View Full Version : Kroot Armies - Does anyone play with these guys?

01-29-2012, 11:25 AM
I am a fan of the way that the kroot look and some of the things I have read on the internet.

I'm not sure which site, or processed player codex, to believe or draw from.

Also, I don't want to start one if no one will let me play it. I'm pretty sure that I couldn't use them in a tournement.

Anyway, I"m rambling. If you have experience with them... I'd like to hear.

Thanks guys.

01-29-2012, 11:32 AM
Well, the only Kroot in the codex are troop choices, so you woud have to include a Tau HQ to make a legal army, and you have to take at least one unit Fire Warriors, so unless there is Kroot army list in one the Imperial Armour books you are going to have to make up your own HQ rules/stats which obviously limits who you can play with.

01-29-2012, 11:52 AM
You have 3 main choices for a Kroot army:

Use the Chapter Approved list. This was published a good few years back in WD and the Chapter Approved compendium,and was an official armylist published by GW. However it's no longer in print and most tournaments don't allow it. Which limits it's use. But hey, for GW published full Kroot goodness, that's the place to look. I can't imagine people refusing to play it in friendly games.

Use your own homemade or someone else's homemade codex. This won't be allowed in any tournaments, and most people will be odd about fighting it. Also, making your own codex is no small task! If I were doing this, I'd base it off the GW one as much as possible. But really, IMHO, you might as well just use the WD one.

Counts As. This means you use Kroot models but something else's rules. So maybe run it as a Tau army: Kroot riding a Krootox could 'count as' your crisis suits? Then Kroot are already troops, and you've got the core of a good army! Although the Tau codex is a bit weak.
Or maybe run it as Dark Eldar, with Kroot as Wyches- the combat drugs show abilities they've picked up from previous foes, the Pain Tokens represent Kroot gaining strength by eating their enemies? Beastmasters with Kroot Hounds with them? The Krootox is a Grotesque? The Forgeworld Great Knarloc could be a Talos? Forgeworld Knarloc Riders as Jet Bikes?
As this would be using an Official GW Codex, you'd get less complaints and could use it in tournaments. Some people would moan, especially if you make power armoured Kroot that can play as Space Marines / Blood Angels / Grey Knights / Space Wolves etc. But in general, this would probably be the coolest way, IMHO. And the only way for tournaments.

01-29-2012, 11:54 AM
I've seen some more Kroot units outside of standard Tau codex in an Imperial Amoury book, but I didn't know if there was a further source for legitimate information.

Anyone else know of some?

01-29-2012, 11:56 AM
Thanks for the reply MiteyHeroes. That helps. I'll look for the White Dwarf list.

01-29-2012, 12:27 PM
Apparently they were in the Feb 2002 White Dwarf and the 2003 and 2004 Chapter Approved compendiums. The list used to be on the GW website; I'm sure some illegal file downloading places have it.


01-29-2012, 12:30 PM
Oh, there's still an official GW Datasheet for using them in Apocalypse: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1180086_Tau_Datasheet_-_Kroot_Mercenaries.pdf

Can't be used in regular games, but it might be fun for larger bashes?

Venerable Rhadamanthus
01-29-2012, 01:50 PM
Here is a good site for a Kroot army as well. They took the GW Chapter Approved list and expanded/updated it a bit to make it more useable and enjoyable to play. And they have even had it approved by certain tournaments as playable in the tourneys they put on.
