View Full Version : One step closer to a real bolter round!

01-31-2012, 04:39 PM
Saw this on BBC news here inthe UK;


Very cool although a bit scary!

01-31-2012, 05:45 PM
That's pretty neat, if they can get it to work. There are a lot of projects like this that don't end up going much of anywhere, or take a very different form than originally imagined. Just look at the OICW or the G11.

I did laugh at the comment about concern over terrorist use, and how this would be good for law enforcement (for different reasons). For one thing, guns and ammo like this are extremely expensive. I wouldn't be surprised if a specialty rifle firing this bullet cost $10,000 and $20 a bullet. You'll get a few rich guys buying it for fun to play with, but no one's going to use this to rob a convenience store. This being used for crime is about as likely as a .50 BMG rifle being used for crime, which for those who don't know is absurdly rare. I'm pretty sure you can literally count the number of crimes committed with weapons like this on one hand. And RPGs are much easier to get ahold of for terrorists than a weapon like this.

As for police work, basically all police shooting takes place at under 200 meters. 99% is probably within 100 meters. At that range, a bullet is already as accurate as the shooter, which means the expensive bullet here won't do any better than a standard patrol carbine. As described, this is a tool for shooting out past 1,000 meters, something only military forces do.

For military snipers, though, this could be the equivalent to the jet engine and how it took aviation to the next level.