View Full Version : 1750 - More Assault Orientated

02-03-2012, 05:55 AM
So I've decided to change up my list, and replace my Succubus with 2 Haemonculi, as well as replace a squad of warriors with wyches. To get an all round slightly more assault orientated and slightly beefier army with pain tokens from the Haemonculi.

Here's the list so far:


Archon - Agoniser, Shadowfield, Ghostplate Armour, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Combat Drugs - 155
Haemonculus - Liquifier, Shattershard - 75
Haemonculus - Liquifier - 60


9 Wyches - Hekatrix(Agoniser), Razorflails / Raider - Flickerfields - 200
9 Wyches - Hekatrix(Agoniser), Razorflails / Raider - Flickerfields - 200
10 Kabalite Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon / Raider - Flickerfields - 185
10 Kabalite Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon / Raider - Flickerfields - 185


5 Incubi / Raider - Flickerfields - 180


3 Reavers - Heat Lance - 78
3 Reavers - Heat Lance - 78


1 Ravager - Flickerfields - 115
1 Ravager - Flickerfields - 115
1 Ravager - Flickerfields - 115


I originally had the archon with the whole huskblade/soul trap combo and clonefield with 9 Bloodbride 3 shardnet shenanigans. But that is too expensive with the other changes I've made.

I'm in a way happy that the Incubi option is cheaper than the Bloodbride option, because i really wanted to try Incubi, but im a bit worried that the only reason that the Incubi would work here is because the bloodbride equivalent would be too expensive in this new list.

One thing im not too happy with is the change from huskblade/soul trap to agoniser. to me it seems the archon has lost some of its awesomeness, while I do love agonisers - I almost feel like the huskblade/soul trap thing was meant for the archons.

But if I want the archon with that combo - and still with Incubi, he would be far too expensive - being forced to take PGL and with the clonefield being far less effective with Incubi than Bloodbrides, requiring the change to a shadowfield.

Anyway. thanks in advance for any suggestions/crit.

02-04-2012, 09:08 AM
I'd swap the razorflails for different wych weapons. Statistically they're a pointless weapon as you can either take less damage with shardnet & impaler or deal out more damage (the majority of the time) with hydra gauntlets. They're made even more pointless if you get re-roll to wound on your combat drugs. Also, drop ghostplate armour, the Archon is as good as dead the moment his shadowfield fails anyway.

Combine the reaver squads, you're going to want to fire them both at the same target anyway to have a good chance of destroying it, and it means you can take more casualties without losing the heat lances, and makes you less likely to take morale checks.

02-04-2012, 11:01 AM
I've actually made the decision to change the wych weapons yeah ^^.

After re-reading them, I realised that shardnets are more useful in numbers of 1 with 9 wyches than i previously thought. being able to reduce the attacks of ALL enemy models in B2B contact. instead of just one :D

So that's what i'll be going with them. I've also dropped the ghostplate armour.

The reason I'd like the reaver in 2 squads though so to be able to make the enemy have to make more difficult decisions. Usually I don't like suicidal units, but I think the reavers could be decent enough in this role to help my other units, like wyches get in close with more safety (if they decide to go for the reavers) if not, then my reavers can posea serious threat to the backline armour.

Thats the idea anyway. I shall playtest with both 2 squads of 3 and 1 squad of 6, as the change doesnt do anything to my points. And see which works the best with the rest of my army ^^
However, I am thinking of replacing them with a squad of 5 scourges with 2 haywire blasters.

My main issue atm is between elites and HQ. getting the combination im completely happy with in terms of both gameplay and looks. The two slots just seem to depend on each other too much (which is a good and bad thing) The synergy is awesome, but makes it more difficult to just swap 1 unit in or out.

Thanks for the assistance so far ^^