View Full Version : Kingslayer SMs (Truescale project with human retinue)

01-28-2012, 10:38 PM
Hello All,

This is my latest project; an old-school True School SM chapter with their human henchmen and allies. I'll post the WIP pics below, but if you're interested, here's the fluff:

The Kingslayer Chapter is a rarely-encountered chapter operating on the fringes of Imperial space. Rarely encountered in anything larger than platoon size, The chapter practices decentralized operations leveraging any assets, to include human auxiliaries. Contrary to most chapters, the Kingslayers can frequently be found in the thick of the fighting with human troops. The Kingslayers also prefer indirect application of force, and will frequently travel covertly aboard various vessels. Due to this they have multiple human support cells in operation.

Secretly the Kingslayers are striving to grow into Legion size. While adhering to the doctrine of the Codex Astartes they believe the 10 Company limit is an unnecessary hindrance in the face of enemies who do not adhere to similar restraints. The Kingslayers have adopted their decentralized dispersed task organization precisely to confuse outsiders as to their true numbers.

The Kingslayers are organized into Companies called Chevrons. Each Chevron has a name adopted based on a famous action/victory (Adamant, Sabot, Ulysses, etc). The Captain of each usually adopts that same name, intentionally confusing outsiders. The Kinglayers also dislike the reliance on Chaplains, believing that each warrior should possess the appropriate level of inner strength, and not be emotionally vulnerable to the rousing of others. They are a stoic, quiet, professional force.

Kingslayer recruits are drawn from the children of their defeated enemies. The chapter seeks out ones who are young enough to be reformed, but old enough to remember the burning pain and shame of complete and utter defeat and devastation. In this way each Kingslayer remembers the bitter devastation of not being able to protect your world and your loved ones, and provides them with a perspective rare among the Astartes. . In fact, many Kingslayers are the children of notorious rebels, traitors, and enemies of the imperium. Spawn of Chaos are usually too ricky to adopt. These recruits are tested by chapter psykers to ensure their new devotion.

01-28-2012, 10:43 PM
Here's the WIP for a battle brother. This is a pretty standard way to make TS, but I used some cables from Dragonforge to raise the torso and attach it to the hip. Everything else is standard plasticard. I'm waiting on the MasqMini scifi tube tool to make the joints between the legs and the crotch. I'm a perfectionist and my other method didn't seem up to snuff.


The head will be a cowled one from the Grey Knights, and the bolter will be from an old Rhino hatch with a new magazine. I'm probably also going to add another cable coming out of the armor also just to make it look older/more techie.

01-28-2012, 10:52 PM
Here are some of the Kingslayers trusted retinue, allies, or cell members. These are a mix of Warhammer Fantasy, Warlord Games Bolt Action WW2 Germans, some DKK, and some Wargames Factory ancients. I think the ancients are perfect for the grim dark future. Be advised the scale of most of those are noticeably smaller, but hey, malnutrition, disease, and warp taint tend to stunt your growth. Just makes them better at CQB and boarding actions in tight confines.

FYI these are just held together by GS now.


Let me know your thoughts on this guy; he's changed considerably since this pic (for the better), but I mint give him the head of the kid 2 pics down. Make him a Vostroyan expatriate or something.

Two scavengers:


I think I can suitably grim-darken that shotgun, prob with the servo skull's light on too and maybe a drum mag. it's proving tough to work it in.


01-28-2012, 10:57 PM
Their shuttle, possibly a Mantis-class Medium Surveyor. Blends in easily among larger fleets, where they pay for contracts to flit about and scavenge debris after battles, drop claims in nearby planets for stake-holding cartels, and sometimes search and rescue. Makes an ideal platform for insertion/extraction of Kingslayer recon teams. Rides in the holds of larger ships for warp travel.


Let me know if you think I should a turret or two (likely a Battlefleet Gothic one).

01-29-2012, 12:14 AM
Modeling wise I think those are going to come out just fine. I like that your making ships for them also.

Fluff wise:
You realize of course you are making a band of heritics?

Did you know that the Badab War had similiar reasons for being waged. The Astral Claws thought the "ten company" thing was ristricting also. (Imperial Armour Badab War volumes 1 & 2). They where branded as heritic for growing their Chapter to about 3,500-4,000. (of Course the Black Templars are rumered to be about 4,000-6,000 strong (that might have been from thier codex that I got that number))

Also taking human Auxillaries is forbidden for Astartes Forces as stated in the Codex (and apparently a law by the Highlords or Terra). This is mentioned in several books (Blood Angel Unibus, is the first that comes to mind).

Not knocking, do what you do. Just saying "excuminicate tratorius" could be in your Chapters future.

01-29-2012, 12:34 AM
Fluff wise:
You realize of course you are making a band of heritics?

Did you know that the Badab War had similiar reasons for being waged. The Astral Claws thought the "ten company" thing was ristricting also. (Imperial Armour Badab War volumes 1 & 2). They where branded as heritic for growing their Chapter to about 3,500-4,000. (of Course the Black Templars are rumered to be about 4,000-6,000 strong (that might have been from thier codex that I got that number))

Also taking human Auxillaries is forbidden for Astartes Forces as stated in the Codex (and apparently a law by the Highlords or Terra). This is mentioned in several books (Blood Angel Unibus, is the first that comes to mind).

Not knocking, do what you do. Just saying "excuminicate tratorius" could be in your Chapters future.

On an aside thats a yes and no. Fluff wise these could merely be armed thralls, or local PDF on their world. Many chapters have additional armies on their planet. They just aren't allowed to use them offensive out of the system.

01-29-2012, 02:21 AM
Like the fluff for your chapter. Seems similiar to Dark Angels, with not wanting outsiders to see the inner workings of the chapter. They are different enough to not be DA though.

01-29-2012, 11:40 AM
Thanks for the fluff-checking.

I didn't know that about the Astral Claws but am ok with the implied heretical leanings. The orgins of the chapter are vague, but perhaps they are the remnant of a pre-heresy Ultramarines crusade. They had been working on the fringe for an extended period of time, only to return to an Imperium they are uncomfortable with. They definitely take issue with the Emperor's ultimate divinity. They are more akin to seeing him as a great prophet (they picked this up from a Judeao-Christian diaspora community while on crusade thousands of years ago). They keep this ancient religious connection hidden. I need to pick up Blood of Martyrs to explore this more.

A far as the armed humans go, mostly they are from IG regiments they are working with, armed thralls, or even Inquisitorial elements (likely those of a more liberal/radical bent). Not that they don't see the operational benefit to having their own human legions and ships (currently being raised as their home sector PDFs?). Most battle brothers are unaware of these contingency plans though.

At this point they are not overt heretics, just quietly contemplating alternatives. Most Atartes have some skeletons in the closet, no difference here.

Thanks again all.

01-29-2012, 11:50 AM
I'm looking for some cool Rogue Trader-era schemes. I like this one below, but please let me know if you've seen some others you suggest.

I'm not as big a fan of the brass coloring, but that's an easy fix. I might add some checkering somewhere too. I'm also thinking about adding an antenna to the helmet and a hose from the chest to the back.


01-29-2012, 12:51 PM
I like some fluff with skeletons in the closet. Nice idea and all.

How about this:



01-29-2012, 02:58 PM
I like it! I love the Rouge Trader days when a SM would be armed with a bolter, laser rifle, shuriken catapult, chainsword, etc. I might give one guy a SM scout shotgun.

01-29-2012, 10:28 PM
From the fluff, your chapter sounds a lot like the Alpha Legion.

02-01-2012, 08:53 PM
Here is the final version for one of my favorite cronies. He's a failed Schola Progenum storm trooper candidate. A little too free willed for those boys; currently seconded to the Commisariat (sort of as punishment, but he's damn clever and useful in a fight). They like to keep an eye on him and it seems he's always being dragged in front of them anyway for something (most recently for Imperial Trespassing at St. Sabbitine's School for Wayward Celestines and Heretical Gesticulations of a Carnal and/or Comedic Nature; both charges brought by the Ecclisiarchy).


I like the drum mag on the las gun (it also looks badass without it though; a good old stubber room-broom or Zip Gun). He's got 4 DKK grenades on him too. He likes to wreck shop in urban/boarding actions.


02-03-2012, 10:37 PM
Here's an Adeptus Mechanicus WIP; back story is that he's a member of an AdMech sub-cult that's dedicated to the eradication of self-replicating entities left over from the Dark Age of Technology. They believe these to be the biggest threat to the Imperium. Necrons and other AI-ish threats are also high up on the most wanted lists His cult also transfers the same threat to certain biologicals, namely Tyranids and Orks. Seen as meat bag equivalents.

He enjoys the lack of residue subsequent to his use of a plasma weapon. .


02-12-2012, 01:53 PM
Hi All,

I need help with the SM Scout on the right; any ideas for color scheme? I like the Gnarloc Green, but the rest looks a little too IG and not enough SM. He's a scout, so I don't want him to be bright colors..... I think the chest eagle will be an off white. FYI he's holding a bolter in the left hand (from old school RT era rhino hatch with sickle mag attached) and has a grenade in the right hand. I really don't like the brown boots.

The AdMech is just a WIP shot.

Please advise and thanks in advance.
