View Full Version : 40k@25 - A bit disappointing?

01-28-2012, 11:00 AM
So, the new WD is out and it details the celebrations for the 25th aniversay. Firstly, the mag itself has done quite a nice job of celebrating. They have split it in half with two covers, like they did when LotR was first released, with one half (well more like a third) dedicated to a retrospective which is all well and good. Then there are there are the usual gaming based celebrations in stores based on the number 25 (they have actually managed to stretch this concpet further than I thought they could). And then the products. The special edition mini is discussed elsewhere on this forum, and to go alongside it there is a poster, three different wristbands and a mouse mat, apparently only available on the 25th (I'm unclear whether this is just in stores or on the web as well). And it's these that have left me feeling a bit...flat. The Warhammer 25th saw t-shirts and exculsive collectors edition rules with a copy of the very first edition rules. It just felt a bit more special, rather than 40k having to compete with an unnecessary LotR release. I mean, why not re-release Rogue Trader? That would have sold a bucket load to collectors. I don't understand why GW aren't making a bigger deal of this landmark for their biggest seller. My inner cynic says that its because most of those sales come from kids who would rather have wristbands than RT, but surely GW could have done more to cater to the old guard? What does everyone else think? Do you feel they have done enough to honour 40k, or do you not really care and just hope they hurry up and release 6th ed?

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-28-2012, 11:51 AM
I can't remember if it was here or another place, but I really think a limited edition rerelease of the RTB01 rogue trader plastic marines (either plastic or recast in finecast) would of been a great way to pay tribute to the 25th anniversary, even a sprue of them added to that crimson fist guy would of been good I think. I expect it would of sold bigtime as well....

01-28-2012, 01:29 PM
I still have a decent copy of RT and don't care too much about the retro stuff. I collected Orks during RT and still have them and have the rules as well. If they rebooted Thrug Bullneck's Space Ork Raiders I might get a box or two, but I don't believe they would fit with current Ork rulez.

Personally, I can't wait until 6th edition comes out so all the 'Renegade 40K' haters will be forced to play a better game and not use the holes in the early stage rules which are now out to try to kill a good change in the game.

01-28-2012, 07:04 PM
It's kind of beyond me that GW isn't cashing in on stuff like TShirts and posters. I'd love me some stuff like that.

And yeah, they could have done more and they could have avoided the whole silly "have to be in one of our stores" thing. Nearest GW store is far away :/

01-29-2012, 09:01 AM
Yes. A total let down. Seems like they did something just to say they did. Why would GW care when all of their revenue is going to come from new line cinema this year? They have to keep the stockholders happy first. Then they can fix the 40k mess. I have been playing a long time and it seems that the more money GW makes the more stupid ideas come. I am not bashing on GW. I just think there are to many hands in the cookie jar.

01-29-2012, 11:00 AM
I don't understand why they wouldn't do T-shirts and such like either, they would definitely sell and are pretty cheap to make. The retrospective in WD is pretty nice, but that is all this anniversary feels like, a nostalgic lookback for the sake of it. I can't help but feel all eyes in the studio are looking forward to 6th ed. I'd have combined the two, done a big anniversary thing the month before the new ed, rather than sticking it in a dead month alognside some LotR stuff.