View Full Version : New troops + transport boxes on the way.

01-30-2012, 06:52 AM
From Warseer:

I couldn't see this mentioned in the news section anywhere. Apologies if I missed it:

A new set of boxed sets are being released this week, offering a saving of nearly £10, which is nice to see. Otherwise not terribly exciting stuff, as its just reboxing. Interesting to see no Tau or Eldar box there though.

Space Marines & Drop Pod
Imperial Guard Cadians & Chimera
Chaos Space Marines & Chaos Rhino
Ork Boyz & Trukk

Yes, similar boxes already existed, though these are designed to stay, afaik.

xxRavenxx owns a FLGS so this sort of release information can be trusted. So a new, permanent way of putting together a squad with transport cheaper. Discreet price drop ftw.

01-30-2012, 07:10 AM
Question is, just like what they did for LotR rerelease, how many less SM do you get now? For LotR they reduced the size 50% but ONLY reduced the price 33% so really it's a price increase. Will the same thing be done or is it an actual price decreace for the same amount of minis you get before?

01-30-2012, 07:13 AM
They did a Wave Serpent a 5 Dire Avengers box a few years back, I remember cos I bought one.

Its interesting, but no Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tau or Necrons?

Maybe GW is just completly ignoring Xenos this year.... (and yes I know Orks are there. But shush :P)

01-30-2012, 07:17 AM
If it is a full tactical squad it will be £33.50, if it is a combat squad it will be £26 a saving of either around 25% or 35% respectively, no discreet price increase possible.

Question is, just like what they did for LotR rerelease, how many less SM do you get now? For LotR they reduced the size 50% but ONLY reduced the price 33% so really it's a price increase. Will the same thing be done or is it an actual price decreace for the same amount of minis you get before?

It could be this is just a first wave of new kits and we will see more later. I could see Eldar, both Dark and garden variety, being problematic for a permanent box. Dire Avengers or Guardians? Wyches or Warriors?

01-30-2012, 07:41 AM
Marines/Chaos - £35.
Others - £30

Also theres a note stating it is only avilable to retailers, and in a limited run. I suspect that it may be available to mail order people too though. GW have never done a retailer only release to the best of my knowledge.

Oh, also, the new necron battleforce. Which I'm sure was mentioned by someone before now, so isn't news.

Boo, limited edition. Unless it goes to direct only but that isn't likely. Still the price would indicate a full tactical squad (but only a saving of £8.50. Still that isn't bad.

01-30-2012, 07:49 AM
The retailer only clause sounds plausible to reduce internet sellers ripping them up and reboxing them as they do with battleforces.

Limited run is a bit odd. Would make sense as a 6ed promotion. Could be limited to just 2012 or something though.

01-30-2012, 11:18 AM
The retailer only clause sounds plausible to reduce internet sellers ripping them up and reboxing them as they do with battleforces.

Limited run is a bit odd. Would make sense as a 6ed promotion. Could be limited to just 2012 or something though.

It would also work with the 'get people into stores for 25th anniversary' campaign. I can see these be released around the 25th

01-31-2012, 07:57 AM
I have a chimera/guardsmen combo from the last time they released. And I thought it was worth the buy.Also have the razorback/6 marine combo.But I put it together.And I need 2 more. I am glad that they are releasing these items again. I can't wait to see what is in the 6th ed. boxed set.