'. I think this is because we are the debuff faction, it's one thing to make your own army stronger but different to make your opponent weaker - I think players resent this a bit.

Don't be put off though, they are your army and you can play them how you like. I've tried to avoid the auto-includes in my army (Banes and Bane Lord Tartarus), and there are plenty of viable choices.

Check out the stickies in the Cryx Forum here: http://privateerpressforums.com/forumdisplay.php?26-Cryx-Community
Lots of great advice, and don't be shy to ask for help, the community is very friendly


03-06-2012, 09:51 AM
Just to add my own experience: you MUST stay alert on any effect that put your DEF low (like knock out, stationnary effect, stall, etc...), or your models will be opened with just a can opener. Sorcha or Kreoss are my worst opponents with their feats...

03-06-2012, 05:45 PM
Cryx is for the most part a glass cannon like people said. They often have rules to offset some of the squishiness(like immunity to blast damage or high access to stealth) and have lots of ways to debuff the opponent. They tend to favor assassination but some of their casters can allow them to be strong in scenarios(eDenny) or even attrition(Terminus and eGoreshade). In addition to having some models that hit obscenely hard(i.e. Bane Thralls) they also have quite a few models that can turn your enemy's dead into new troops for your side. Both of those things together make engaging Cryx scary for a lot of people.

03-07-2012, 05:09 AM
Also, I like the look of the warcaster Iron Lich Asphyxious. What are some units, solos, and warjacks that work well with him?

Just to start with The Cankerworm works great with him, a deathripper or 2 for arc-noding breath of corruption, bane thralls and Bane Lord Tartaurus and maybe a big Jack like the Death Jack or a Reaper.

Gaspy is a great caster to start with, he has a good ranged attack with his spell, can mix it well in combat and then teleport away.