View Full Version : Chaos Space Marines: Buy Now or Wait?

01-30-2012, 01:13 AM
Hi all,

I am about to buy a 10-man CSM squad and a Chaos Predator, but again, should I do this? There are rumours everywhere that new Chaos codex is being released within this year, whether it is one codex or splits into two. My question is should I buy them now or wait until the new codex release for perhaps the new models? Also, I would like to know since when the current models of tactical squad, CSM squad and rhino-based tanks are released?
P.S. the articles for Chaos Space Marines in GW website are almost gone. Just recognized it when I want some guide on painting.

01-30-2012, 01:28 AM
If you are sure you want to collect Chaos Marines, then you would be safe buying 10 marines. The predator may not be worth the points. If you listen to the folks on the 'net. Chaos Marines will be the core of your army, no matter what the new codex brings out. I don't see chaos marines looking much different in the next 'dex. But I could be wrong on that.

01-30-2012, 01:52 AM
I'd wait.
From Dark Eldar onwards, we have been treated to what I think, have been some lovely models. With all the creative scope that Chaos offers, it seems likely to me that there will be new Chaos marine models that make the current ones look inferior.
That's my tupence worth.

01-30-2012, 05:16 AM
I'd wait.
From Dark Eldar onwards, we have been treated to what I think, have been some lovely models. With all the creative scope that Chaos offers, it seems likely to me that there will be new Chaos marine models that make the current ones look inferior.
That's my tupence worth.

Why wait? The prices will go up, the amount of actual figures that can be made in a box reduced..........

I would recommend buying a few boxes of plastic Chaos Space Marine squads, berserkers, basically any plastic Chaos Space Marines as these can be readily converted with much ease when the new stuff comes out, and IMHO I would wager that if you have raptors, troops, berserkers, havocs LR, predator etc you are not far off from the final codex that is, if it remains as Codex Renegades and not Legions or some other iteration.

I can't see the price coming down but I could be wrong.......but the historical price for quantity analysis is against them being cheaper....HTH :o

01-30-2012, 05:37 AM
As I said, I'd wait because I think nicer looking models are coming out. Simple.

01-30-2012, 06:41 AM
Buy some now, buy more later :D

Realistically, the basic CSM isn't going to change that much in terms of sculpts, but the new sprues (if they get new sprues) would have the same shape/design just probably more parts.

01-30-2012, 09:20 AM
Thx everyone, it seems a box of chaos space marines squad suits me the most now. I think I can't risk buying the predator or any rhino-based tanks. This rhino-based tank was released for about 8 years, perhaps the time for new model is near - -"

01-30-2012, 09:53 AM
I doubt there will be any new Rhino-based models anytime soon. If you really want a predator, then I wouldn't bother waiting. Though predators in general have not been anything special historically, so it might be worth waiting to see the prices and options in the new codex and how good vehicle gunboats are in 6th ed before deciding.

01-30-2012, 10:04 AM
Yup Id say if you are buying generic marines, go for it. You can always paint them to specific Legions later.
Berserkers are a good buy, as are Plague Marines. Id think Rhinos and Land Raiders will remain mostly the same as well.

Daemon Princes too :)

01-30-2012, 11:22 AM
Wait till mid May. If no surefire news of new CSM models being around the corner, then buy before the annual June price hike.

02-01-2012, 07:15 AM
As I said, I'd wait because I think nicer looking models are coming out. Simple.

I agree totally with this, I expect there to be some special sculpts in the release and with rumours of added extras to build specific legions then I think were in for a treat. I personally think the current plastic chaos marines are ok, I cant stand the berserkers they are just fugly.

However if you have the funds how about looking at FW stuff. They are super nice and a small army would fit in well when (and if) the new stuff comes.

eBay can be your friend :D